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Last active February 16, 2023 18:46
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  • Save JobLeonard/4bbc5cd5952f25560d59abb2d056f2a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JobLeonard/4bbc5cd5952f25560d59abb2d056f2a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Uint8Array to LZ-string and back
const LZuint8Array = (function () {
basic ranges of printable UTF16 values (as found in LZ-string):
[32, 127), [160, 55296), [63744, 65536)
We also have filter out string characters like:
" (34)
' (39)
` (44)
(Forward tick is safe: ´ (96))
32, 33, [35, 39), [40, 44), [45, 127), [160, 55296), [63744, 65536)
// integer to unicode:
function itou(i) {
i += 32;
if (i > 33 && i < 39) {
} else if (i > 38 && i < 44) {
i += 2;
} else if (i > 43 && i < 127) {
i += 3;
} else if (i > 126 && i < 55258) {
i += 37; // === 160 - 128 + 3
} else if (i > 55295) {
i += 8485; // === 63744 - 55296 + 37
return String.fromCharCode(i);
function utoi(i) {
return i - (i > 63743 ? 8517 :
i > 159 ? 69 :
i > 46 && i < 130 ? 35 :
i > 40 && i < 46 ? 34 :
i > 34 && i < 40 ? 33 :
var _node = function(val) { return {v: val, d: {} }; }
return {
compress: function (input) {
if (input === null) return '';
let i = 0,
j = 0,
value = 0,
dictionary = { d: {} },
freshNode = true,
c = 0,
node = _node(2), // first node will always be initialised like this.
enlargeIn = 2,
dictSize = 3,
numBits = 2,
data = [],
data_val = 0,
data_position = 0;
if (input.length) {
// Write length of the input as the first four unicode characters,
// Or 45 bits. 1<<45 bytes is about 35 terabytes, so more than enough.
value = input.length;
data.push(itou(value / 40000000 & 0x7FFF));
data.push(itou((value >>> 15) & 0x7FFF));
data.push(itou(value & 0x7FFF));
// If there is an array, the first byte is guaranteed to
// be new, so we write it to output stream, and add it to the
// dictionary. For the same reason we can initialize freshNode
// as true, and new_node, node and dictSize as if
// it was already added to the dictionary (see above).
c = input[0];
// === Write first byte token to output ==
// insert new byte token into bitstream
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// Value for "new token" is 0
data_val <<= 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// insert byt bits into bitstream
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Add charCode to the dictionary.
dictionary[c] = node;
for (j = 1; j < input.length; j++) {
c = input[j];
// does the new charCode match an existing prefix?
nextNode = node.d[c];
if (nextNode) {
// continue with next prefix
node = nextNode;
} else {
// Prefix+charCode does not exist in trie yet.
// We write the prefix to the bitstream, and add
// the new charCode to the dictionary if it's new
// Then we set `node` to the root node matching
// the charCode.
if (freshNode) {
// Prefix is a freshly added character token,
// which was already written to the bitstream
freshNode = false;
} else {
// write out the current prefix token
value = node.v;
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = value >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Is the byte a new byte
// that needs to be stored at the root?
if (dictionary[c] === undefined) {
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// insert new byte token
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
data_val <<= 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
dictionary[c] = _node(dictSize++);
// Note of that we already wrote
// the charCode token to the bitstream
freshNode = true;
// add node representing prefix + new charCode to trie
node.d[c] = _node(dictSize++);
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// set node to first charCode of new prefix
node = dictionary[c];
// === Write last prefix to output ===
if (freshNode) {
// character token already written to output
freshNode = false;
} else {
// write out the prefix token
value = node.v;
