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Homeassistant Automation Blueprint for Advanced Circadian Lighting
name: Advanced Circadian Lighting
description: >-
This automation adjusts light brightness, temperature, and color hue,
based on presence, current time and sun position.
Available features:
- Works with lights supporting different types of color modes.
- Adjusts brightness, temperature and hue based on the circadian cycle.
- The circadian cycle can be defined based on sunrise and sunset times.
- Sunrise and sunset times can also be defined manually.
- Light attrubutes can be adjusted following various types of functions.
- The minimum and maximum brightness and temperature can be configured.
- This option can be deactivated.
- Turns the lights on at sunset and off at sunrise.
- Option to inverse this behaviour for daytime lights.
- Sunrise and sunset can be defined in terms of sun elevation.
- Gradually dims lights on or off within a sun elevation range.
- This option can be deactivated.
- Turns the lights on and off based on presence.
- Presence is defined in terms of an entity, that can be on or home.
- Can also be defined in terms of a media player that is playing or paused.
- Option to inverse this behaviour for away lights.
- This option is deacivated when no entity is selected.
- Allows to define a sleeping-mode entity that can be turned on.
- When this entity is turned on, lights turn off.
- Alternatively, lights can switch to midnight attributes.
- This option is deactivated when no entity is selected.
- Gets automatically activated when a light is turned on.
- Runs when the turn on service does not define light brightness or color.
- Does not run when the turn on service also defines light attributes, e.g. in scenes.
- Stops running when light attributes are manually changed.
- The light will still turn off automatically.
domain: automation
# Input - Lights
name: Lights
description: >-
List of lights to adjust.
On/off, brightness, temperature and color modes are supported.
domain: light
# Input - Circadian
name: Circadian cycle
description: >-
Determines how the circadian cycle will be defined.
Select sun to use actual sunrise and sunset times.
Select time to override with manual sunrise and sunset times.
- Sun
- Time
default: Time
name: Circadian manual sunrise time
description: >-
Defines the start of daytime when the circadian rhythm is time-based.
This value is ignored when using actual sunrise and sunset times.
default: "07:30:00"
name: Circadian manual sunset time
description: >-
Defines the end of daytime when the circadian rhythm is time-based.
This value is ignored when using sunrise and sunset times.
default: "21:30:00"
name: Circadian function
description: >-
Determines the function used for circadian cycle adjustments.
Use day-only or night-only to adjust lights in daytime or nightime.
Day & night half-sine functions are similar to the full cycle cosine.
Select day & night cosine functions for smoother transitions.
Select none to skip circadian cycle adjustments.
default: Day-only (half-sine)
- Day-only (half-sine)
- Day-only (cosine)
- Night-only (half-sine)
- Night-only (cosine)
- Day & night (cosine)
- None
name: Circadian brightness at midday
description: >-
Sets the maximum (or minimum) value that light brightness
will reach at midday.
This value is also used when circadian lighting is disabled.
default: 100
min: 0
max: 100
unit_of_measurement: "%"
mode: slider
step: 5
name: Circadian brightness at midnight
description: >-
Sets the minimum (or maximum) value that light brightness
will reach at midnight.
This value is ignored when circadian lighting is disabled.
default: 10
min: 0
max: 100
unit_of_measurement: "%"
mode: slider
step: 5
name: Circadian temperature at midday
description: >-
Sets the maximum (or minimum) value that color temperature
will reach at midday.
This value is also used when circadian lighting is disabled.
default: 4100
min: 2700
max: 6500
unit_of_measurement: "Kelvin"
mode: slider
step: 100
name: Circadian temperature at midnight
description: >-
Sets the minimum (or maximum) value that color temperature
will reach at midnight.
This value is ignored when circadian lighting is disabled.
default: 2700
min: 2700
max: 6500
unit_of_measurement: "Kelvin"
mode: slider
step: 100
name: Circadian default hue
description: >-
Sets the hue value to be used for when circadian lighting is disabled.
default: 180
min: 0
max: 360
unit_of_measurement: "°"
mode: slider
step: 5
name: Circadian default saturation
description: >-
Sets the color saturation value to be used for circadian adjustments.
default: 100
min: 0
max: 100
unit_of_measurement: "%"
mode: slider
step: 5
# Input Elevation
name: Dim lights on based on sun elevation
description: >-
Normally, the lights will dim on at sunset,
and they will be turned on during nightime.
default: true
name: Dim lights off based on sun elevation
description: >-
Normally, the lights will dim off at sunrise,
and they will be turned off during daytime.
default: true
name: Inverse light dimming behaviour
description: >-
