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Matt Oates con-mo8

  • Congenica
  • Cambridge
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con-mo8 / Join.vba
Created October 26, 2016 14:24
Just in case anyone ever needs to join a bunch of cells together here's a function you can add to do it
Function Join(WorkRng As Range, Optional Delim As String = ";") As String
Dim Cell As Range
Dim JoinedString As String
For Each Cell In WorkRng
If Cell.Text <> "" Then
JoinedString = JoinedString & Cell.Text & Delim & " "
End If
con-mo8 / discrete-fourier-transform.pm6
Created July 28, 2016 14:35
Discrete Fourier Transform in Perl 6 using complex case
sub discrete-fourier-transform(Complex @input) returns Array[Complex] is export {
my Int $n = @input.elems;
my Complex @output = 0i xx $n;
for ^$n -> $k {
my Complex $s = 0i;
for ^$n -> $t {
$s += @input[$t] * exp(-2i * pi * $t * $k / $n);
@output[$k] = $s;
con-mo8 /
Created November 30, 2015 16:57
MolBio Tute

Below are some videos meant to help give non-biologists a bit of a rough and ready insight into the sorts of data Congenica deal with in the Sapientia application and what they represent. The main things to take away are the concepts from the central dogma and SNV/mutation sections. The cell processes videos are left in just for fun, they are filled with unimportant jargon but might impress you with just how complex and mechanical your cells are at the level of protein molecules.

Central Dogma

DNA replication

How transcription works DNA (a gene) -> mRNA (a transcript):

con-mo8 / broken_refseqs.dat
Created November 30, 2015 15:56
RefSeqs with non %3 CDS regions defined against the GRCh37 reference. AKA they have utterly broken CDNA sequences aligned against the reference.