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = value >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Is c a new character?
if (dictionary[c] === undefined) {
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
data_val <<= 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
data_val = c >> i & 1 | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// increase token bitlength if necessary
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
// Mark the end of the stream
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
data_val = 1 >> i | data_val << 1;
if (++data_position === 15) {
data_position = 0;
data_val = 0;
// Flush the last char
data_val <<= 15 - data_position;
data.push(' ');
return data.join('');
decompress: function (compressed) {
if (compressed === null || compressed.length < 4) return null;
let length = compressed.length,
getNextValue = function (index) { return utoi(compressed.charCodeAt(index)); };
let dictionary = [0, 1],
enlargeIn = 1,
dictSize = 3,
numBits = 2,
bytes = null,
bytes_concat = null,
result = new Uint8Array(
getNextValue(0) * 0x40000000 +
(getNextValue(1) << 15) +
result_index = 0,
bits = 0,
maxPower = 2,
power = 0,
data_val = getNextValue(3),
data_position = 15,
data_index = 4;
// Get first token, guaranteed to be either
// a new byte token or end of stream token.
while (power < maxPower) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position === 0) {
data_position = 15;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
if (bits === 1) {
return null;
// else, get byte value
bits = power = 0;
while (power < 8) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position === 0) {
data_position = 15;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
bytes = [bits];
dictionary[2] = bytes;
result[result_index++] = bits;
// read rest of string
while (data_index <= length) {
// read out next token
maxPower = numBits;
bits = power = 0;
while (power < maxPower) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position === 0) {
data_position = 15;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
// 0 implies new byte
if (!bits) {
bits = power = 0;
while (power < 8) {
// shifting has precedence over bitmasking
bits += (data_val >> --data_position & 1) << power++;
if (data_position === 0) {
data_position = 15;
data_val = getNextValue(data_index++);
dictionary[dictSize] = [bits];
bits = dictSize++;
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
} else if (bits === 1) {
// end of stream token
return result;
if (bits > dictionary.length) {
return null;
bytes_concat = bits < dictionary.length ? dictionary[bits] : bytes.concat(bytes[0]);
for (let i = 0; i < bytes_concat.length; i++) {
result[result_index++] = bytes_concat[i];
dictionary[dictSize++] = bytes.concat(bytes_concat[0]);
bytes = bytes_concat;
if (--enlargeIn === 0) {
enlargeIn = 1 << numBits++;
return null;
function testCompression(LZ) {
console.log('Testing utoi/itou functions');
let utoiMismatches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 1 << 15; i++) {
let j = LZ.utoi(LZ.itou(i).charCodeAt(0));
if (i !== j) {
utoiMismatches.push({itou: i, utio: j});
if (utoiMismatches.length) {
console.log("Errors in itou/utoi conversion detected:", utoiMismatches);
} else {
console.log('No errors in itou/utoi conversion detected');
let input = new Uint16Array(1 << 15);
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
input[i] = i>>4;
let inputUint8 = new Uint8Array(input.buffer);
let compressed = LZ.compress(inputUint8);
let decompressed = new Uint16Array(LZ.decompress(compressed).buffer);
let mismatches = [];
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
if (input[i] !== decompressed[i]) {
mismatches.push({index: i, input: input[i], decompressed: decompressed[i]});
length: compressed.length,
inputLength: input.length,
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Job, thank you very much for posting this.
I was searching for an algorithm that can compress a texture to a string and this gist makes it perfectly.

