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Created September 11, 2012 12:13
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Save msabramo/3697959 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AppleScript to convert OmniFocus task into a project - though it's much easier to just use Command+{ :-)
tell application "OmniFocus"
tell front document
tell content of document window 1 -- (first document window whose index is 1)
set theSelectedItems to value of every selected tree
end tell
repeat with anItem in my theSelectedItems
(* display dialog "Processing item: " & (name of anItem) & " with note: " & (note of anItem) *)
set newProject to make new project
set name of newProject to name of anItem
set theNote to note of anItem
set note of newProject to theNote
set context of newProject to context of anItem
set start date of newProject to start date of anItem
set due date of newProject to due date of anItem
set completion date of newProject to completion date of anItem
set flagged of newProject to flagged of anItem
delete anItem
end repeat
end tell
end tell
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