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Last active January 28, 2024 22:54
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Some functions I wrote to fix WSL problems

WSL Helper Functions

This is a collection of helpers I'm writing to solve WSL problems:

  1. Update-WslDns because there are a lot of problems with DNS out there (it's on the WSL FAQ).
  2. Update-WslCertificates because sometimes new CA certs (like for ZScaler) don't show up "trusted" in WSL.
  3. Invoke-Wsl because wsl --list output is incorrectly encoded and can't be used as-is.
  4. Disable-WslGenerateResolveConf so you can make the Update-WslDns changes permanent.

There are a couple of other helper functions in here. Here's some autogenerated help:


Update wsl.conf to disable generateResolvConf.


Wrap wsl.exe with Console.Encoding because it ignores Console.Encoding. (This way, it's output matches Console.Encoding and is handled by PowerShell).


A wrapper for piping content into WSL files that aren't writeable as the default user.


Copy certificates from LocalMachine\Root to a WSL distro. Thanks ZScaler Internet Security. 😑


Update the DNS servers on WSL distros to fix connectivity when VPNs mess with it.

Bonus Functions

There are a couple of functions for parsing ini files which I used with the wsl.conf files


Parses content from ini/conf files into nested hashtables.

enabled = true
mountFsTab = true

generateResolvConf = false
"@ | ConvertFrom-IniContent    
Name                           Value
----                           -----
automount                      {enabled, mountFsTab}
network                        {generateResolvConf}


Convert nested hashtables to ini syntax. Supports recursively nested hashtables by putting dots in the section names.

