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Created May 3, 2014 07:44
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Code from angular - digest loop presentation
function Scope() {
this.$$watchers = [];
this.$$lastDirtyWatch = null;
Scope.prototype.$$areEqual = function(newValue, oldValue, valueEq) {
if (valueEq) {
return _.isEqual(newValue, oldValue);
} else {
return newValue === oldValue ||
(typeof newValue === 'number' && typeof oldValue === 'number' &&
isNaN(newValue) && isNaN(oldValue));
Scope.prototype.$watch = function(watchFn, listenerFn, valueEq) {
var self = this;
var watcher = {
watchFn: watchFn,
listenerFn: listenerFn || function() {},
valueEq: !!valueEq
return function() {
var index = self.$$watchers.indexOf(watcher);
if (index >= 0) {
self.$$watchers.splice(index, 1);
Scope.prototype.$$digestOnce = function() {
var self = this;
var dirty = false;
this.$$watchers.every(function(watch) {
var newValue = watch.watchFn(self);
var oldValue = watch.last;
if (!self.$$areEqual(newValue, oldValue, watch.valueEq)) {
watch.last = (watch.valueEq ? _.cloneDeep(newValue) : newValue);
watch.listenerFn(newValue, oldValue, self);
dirty = true;
self.$$lastDirtyWatch = watch;
} else if (self.$$lastDirtyWatch === watch) {
return false;
return true;
Scope.prototype.$digest = function() {
var ttl = 10;
var dirty;
this.$$lastDirtyWatch = null;
do {
dirty = this.$$digestOnce();
if (dirty && !(ttl--)) {
throw "10 digest iterations reached";
} while (dirty);
Scope.prototype.$eval = function(expr, locals) {
return expr(this, locals);
Scope.prototype.$apply = function(expr) {
try {
return this.$eval(expr);
} finally {
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