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Hello Dimitri!

I had totally forgotten about this gist, glad it could be of use to you! :)

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okikio commented Feb 14, 2023

Hmm...what size string can this library compress a WASM Uint8Array Binary into? Experiment time.

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okikio commented Feb 14, 2023

ChatGPT Optimized code

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JobLeonard commented Feb 16, 2023

TL;DR don't trust ChatGPT.

edit: and if you find this from my Mastodon post, don't trust my claims either because they might be misinformed and/or outdated too. Benchmark and test your code!

Ok, so since you did not provide any context I'm going to assume this was not posted as a joke. If it was, too late.

I just wasted half an hour going through this and everything this thing proposed is wrong in one way or the other.

Use a Map instead of an object for the dictionary. In the current implementation, the dictionary is implemented as an object. However, objects in JavaScript have some performance overhead compared to maps.

... except that this is not necessarily true when using small integers as keys, because that will result in sparse array-like behavior that is typically faster than a map (yes I benchmarked this edit: when I wrote the code, and in this specific case sparse array-like indexing on objects beat the Map edit: when I wrote the code)

Appending new elements to an array using Array.push() is slower than setting the element at a specific index. This is because Array.push() may cause the array to resize, which is a relatively expensive operation.

Ok I grant that on modern browsers using indexing is faster, but the explanation as to why is completely wrong. We are always appending data so it's always resizing. The reason arr[arr.length] = val is faster is because JS engines have implemented a special optimization for this pattern because too many real-world codebases abused this in the past. That's it.

Avoid unnecessary calculations

Some calculations can be optimized or avoided altogether. For example, in the current implementation, the value of data_position is reset to 0 every time it reaches 15, which means that it is effectively always 0 or 1. Instead of incrementing data_position and then checking if it is equal to 15, you can use a bitwise AND operation to achieve the same result.

if ((++data_position & 15) === 0) {
  data_val = 0;

Here is the original snippet:

// insert new byte token into bitstream
for (i = 0; i < numBits; i++) {
  // Value for "new token" is 0
  data_val <<= 1;
  if (++data_position === 15) {
    data_position = 0;
    data_val = 0;

As you can see its value is not "effectively always 0 or 1", I have no idea where that comes from, and the rewrite introduces an off-by-one error: it resets every 16 increments instead of every 15 increments. We're not using the 16th bit on purpose here.

Use a switch statement for itou() function

The itou() function uses several if-else statements to compute the Unicode code point for an integer value. This can be replaced with a switch statement, which is generally faster.

I have already benchmarked this on multiple browsers and it is slower in this context. Or maybe it changed again. Because guess what: whether switch or if/else is faster changes every couple of years as JS engines change optimization patterns.

Use a larger buffer for the compressed data

In the current implementation, the compressed data is stored in an array of strings. This can be slow because creating a new string for each compressed value can be expensive. One way to improve performance is to use a larger buffer for the compressed data and only convert it to a string at the end.

So the snippet doesn't even relate to the original code any more. On the compression side I'm using small single chars. They vary too much to use memoization on itou (funny how that isn't a technique ChatGPT proposes, btw). Sure, I could store the integer values in a large Uint16Array and convert them to chars in the end. But then I'd either have to append them to a string (slower) or put them in an array and then calling .join('') on that array (also slower because it's literally what we do now except with a Uint16Array step inbetween). Plus we don't know ahead of time how big this buffer has to be, so we either allocate too much or have to resize, which is slow or wastes memory.

On the decompression side of things the current approach of using plain arrays is faster because allocating typed arrays is absurdly slow and has major memory overhead (something like 100-200 bytes vs 20 for a plain array object), whereas a small integer array is basically as fast as a typed array in most code these days.

Replace string concatenation with array push and join: In JavaScript, string concatenation is an expensive operation because it involves creating new strings each time. Instead, we can use an array to push the compressed characters, and then join them at the end to create the final compressed string.

Wow, nice Java snippet you got there ChatGPT. Also we are already doing this where it is faster so what are you talking about

Use typed arrays for character counts: In the original code, the character counts are stored as regular JavaScript numbers. However, using typed arrays can be faster for large data sets, since they allow for more efficient memory management.

// Before
let count = 1;

// After
let count = new Uint8Array(1);
count[0] = 1;

NO. For reasons I just explained this is slower, what the hell?

Use bitwise operators to extract character and count: The current code uses string manipulation to extract the character and count from the compressed string. However, we can use bitwise operators to extract them more efficiently.

Avoid using regular expressions: Regular expressions are a powerful tool, but they can also be slow. In the current code, regular expressions are used to split the original string into chunks of repeated characters. We can achieve the same result using a loop and basic string manipulation.

There is no parseInt anywhere in the code, nor any regexes, and your snippets are labeled scss and rust so what the heck are you smoking ChatGPT?!

But hey, thanks for confirming I don't have to worry about my job security just yet.

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okikio commented Feb 16, 2023

It was an experiment more than anything. I started realizing half-way through that it actually wasn't performant or reliable, and the optimizations it suggested were unreliable

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okikio commented Feb 16, 2023

I also think some of the optimizations it suggests are plain old, and no longer relevant

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okikio commented Feb 16, 2023

Yes, job security guranteed, your welcome, LMAO 🤣

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okikio commented Feb 16, 2023

Supposedly ChatGPT 4, is much better at code optimizations

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