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TheNathannator / GIP Interface
Last active August 12, 2024 01:50
A writeup on how to interact with the Xbox One driver on Windows directly

GIP Interface

A writeup on how to directly communicate with GIP (Xbox One) devices on a basic level.

I tried Windows.Gaming.Input.Custom and was unable to get it to work, so I resorted to this. Would have liked if I could do things more legitimately with what little documentation was provided, but oh well.

This writeup is not at all comprehensive of every possibilty with the interface, otherwise there'd be far too much to go through.

Thanks to the XInputHooker project for having a bunch of function detours set up, made my life easier when doing all of this.

## get interface name (ovs_eth0 below) via ip link
ip link add macvlan0 link ovs_eth0 type macvlan mode bridge
## (204-207)
ip addr add dev macvlan0
ip link set macvlan0 up
ip route add dev macvlan0
docker network create frontend
axelheer / ConvertTo-CentralPackageManagement.ps1
Last active September 4, 2024 08:21
Generates a `Directory.Packages.props` based on all your project files
function ConvertTo-CentralPackageManagement() {
Write-Host 'Searching for package references'
$packages = @{}
$conditionalPackages = @{}
foreach ($csproj in (Get-ChildItem -Include *.csproj, *.props -Recurse)) {
$root = [xml]($csproj | Get-Content -Raw)
foreach ($itemGroup in $root.Project.ItemGroup) {
foreach ($packageReference in $itemGroup.PackageReference) {
if ($packageReference.Include -and $packageReference.Version) {
Jaykul / WslHelper.psm1
Last active January 28, 2024 22:54
Some functions I wrote to fix WSL problems
function ConvertFrom-IniContent {
Parses content from ini/conf files into nested hashtables.
Get-Content \\wsl$\Ubuntu\etc\wsl.conf | ConvertFrom-IniContent
ConvertFrom-IniContent (Get-Content ~\.wslconf -Raw)
1kastner / run_python_script_in_conda_env.bat
Last active March 5, 2024 08:27 — forked from maximlt/run_python_script_in_conda_env.bat
Run a Python script in a conda environment from a batch file
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Insert your conda env here
CALL :activate_conda_env
REM Insert your python script here
Braytiner / Windows Defender Exclusions VS 2022.ps1
Last active September 24, 2024 08:34
Adds Windows Defender exclusions for Visual Studio 2022
$userPath = $env:USERPROFILE
$pathExclusions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$processExclusions = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add('C:\Windows\assembly') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add($userPath + '\Downloads\HeidiSQL_11.3_64_Portable') > $null
$pathExclusions.Add($userPath + '\.dotnet') > $null
davidfowl /
Last active August 7, 2024 19:41
.NET 6 ASP.NET Core Migration
davidfowl /
Last active September 15, 2024 18:58
Minimal APIs at a glance
nbarnwell / GitVersionIncrement.ps1
Last active August 4, 2023 15:38
Simple PowerShell script to create the appropriate next tag on a git repo
function Get-Version {
# TODO: Implement a call to GitVersion on the command line to find the current version from the repo
function New-Tag {
[string] $Tag)
process {
codebytes / DevMachineSetup.ps1
Last active September 5, 2024 21:37
#Install WinGet
#Based on this gist:
$hasPackageManager = Get-AppPackage -name 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller'
if (!$hasPackageManager -or [version]$hasPackageManager.Version -lt [version]"") {
"Installing winget Dependencies"
Add-AppxPackage -Path ''
$releases_url = ''
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12