Dim the lights on at sunrise and off at sunset.
The lights will be turned on during daytime
and off during nightime.
default: false
name: Sunrise start elevation
description: >-
Defines the beginning of sunrise in terms of sun elevation.
Normally, this is when lights start to dim off.
When dimming is inversed, this is when lights turn on.
default: -8
min: -20
max: 10
unit_of_measurement: "°"
mode: slider
step: 1
name: Sunrise end elevation
description: >-
Defines the end of sunrise in terms of sun elevation.
Normally, this is when lights turn off.
When dimming is inversed, this is when lights have fully dimmed on.
default: 6
min: -10
max: 20
unit_of_measurement: "°"
mode: slider
step: 1
name: Sunset start elevation
description: >-
Defines the beginning of sunset in terms of sun elevation.
Normally, this is when lights turn on.
When dimming is inversed, this is when lights start to dim off.
default: 6
min: -10
max: 20
unit_of_measurement: "°"
mode: slider
step: 1
name: Sunset end elevation
description: >-
Defines the end of sunset in terms of sun elevation.
Normally, this is when light have fully dimmed on.
When dimming is inversed, this is when lights turn off.
default: -8
min: -20
max: 10
unit_of_measurement: "°"
mode: slider
step: 1
# Input Presence
name: Turn lights on based on presence
description: >-
Normally, the lights will turn on when presence turns on,
and they will be on when at home.
default: true
name: Turn lights off based on presence
description: >-
Normally, the lights will turn off when presence turns off,
and they will be off when away.
default: true
name: Inverse presence light behaviour
description: >-
Turn the lights on when presence turns off
and off when presence turns on.
The lights will be off when at home
and on when away.
default: false
name: Presence entity_id
description: >-
This can be a device_tracker, an input_boolean, a binary_sensor,
or any entity that can switch to "on" or "home".
It can also be a media_player that can swith to "playing" or "paused".
default: ""
# Input Sleep Mode
name: Sleep Mode
description: >-
Defines what will happen when the sleep mode switch is activated.
On and off will turn the lights on and off, respectively.
Day and night will switch to midday and midnight attributes, respectively.
None will do nothing.
- Turn on
- Turn off
- Day
- Night
- None
default: Turn off
name: Sleep entity_id
description: >-
This can be a device_tracker, an input_boolean, a binary_sensor,
or any entity that can switch to "on" or "home".
default: "input_boolean.sleep"
# Variables Sleep
sleep_mode: !input sleep_mode
sleep_entity: !input sleep_entity
sleep_on: >-
{# Boolean for sleep on trigger #}
{{ trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id is defined
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == sleep_entity
and trigger.to_state.state is defined
and ( ( sleep_mode == 'Turn on'
and trigger.to_state.state == 'on' )
or ( sleep_mode == 'Turn off'
and trigger.to_state.state == 'off' ) ) }}
sleep_off: >-
{# Boolean for sleep off trigger #}
{{ trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id is defined
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == sleep_entity
and trigger.to_state.state is defined
and ( ( sleep_mode == 'Turn on'
and trigger.to_state.state == 'off' )
or ( sleep_mode == 'Turn off'
and trigger.to_state.state == 'on' ) ) }}
sleep_trigger: >-
{# Boolean for sleep attributes trigger #}
{{ trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id is defined
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == sleep_entity
and trigger.to_state.state is defined
and sleep_mode in ['Day','Night'] }}
sleep_condition: >-
{# Boolean for lights on #}
{{ states(sleep_entity) == 'unknown'
or sleep_mode not in ['Turn on','Turn off']
or ( sleep_mode == 'Turn on'
and states(sleep_entity) == 'on' )
or ( sleep_mode == 'Turn off'
and states(sleep_entity) == 'off' ) }}
# Variables Circadian
circadian_type: !input circadian_type
circadian_sunrise: !input circadian_sunrise
circadian_sunset: !input circadian_sunset
circadian_function: !input circadian_function
circadian_position: >-
{# Define next sunrise and sunset times based on sun or manual input #}
{%- set time_current = now()|as_timestamp -%}
{%- if circadian_type == 'Sun' and states('sun.sun') != 'unknown' -%}
{%- set time_sunrise = state_attr('sun.sun','next_rising')|as_timestamp -%}
{%- set time_sunset = state_attr('sun.sun','next_setting')|as_timestamp -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set time_sunrise = today_at(circadian_sunrise)|as_timestamp -%}
{%- set time_sunset = today_at(circadian_sunset)|as_timestamp -%}
{# Fix input times so that they reflect the next sunrise and sunset #}
{%- if time_sunrise < time_current -%}
{% set time_sunrise = time_sunrise + 86400 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if time_sunset < time_current -%}
{% set time_sunset = time_sunset + 86400 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{# Calculate sun position, from -1 to 0 in nightime and 0 to 1 in daytime. #}
{%- if time_sunrise > time_sunset -%}
