Video Link: Apache Kafka Crash Course | What is Kafka?
- Knowledge
- Node.JS Intermediate level
- Experience with designing distributed systems
- Tools
- Node.js: Download Node.JS
- Docker: Download Docker
- VsCode: Download VSCode
@echo off | |
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion | |
set ProductGUID=0A6AA615-5321-43A0-AFAE-97BF95013EA0 | |
set program_dir=%ProgramFiles%\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\ | |
set findstring=gpsoftware | |
echo. | |
setacl >nul 2>&1 | |
if !errorlevel! equ 9009 ( | |
echo [ ERROR ] SetACL.exe not found. | |
echo [ DOWNLOAD ]^(executable version^).zip |
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs | |
import base64 as b64 | |
import urllib | |
import os | |
import re | |
import unicodedata | |
import inspect |
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 | |
import subprocess as subp | |
import tempfile | |
import os,os.path | |
import sys | |
def ffgif(input, output, fps=None, start=None, end=None, resize=None,ffmpeg_args=[]): | |
pipeyuvArgList = ['ffmpeg', '-loglevel', 'error', '-ss', start, '-i', input] |
@echo off | |
rem # ################################################################################################################################ | |
rem # Script para eliminar aplicaciones por defecto en Windows 10 y mejorar la privacidad # | |
rem # Se eliminan todas las aplicaciones integradas incluido skype y onedrive # | |
rem # Cortana no se puede eliminar directamente pero si se puede modificar su ubicación para que el sistema no inicie la aplicación # | |
rem # ############################################################################################################################### | |
if not "%cd%"=="%windir%\system32" ( | |
echo Debes ejecutarlo como Administrador. | |
echo Click derecho y "Ejecutar como administrador" |
Video Link: Apache Kafka Crash Course | What is Kafka?
async function scrollDown() { | |
const wrapper = document.querySelector("#search-page-list-container"); | |
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { | |
var totalHeight = 0; | |
var distance = 600; | |
var timer = setInterval(async () => { | |
var scrollHeightBefore = wrapper.scrollHeight; | |
wrapper.scrollBy(0, distance); | |
totalHeight += distance; |
This is a guide to deploying Nextcloud behind a Caddy reverse proxy, both running in Docker containers (an official Nextcloud one and a caddy-docker-proxy one), with the goal of implementing as much as possible via docker-compose files. This is much more difficult than it should be, for a variety of reasons:
As with Docker versions of software in general, documentation of the software does not always apply to the Docker versions, and the Docker documentation does not always include the Docker equivalent ways of doing things.
Docker images do not always expose the desired configuration knobs of the underlying software.
Nextcloud requires special configuration to run correctly behind a reverse proxy (and again, some of the instructions for this configuration requires modification for
log syslog all; | |
debug protocols all; | |
router id; | |
define rtix_rs_asn = 207800; | |
# BGP ipv4/ipv6 channel option "secondary" requires | |
# routing table to be sorted. | |
ipv4 table master4 sorted; |