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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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  • Save himika/248400fba4ffada3e75f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save himika/248400fba4ffada3e75f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <skse.h>
#include <skse/PluginAPI.h>
#include <skse/GameThreads.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
IDebugLog gLog;
PluginHandle g_pluginHandle = kPluginHandle_Invalid;
SKSEScaleformInterface * g_scaleform = NULL;
SKSESerializationInterface * g_serialization = NULL;
SKSETaskInterface * g_task = NULL;
class SKSETaskXXXXXX : public TaskDelegate
virtual void Run();
virtual void Dispose();
void SKSETaskXXXXXX::Run()
// ここに重たい処理を書く
void SKSETaskXXXXXX::Dispose()
// 最後にオブジェクトを破棄するとき呼ばれる。
// ここで後始末をする。
extern "C"
bool SKSEPlugin_Query(const SKSEInterface * skse, PluginInfo * info)
gLog.OpenRelative(CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS, "\\My Games\\Skyrim\\SKSE\\skse_task_interface_test.log");
// populate info structure
info->infoVersion = PluginInfo::kInfoVersion;
info->name = "skse_task_interface_test";
info->version = 1;
// store plugin handle so we can identify ourselves later
g_pluginHandle = skse->GetPluginHandle();
_MESSAGE("loaded in editor, marking as incompatible");
return false;
else if(skse->runtimeVersion != RUNTIME_VERSION_1_9_32_0)
_MESSAGE("unsupported runtime version %08X", skse->runtimeVersion);
return false;
// スケールフォーム・インタフェースを取得して、バージョンを確認
g_scaleform = (SKSEScaleformInterface *)skse->QueryInterface(kInterface_Scaleform);
_MESSAGE("couldn't get scaleform interface");
return false;
if(g_scaleform->interfaceVersion < SKSEScaleformInterface::kInterfaceVersion)
_MESSAGE("scaleform interface too old (%d expected %d)", g_scaleform->interfaceVersion, SKSEScaleformInterface::kInterfaceVersion);
return false;
// シリアライゼーション・インタフェースを取得して、バージョンを確認
// get the serialization interface and query its version
g_serialization = (SKSESerializationInterface *)skse->QueryInterface(kInterface_Serialization);
_MESSAGE("couldn't get serialization interface");
return false;
if(g_serialization->version < SKSESerializationInterface::kVersion)
_MESSAGE("serialization interface too old (%d expected %d)", g_serialization->version, SKSESerializationInterface::kVersion);
return false;
// タスク・インタフェースを取得して、バージョンを確認
g_task = (SKSETaskInterface *)skse->QueryInterface(kInterface_Task);
_MESSAGE("couldn't get task interface");
return false;
if(g_task->interfaceVersion < SKSETaskInterface::kInterfaceVersion)
_MESSAGE("task interface too old (%d expected %d)", g_task->interfaceVersion, SKSESerializationInterface::kInterfaceVersion);
return false;
// supported runtime version
return true;
bool SKSEPlugin_Load(const SKSEInterface * skse)
// こんな感じで使う。
static SKSETaskXXXXXX myTask;
return true;
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