{%- set time_sunrise = [time_sunrise-86400,time_current]|min -%}
{%- set position = (time_current-time_sunrise) / (time_sunset-time_sunrise) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set time_sunset = [time_sunset-86400,time_current]|min -%}
{%- set position = (time_current-time_sunrise) / (time_sunrise-time_sunset) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{# Return calculated result #}
{{ position }}
circadian_coefficient: >-
{# Calculate coefficient based on selected circadian function #}
{%- if is_state(sleep_entity,'on') and sleep_mode == 'Night' -%}
{%- set coefficient = 0.0 -%}
{%- elif is_state(sleep_entity,'on') and sleep_mode == 'Day' -%}
{%- set coefficient = 1.0 -%}
{%- elif circadian_function == 'Day-only (half-sine)' -%}
{%- set coefficient = sin( pi*([circadian_position,0]|max) ) -%}
{%- elif circadian_function == 'Day-only (cosine)' -%}
{%- set coefficient = 0.5 - 0.5 * cos( 2*pi*([circadian_position,0]|max) ) -%}
{%- elif circadian_function == 'Night-only (half-sine)' -%}
{%- set coefficient = 1 - sin( pi*([circadian_position,0]|min) ) -%}
{%- elif circadian_function == 'Night-only (cosine)' -%}
{%- set coefficient = 0.5 + 0.5 * cos( 2*pi*([circadian_position,0]|min) ) -%}
{%- elif circadian_function == 'Day & night (cosine)' -%}
{%- set coefficient = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin( pi*circadian_position ) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set coefficient = -1.0 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{# Return calculated result #}
{{ coefficient }}
circadian_angle: >-
{# Calculate angle based on selected circadian function #}
{%- if is_state(sleep_entity,'on') and sleep_mode == 'Night' -%}
{%- set angle = 0.0 -%}
{%- elif is_state(sleep_entity,'on') and sleep_mode == 'Day' -%}
{%- set angle = 0.5 -%}
{%- elif circadian_function == 'Day-only (half-sine)'
or circadian_function == 'Day-only (cosine)' -%}
{%- set angle = [circadian_position,0]|max -%}
{%- elif circadian_function == 'Night-only (half-sine)'
or circadian_function == 'Night-only (cosine)' -%}
{%- if circadian_position < -0.5 -%}
{%- set angle = 1.5 + circadian_position -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set angle = 0.5 + [circadian_position,0]|min -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- elif circadian_function == 'Day & night (cosine)' -%}
{%- if circadian_position < -0.5 -%}
{%- set angle = 1.25 + 0.5 * circadian_position -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set angle = 0.25 + 0.5 * circadian_position -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set angle = -1.0 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{# Return calculated result #}
{{ angle }}
circadian_brightness_midday: !input circadian_brightness_midday
circadian_brightness_midnight: !input circadian_brightness_midnight
circadian_brightness_value: >-
{# Light brightness value to adjust to #}
{%- if circadian_coefficient < 0 -%}
{{ [ ( 2.54 * circadian_brightness_midday|float + 0.5)|int , 1]|max }}
{%- else -%}
{{ [ ( 2.54 * ( circadian_brightness_midnight|float + circadian_coefficient * ( circadian_brightness_midday|float - circadian_brightness_midnight|float ) ) + 0.5)|int , 1]|max }}
{%- endif -%}
circadian_temperature_midday: !input circadian_temperature_midday
circadian_temperature_midnight: !input circadian_temperature_midnight
circadian_temperature_value: >-
{# Color temperature value to adjust to #}
{%- if circadian_coefficient < 0 -%}
{{ ( 1000000/circadian_temperature_midday + 0.5)|int }}
{%- else -%}
{{ ( 1000000/circadian_temperature_midnight|float + circadian_coefficient * ( 1000000/circadian_temperature_midday|float - 1000000/circadian_temperature_midnight|float ) + 0.5)|int }}
{%- endif -%}
circadian_hue_default_input: !input circadian_hue_default
circadian_hue_default: '{{ circadian_hue_default_input|float }}'
circadian_hue_value: >-
{# Color hue value to adjust to #}
{%- if circadian_angle < 0 -%}
{{ circadian_hue_default }}
{%- else -%}
{{ (360 * circadian_angle + 0.5)|int }}
{%- endif -%}
circadian_saturation_default_input: !input circadian_saturation_default
circadian_saturation_default: '{{ circadian_saturation_default_input|float }}'
# Variables Sunrise/Sunset
elevation_switch_on_input: !input elevation_switch_on
elevation_switch_on: "{{ states('sun.sun') != 'unknown' and elevation_switch_on_input }}"
elevation_switch_off_input: !input elevation_switch_off
elevation_switch_off: "{{ states('sun.sun') != 'unknown' and elevation_switch_off_input }}"
elevation_inverse: !input elevation_inverse
elevation_sunrise_start_input: !input elevation_sunrise_start
elevation_sunrise_start: "{{ elevation_sunrise_start_input | float }}"
elevation_sunrise_end_input: !input elevation_sunrise_end
elevation_sunrise_end: "{{ elevation_sunrise_end_input | float }}"
elevation_sunset_start_input: !input elevation_sunset_start
elevation_sunset_start: "{{ elevation_sunset_start_input | float }}"
elevation_sunset_end_input: !input elevation_sunset_end
elevation_sunset_end: "{{ elevation_sunset_end_input | float }}"
elevation_condition: >-
{# Boolean for lights on #}
