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Forked from JobLeonard/lzuint8array.js
Created March 24, 2022 16:31
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Uint8Array to LZ-string and back
const LZuint8Array = (function () {
basic ranges of printable UTF16 values (as found in LZ-string):
[32, 127), [160, 55296), [63744, 65536)
We also have filter out string characters like:
" (34)
' (39)
` (44)
(Forward tick is safe: ´ (96))
32, 33, [35, 39), [40, 44), [45, 127), [160, 55296), [63744, 65536)
// integer to unicode:
function itou(i) {
i += 32;
if (i > 33 && i < 39) {
} else if (i > 38 && i < 44) {
i += 2;
} else if (i > 43 && i < 127) {
i += 3;
} else if (i > 126 && i < 55258) {
i += 37; // === 160 - 128 + 3
} else if (i > 55295) {
i += 8485; // === 63744 - 55296 + 37
return String.fromCharCode(i);
function utoi(i) {
return i - (i > 63743 ? 8517 :
i > 159 ? 69 :
i > 46 && i < 130 ? 35 :
i > 40 && i < 46 ? 34 :
i > 34 && i < 40 ? 33 :
var _node = function(val) { return {v: val, d: {} }; }
return {
compress: function (input) {
if (input === null) return '';
let i = 0,
j = 0,
value = 0,
dictionary = { d: {} },
freshNode = true,
c = 0,
node = _node(2), // first node will always be initialised like this.
enlargeIn = 2,
dictSize = 3,
numBits = 2,
data = [],
data_val = 0,
data_position = 0;
if (input.length) {
// Write length of the input as the first four unicode characters,
// Or 45 bits. 1<<45 bytes is about 35 terabytes, so more than enough.
value = input.length;
data.push(itou(value / 40000000 & 0x7FFF));
data.push(itou((value >>> 15) & 0x7FFF));
data.push(itou(value & 0x7FFF));
// If there is an array, the first byte is guaranteed to
// be new, so we write it to output stream, and add it to the
// dictionary. For the same reason we can initialize freshNode
// as true, and new_node, node and dictSize as if
// it was already added to the dictionary (see above).
c = input[0];
// === Write first byte token to output ==
// insert new byte token into bitstream
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// Value for "new token" is 0
data_val <<= 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// insert byt bits into bitstream
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Add charCode to the dictionary.
dictionary[c] = node;
for (j = 1; j < input.length; j++) {
c = input[j];
// does the new charCode match an existing prefix?
nextNode = node.d[c];
if (nextNode) {
// continue with next prefix
node = nextNode;
} else {
// Prefix+charCode does not exist in trie yet.
// We write the prefix to the bitstream, and add
// the new charCode to the dictionary if it's new
// Then we set `node` to the root node matching
// the charCode.
if (freshNode) {
// Prefix is a freshly added character token,
// which was already written to the bitstream
freshNode = false;
} else {
// write out the current prefix token
value = node.v;
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = value >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Is the byte a new byte
// that needs to be stored at the root?
if (dictionary[c] === undefined) {
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// insert new byte token
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
data_val <<= 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
dictionary[c] = _node(dictSize++);
// Note of that we already wrote
// the charCode token to the bitstream
freshNode = true;
// add node representing prefix + new charCode to trie
node.d[c] = _node(dictSize++);
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// set node to first charCode of new prefix
node = dictionary[c];
// === Write last prefix to output ===
if (freshNode) {
// character token already written to output
freshNode = false;
} else {
// write out the prefix token
value = node.v;
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = value >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Is c a new character?
if (dictionary[c] === undefined) {
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
data_val <<= 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// Mark the end of the stream
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = 1 >> i | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Flush the last char
data_val <<= 15 - data_position;
data.push(' ');
return data.join('');
decompress: function (compressed) {
if (compressed === null || compressed.length < 4) return null;
let length = compressed.length,
getNextValue = function (index) { return utoi(compressed.charCodeAt(index)); };
let dictionary = [0, 1],
enlargeIn = 1,
dictSize = 3,
numBits = 2,
bytes = null,
bytes_concat = null,
result = new Uint8Array(
getNextValue(0) * 0x40000000 +
(getNextValue(1) << 15) +
result_index = 0,
bits = 0,
maxPower = 2,
power = 0,
data_val = getNextValue(3),
data_position = 15,
data_index = 4;
// Get first token, guaranteed to be either
// a new byte token or end of stream token.
while (power < maxPower) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position === 0) {
data_position = 15;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
if (bits === 1) {
return null;
// else, get byte value
bits = power = 0;
while (power < 8) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position === 0) {
data_position = 15;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
bytes = [bits];
dictionary[2] = bytes;
result[result_index++] = bits;
// read rest of string
while (data_index <= length) {
// read out next token
maxPower = numBits;
bits = power = 0;
while (power < maxPower) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position === 0) {
data_position = 15;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
// 0 implies new byte
if (!bits) {
bits = power = 0;
while (power < 8) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position === 0) {
data_position = 15;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
dictionary[dictSize] = [bits];
bits = dictSize++;
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
} else if (bits === 1) {
// end of stream token
return result;
if (bits > dictionary.length) {
return null;
bytes_concat = bits < dictionary.length ? dictionary[bits] : bytes.concat(bytes[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < bytes_concat.length; i++) {
result[result_index++] = bytes_concat[i];
dictionary[dictSize++] = bytes.concat(bytes_concat[0]);
bytes = bytes_concat;
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
return null;
function testCompression(LZ) {
console.log('Testing utoi/itou functions');
let utoiMismatches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 1 << 15; i++) {
let j = LZ.utoi(LZ.itou(i).charCodeAt(0));
if (i !== j) {
utoiMismatches.push({itou: i, utio: j});
if (utoiMismatches.length) {
console.log("Errors in itou/utoi conversion detected:", utoiMismatches);
} else {
console.log('No errors in itou/utoi conversion detected');
let input = new Uint16Array(1 << 15);
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
input[i] = i>>4;
let inputUint8 = new Uint8Array(input.buffer);
let compressed = LZ.compress(inputUint8);
let decompressed = new Uint16Array(LZ.decompress(compressed).buffer);
let mismatches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if (input[i] !== decompressed[i]) {
mismatches.push({index: i, input: input[i], decompressed: decompressed[i]});
length: compressed.length,
inputLength: input.length,
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