  automount = @{
    enabled = $true
    mountFsTab = $true
  network = @{
    generateResolvConf = $false
} | ConvertTo-IniContent
enabled = True
mountFsTab = True
generateResolvConf = False
function ConvertFrom-IniContent {
Parses content from ini/conf files into nested hashtables.
Get-Content \\wsl$\Ubuntu\etc\wsl.conf | ConvertFrom-IniContent
ConvertFrom-IniContent (Get-Content ~\.wslconf -Raw)
enabled = true
mountFsTab = true
generateResolvConf = false
" | ConvertFrom-IniContent
Name Value
---- -----
automount {enabled, mountFsTab}
network {generateResolvConf}
# The content of an ini file
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
begin {
$StringBuilder = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
process {
$StringBuilder.AddRange([string[]]@($InputObject -split "[\r\n]+"))
end {
$ini = [ordered]@{}
switch -regex ($StringBuilder) {
"^\s*\[(.*)\]\s*$" {
$section = $ini
foreach ($level in $matches[1] -split "\.") {
if (!$section[$level]) {
$section[$level] = [ordered]@{}
$section = $section[$level]
"^\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$" {
$name, $value = $matches[1..2]
$section[$name] = $value
function ConvertTo-IniContent {
Convert nested hashtables to ini syntax.
Supports recursively nested hashtables by putting dots in the section names.
Get-Content \\wsl$\Ubuntu\etc\wsl.conf | ConvertFrom-IniContent
ConvertFrom-IniContent (Get-Content ~\.wslconf -Raw)
automount = @{
enabled = $true
mountFsTab = $true
network = @{
generateResolvConf = $false
} | ConvertTo-IniContent
enabled = True
mountFsTab = True
generateResolvConf = False
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)]
process {
if ($Section) { "[$($Section -join ".")]" }
$after = @()
foreach ($kv in $InputObject.GetEnumerator()) {
if ($kv.value -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
$after += $kv
} else {
$kv.key + " = " + $kv.value
foreach ($kv in $after) {
$Nested = $section + $kv.Key
$kv.value | ConvertTo-IniContent -Section $Nested
function Set-WslContent {
# A wrapper for piping content into WSL files that aren't writeable as the default user.
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
# The name of the linux distro
# The linux file path
$ENV:WSLPASSCONTENT = $InputObject -join "`n"
if ($Distribution) {
wsl --distribution $Distribution -u root sh -c "cat << EOF > $Path`n`${WSLPASSCONTENT}`nEOF"
} else {
wsl -u root sh -c "cat << EOF > $Path`n`${WSLPASSCONTENT}`nEOF"
$env:WSLENV = $env:WSLENV -replace ":WSLPASSCONTENT$"
function Update-WslCertificates {
Copy certificates from LocalMachine\Root to a WSL distro.
Thanks ZScaler Internet Security. 😑
# Certificate thumbprints to copy into WSL distros for trust (for example, this one from ZScaler)
[array]$Certificates = "d72f47d87420e3f0f9bdcac6f03a566743c481b9",
# The Distribution to configure (by default, all of them)
# Be careful when calculating the values for this:
# There is current a bug in wsl that causes it to output nulls after every character
[string[]]$Distribution = $(wsl --list --quiet)
begin {
$AllCertificates = [System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]]::new()
process {
[System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2[]]$MoreCertificates =
@($Certificates).Where{ $_ -is [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] }
$null = $AllCertificates.AddRange($MoreCertificates)
if (($CertificateNames = @($Certificates).Where{ $_ -is [string] })) {
Push-Location Cert:\LocalMachine\Root
$MoreCertificates = @(Get-Item $CertificateNames -ErrorAction Ignore).Where{ $_ -is [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2] }
$null = $AllCertificates.AddRange($MoreCertificates)
end {
foreach ($distro in $Distribution) {
if (!(wsl --distribution $distro which update-ca-certificates)) {
Write-Warning "$distro missing update-ca-certificates -- not updating Trusted.pem"
$AllCertificates | ForEach-Object {
if (!($Name = $_.Subject -replace ".*CN=([^,]*).*", '$1' -replace " ", "_")) {
$Name = $_.Thumbprint
Write-Information "Adding Certificate $($_.Thumbprint) for $($Name)" -InformationAction Continue
$rawcert = @(
Set-WslContent -Distribution $distro -Path "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/$Name.crt" -Content $rawcert
wsl --distribution $distro -u root update-ca-certificates
function Update-WslDns {
Update the DNS servers on WSL distros to fix connectivity when VPNs mess with it.
Since this reaches into each distro and runs commands with `sudo` one at a time,
You MIGHT want to use `sudo visudo` on each distro to remove the password request from sudo to make this go smoothly.
You can put it back at the end by removing "NOPASSWD:" from again.
Recommended you run with -Verbose the first time
# DNS Servers you want to use in WSL (by default copied from your local DNS client settings)
[string[]]$DnsServers = $(Get-DnsClientServerAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 | Select-Object -Expand ServerAddresses -Unique),
# DNS Suffixes you want to search in WSL (by default copied from your local DNS client settings)
[string[]]$DnsSuffixes = $((Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting).SuffixSearchList),
# The Distribution to configure (by default, all of them)
# Be careful when calculating the values for this:
# There is current a bug in wsl that causes it to output nulls after every character
[string[]]$Distribution = $(wsle --list --quiet)
foreach ($distro in $Distribution) {
Write-Verbose "Update /etc/resolv.conf for $distro"
wsl --distribution $distro -u root sh -c "unlink /etc/resolv.conf"
Set-WslContent -Distribution $Distro -Path /etc/resolv.conf @(
if ($DnsSuffixes) { "search $($DnsSuffixes -join ' ')" }
$DnsServers | ForEach-Object { "nameserver $_" }
function Disable-WslGenerateResolvConf {
Update wsl.conf to disable generateResolvConf
# The Distribution to configure (by default, all of them)
# Be careful when calculating the values for this:
# There is current a bug in wsl that causes it to output nulls after every character
[string[]]$Distribution = $(wsle --list --quiet),
# Force a restart of the distro(s)
foreach ($distro in $Distribution) {
Write-Verbose "Update /etc/wsl.conf for $distro"
#$wslConfPath = "\\wsl$\$distro\etc\wsl.conf"
$wslConfPath = "/etc/wsl.conf"
# Get the current content, if there is any
if (($wsl = wsl --distribution $distro sh -c "cat $wslConfPath" | ConvertFrom-IniContent)) {
if (!($wsl["network"])) {
$wsl["network"] = [ordered]@{}
$wsl["network"]["generateResolvConf"] = "false"
} else {
$wsl = [ordered]@{
network = [ordered]@{
"generateResolvConf" = "false"
Set-WslContent -Distribution $Distro -Path $wslConfPath -Content ($wsl | ConvertTo-IniContent)
if ($Restart) {
# See The 8 Second Rule:
wsl --terminate $distro
# There's a bug in wsl, it's outputting nulls after every character
while ((wsle --list --running --quiet) -eq $distro) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
# start it back up, hopefully it'll loose the /etc/resolv.conf
wsl --distribution $distro echo hello
function Invoke-Wsl {
Wrap wsl.exe with Console.Encoding because it ignores Console.Encoding
This way when we get UTF-16 encoding the console handles it.
[Console]::OutputEncoding, $Encoding = [Text.Encoding]::Unicode, [Console]::OutputEncoding
wsl.exe @args
[Console]::OutputEncoding = $Encoding
Set-Alias wsle Invoke-Wsl
$Commands = Get-Command *-Wsl* -Module WslHelper -ParameterName Distribution
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName $Commands.Name -ParameterName Distribution -ScriptBlock {
param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandLineAst, $PartialBoundParameters)
wsle --list --quiet | ForEach-Object {
[Management.Automation.CompletionResult]::new("'$($_)'", $_, "ParameterValue", $_)
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