{{ elevation_switch_off
and ( ( not elevation_inverse
and ( ( state_attr('sun.sun','rising')
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') <= elevation_sunrise_end )
or ( not state_attr('sun.sun','rising')
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') <= elevation_sunset_start ) ) )
or ( elevation_inverse
and ( ( state_attr('sun.sun','rising')
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') >= elevation_sunrise_start )
or ( not state_attr('sun.sun','rising')
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') >= elevation_sunset_end ) ) ) ) }}
elevation_dim_on: >-
{# Boolean for dimming on #}
{{ elevation_switch_on
and ( ( not elevation_inverse
and not state_attr('sun.sun','rising')
and ( ( state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') <= elevation_sunset_start
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') >= elevation_sunset_end )
or ( trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'numeric_state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == 'sun.sun'
and trigger.from_state.attributes.elevation <= elevation_sunset_start
and trigger.from_state.attributes.elevation >= elevation_sunset_end ) ) )
or ( elevation_inverse
and state_attr('sun.sun','rising')
and ( ( state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') >= elevation_sunrise_start
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') <= elevation_sunrise_end )
or ( trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'numeric_state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == 'sun.sun'
and trigger.from_state.attributes.elevation >= elevation_sunrise_start
and trigger.from_state.attributes.elevation <= elevation_sunrise_end ) ) ) ) }}
elevation_dim_off: >-
{# Boolean for dimming off #}
{{ elevation_switch_off
and ( ( not elevation_inverse
and state_attr('sun.sun','rising')
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') >= elevation_sunrise_start
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') <= elevation_sunrise_end )
or ( elevation_inverse
and not state_attr('sun.sun','rising')
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') <= elevation_sunset_start
and state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') >= elevation_sunset_end ) ) }}
elevation_turn_on: >-
{# Boolean for turning on #}
{{ elevation_switch_on
and trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'numeric_state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == 'sun.sun'
and ( ( not elevation_inverse
and trigger.from_state.attributes.elevation >= elevation_sunset_start
and trigger.to_state.attributes.elevation <= elevation_sunset_start)
or ( elevation_inverse
and trigger.from_state.attributes.elevation <= elevation_sunrise_start
and trigger.to_state.attributes.elevation >= elevation_sunrise_start)) }}
elevation_turn_off: >-
{# Boolean for turning off #}
{{ elevation_switch_off
and trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'numeric_state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == 'sun.sun'
and ( ( not elevation_inverse
and trigger.from_state.attributes.elevation <= elevation_sunrise_end
and trigger.to_state.attributes.elevation >= elevation_sunrise_end)
or ( elevation_inverse
and trigger.from_state.attributes.elevation >= elevation_sunset_end
and trigger.to_state.attributes.elevation <= elevation_sunset_end)) }}
elevation_brightness: >-
{# Calculate coefficient to be multiplied with brightness #}
{%- if elevation_dim_on or elevation_dim_off -%}
{%- set elevation_current = state_attr('sun.sun','elevation') -%}
{%- if state_attr('sun.sun','rising') -%}
{%- set coefficient = 1.0 - (elevation_current-elevation_sunrise_start) / (elevation_sunrise_end-elevation_sunrise_start) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set coefficient = (elevation_current-elevation_sunset_start) / (elevation_sunset_end-elevation_sunset_start) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if elevation_inverse -%}
{%- set coefficient = 1.0 - coefficient -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set coefficient = 1.0 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{# Return calculated result #}
{# Alternative: 0.5 - 0.5*cos(pi*coefficient) #}
{{ [ ( coefficient * circadian_brightness_value + 0.5 )|int , 1]|max }}
# Variables Presence
presence_entity: !input presence_entity
presence_switch_on_input: !input presence_switch_on
presence_switch_on: "{{ states(presence_entity) != 'unknown' and presence_switch_on_input }}"
presence_switch_off_input: !input presence_switch_off
presence_switch_off: "{{ states(presence_entity) != 'unknown' and presence_switch_off_input }}"
presence_inverse: !input presence_inverse
presence_on: >-
{# Boolean for presence trigger #}
{{ presence_switch_on
and trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id is defined
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == presence_entity
and trigger.to_state.state is defined
and ( ( not presence_inverse
and trigger.to_state.state in ['on','home','playing','paused'] )
or ( presence_inverse
and trigger.to_state.state not in ['on','home','playing','paused'] ) ) }}
