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hiltmon / merge_asana_into_omnifocus.rb
Last active October 2, 2018 17:58
Updated Merge Asana into OmniFocus script
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -E utf-8
# merge_asana_into_omnifocus.rb
# Hilton Lipschitz
# Use and modify freely, attribution appreciated
# Script to import Asana projects and their tasks into
# OmniFocus and keep them up to date from Asana.
msabramo / Convert item to project.applescript
Created September 11, 2012 12:13
AppleScript to convert OmniFocus task into a project - though it's much easier to just use Command+{ :-)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell front document
tell content of document window 1 -- (first document window whose index is 1)
set theSelectedItems to value of every selected tree
end tell
repeat with anItem in my theSelectedItems
(* display dialog "Processing item: " & (name of anItem) & " with note: " & (note of anItem) *)
set newProject to make new project
set name of newProject to name of anItem
Zettt / dayprojects.applescript
Last active February 19, 2019 04:25
Day Projects for OmniFocus
-- Day Projects
-- Created by Zettt on 2011-11-28
-- Mac OS X Screencasts.
-- This script creates "Day Projects" in OmniFocus.
-- I use these "Day Projects" to put stuff, that I need to
-- do on a specific day, but aren't big enough to be their own project.
-- Things like "Call the doctor on Wednesday" or