presence_off: >-
{# Boolean for presence trigger #}
{{ presence_switch_off
and trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'state'
and trigger.from_state.entity_id is defined
and trigger.from_state.entity_id == presence_entity
and trigger.to_state.state is defined
and ( ( not presence_inverse
and trigger.to_state.state not in ['on','home','playing','paused'] )
or ( presence_inverse
and trigger.to_state.state in ['on','home','playing','paused'] ) ) }}
presence_condition: >-
{# Boolean for lights on #}
{{ presence_switch_off
and ( ( not presence_inverse
and states(presence_entity) in ['on','home','playing','paused'] )
or ( presence_inverse
and states(presence_entity) not in ['on','home','playing','paused'] ) ) }}
# Variables Trigger
turnon_trigger: >-
{# Boolean for light.turn_on event trigger #}
{{ trigger is defined
and trigger.platform == 'event'
and is defined
and is defined }}
# Variables Lights
lights_target_input: !input lights_target
lights_target: >-
{# This is the full list of targetted lights #}
{# Ensure that the variable is a list #}
{%- if lights_target_input.entity_id is string -%}
{%- set lights_list = [lights_target_input.entity_id] -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set lights_list = lights_target_input.entity_id -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{ lights_list }}
lights_dim_all: >-
{# This is the list of lights that are being dimmed #}
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- if elevation_dim_on or elevation_dim_off -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_target -%}
{# Check that the light is being dimmed in one direction #}
{# Also check that other circadian values are being followed #}
{%- if is_state(i_entity,'on')
and ( not sleep_trigger )
and ( state_attr(i_entity,'brightness') != none
and ( elevation_dim_on
and state_attr(i_entity,'brightness') < elevation_brightness+15 )
or ( elevation_dim_off
and state_attr(i_entity,'brightness') > elevation_brightness-15 ) )
and ( ( state_attr(i_entity,'color_temp') == none
and state_attr(i_entity,'hs_color') == none )
or ( state_attr(i_entity,'hs_color') != none
and state_attr(i_entity,'hs_color')|first > circadian_hue_value-30
and state_attr(i_entity,'hs_color')|first < circadian_hue_value+30 )
or ( state_attr(i_entity,'color_temp') != none
and state_attr(i_entity,'color_temp') > circadian_temperature_value-20
and state_attr(i_entity,'color_temp') < circadian_temperature_value+20 ) ) -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_on_all: >-
{# This is the list of lights that follow the circadian cycle #}
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_target -%}
{# Check that the light is following all circadian values #}
{# Also check that the light is not being dimmed #}
{%- if is_state(i_entity,'on')
and ( sleep_trigger
or ( ( state_attr(i_entity,'brightness') == none
or ( state_attr(i_entity,'brightness') != none
and state_attr(i_entity,'brightness') > circadian_brightness_value-15
and state_attr(i_entity,'brightness') < circadian_brightness_value+15 ) )
and ( ( state_attr(i_entity,'color_temp') == none
and state_attr(i_entity,'hs_color') == none )
or ( state_attr(i_entity,'hs_color') != none
and state_attr(i_entity,'hs_color')|first > circadian_hue_value-30
and state_attr(i_entity,'hs_color')|first < circadian_hue_value+30 )
or ( state_attr(i_entity,'color_temp') != none
and state_attr(i_entity,'color_temp') > circadian_temperature_value-20
and state_attr(i_entity,'color_temp') < circadian_temperature_value+20 ) )
and i_entity not in lights_dim_all ) ) -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_off_all: >-
{# This is the list of lights that are currently off #}
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_target -%}
{# Check that the light is off #}
{%- if is_state(i_entity,'off') -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_trigger_all: >-
{# This is the list of lights that have been triggered #}
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- if turnon_trigger -%}
{# Ensure that the triggered lights are a list #}
{%- if is string -%}
{%- set lights_list = [] -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set lights_list = -%}
{%- endif -%}
{# Check for individual entities within a group light #}
{%- set group_list = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_list -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'entity_id') is not none -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'entity_id') is string -%}
{%- set group_list.entities = group_list.entities + [state_attr(i_entity,'entity_id')] -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set group_list.entities = group_list.entities + state_attr(i_entity,'entity_id') -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- set lights_list = lights_list + group_list.entities -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_list -%}
{# Check that the light is in the target list #}
{# Also check that its properties are not being set #}
{%- if i_entity in lights_target
and (|length == 1
or ( is_state(i_entity,'on')
and|length <=2
and is not defined
and is not defined ) ) -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_dim_brightness: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_dim_all -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') == 'brightness' -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_dim_color: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_dim_all -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') in ['rgb','rgbw','rgbww','xy','hs'] -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_dim_temperature: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_dim_all -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') == 'color_temp' -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_on_brightness: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_on_all -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') == 'brightness' -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_on_color: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_on_all -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') in ['rgb','rgbw','rgbww','xy','hs'] -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_on_temperature: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_on_all -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') == 'color_temp' -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_off_onoff: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_off_all -%}
{%- if state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')|first == 'onoff' -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_off_brightness: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_off_all -%}
{%- if 'brightness' in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
and 'color_temp' not in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
and 'rgb' not in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
and 'rgbw' not in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
and 'rgbww' not in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
and 'xy' not in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
and 'hs' not in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes') -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_off_color: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_off_all -%}
{%- if 'color_temp' not in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
and ('rgb' in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
or 'rgbw' in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
or 'rgbww' in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
or 'xy' in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes')
or 'hs' in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes') ) -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_off_temperature: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_off_all -%}
{%- if 'color_temp' in state_attr(i_entity,'supported_color_modes') -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_trigger_brightness: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_trigger_all -%}
{%- if i_entity in lights_off_brightness
or (|length == 1
and state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') == 'brightness' ) -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_trigger_color: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_trigger_all -%}
{%- if i_entity in lights_off_color
or (|length == 1
and state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') in ['rgb','rgbw','rgbww','xy','hs'] )
or ( i_entity in lights_on_temperature + lights_dim_temperature
and ( is defined
or is defined
or is defined
or is defined
or is defined
or is defined ) ) -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
lights_trigger_temperature: >-
{%- set lights_select = namespace(entities=[]) -%}
{%- for i_entity in lights_trigger_all -%}
{%- if i_entity in lights_off_temperature
or (|length == 1
and state_attr(i_entity,'color_mode') == 'color_temp' )
or ( i_entity in lights_on_color + lights_dim_color
and ( is defined
or is defined ) ) -%}
{%- set lights_select.entities = lights_select.entities + [i_entity] -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ lights_select.entities }}
mode: 'queued'
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: "/1"
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sun.sun
attribute: elevation
above: !input elevation_sunrise_start
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sun.sun
attribute: elevation
above: !input elevation_sunrise_end
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sun.sun
attribute: elevation
below: !input elevation_sunset_start
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sun.sun
attribute: elevation
below: !input elevation_sunset_end
- platform: state
entity_id: !input presence_entity
- platform: state
entity_id: !input sleep_entity
- platform: event
event_type: call_service
domain: light
service: turn_on
- choose:
# Elevation/Presence/Sleep: Turn OFF (target lights)
- conditions: "{{ elevation_turn_off or presence_off or sleep_off }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_target | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_off
entity_id: "{{ lights_target }}"
# Elevation/Presence: Turn ON (off lights to elevation brightness)
- conditions: >-
{{ (elevation_turn_on and presence_condition and sleep_condition)
or (presence_on and elevation_condition and sleep_condition)
or (sleep_on and presence_condition and elevation_condition) }}
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_off_onoff | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_off_onoff }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_off_brightness | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_off_brightness }}"
brightness: "{{ elevation_brightness }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_off_color | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_off_color }}"
brightness: "{{ elevation_brightness }}"
- "{{ circadian_hue_value }}"
- "{{ circadian_saturation_default }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_off_temperature | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_off_temperature }}"
brightness: "{{ elevation_brightness }}"
color_temp: "{{ circadian_temperature_value }}"
# Event: Turn on (trigger lights to circadian brightness)
- conditions: "{{ turnon_trigger }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_trigger_brightness | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_trigger_brightness }}"
brightness: "{{ circadian_brightness_value }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_trigger_color | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_trigger_color }}"
brightness: "{{ circadian_brightness_value }}"
- "{{ circadian_hue_value }}"
- "{{ circadian_saturation_default }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_trigger_temperature | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_trigger_temperature}}"
brightness: "{{ circadian_brightness_value }}"
color_temp: "{{ circadian_temperature_value }}"
# Default (on lights to circadian, dim lights to elevation brightness)
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_on_brightness | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_on_brightness }}"
brightness: "{{ circadian_brightness_value }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_on_color | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_on_color }}"
brightness: "{{ circadian_brightness_value }}"
- "{{ circadian_hue_value }}"
- "{{ circadian_saturation_default }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_on_temperature | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_on_temperature }}"
brightness: "{{ circadian_brightness_value }}"
color_temp: "{{ circadian_temperature_value }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_dim_brightness | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_dim_brightness }}"
brightness: "{{ elevation_brightness }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_dim_color | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_dim_color }}"
brightness: "{{ elevation_brightness }}"
- "{{ circadian_hue_value }}"
- "{{ circadian_saturation_default }}"
- choose:
- conditions: "{{ lights_dim_temperature | length > 0 }}"
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: "{{ lights_dim_temperature }}"
brightness: "{{ elevation_brightness }}"
color_temp: "{{ circadian_temperature_value }}"
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snowyu commented Apr 22, 2022

👍 perfect codes.


  • platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "/1"

Increase overhead if there are too many bulbs

Maybe separate two blueprints:

  • turn on/off bulb for motion, elevation, illuminance
  • adjust the brightness of the lights

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Maybe separate two blueprints:

  • turn on/off bulb for motion, elevation, illuminance
  • adjust the brightness of the lights

Many thanks for your comments. I thought about splitting into two blueprints, but the dependence on time and sun elevation means that there will be some code repetition, so I decided to keep it all in one place.

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haberda commented Oct 15, 2022

One thing to keep in mind, at least in terms of brightness, there are only either 100 or 255 steps per day depending on how you define that. Sure, color temp could have more, but the point is that works out to between 5 and 10 steps per hour. So, I'd say an update every 5 minutes or so is just fine; especially if you add a 30s transition.

I have a similar AppDaemon app that I wrote; I just have it update every 5 min.

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nocelab commented Oct 8, 2023

I have a lot of Zigbee led driver ( and GU10 spots ( all via ZIGBEE2MQTT... I'm trying to use your Blueprint but seems not working, all lamps remains in their brightness and temperature state.
What can I check to better understand my case?

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I am sorry for by noobiness... How do I import/install this amazing blueprint automation?

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