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azet /
Last active January 30, 2024 18:25
Reading material for Operations & Datacenter engineers and managers

Check Out these projects, papers and blog posts if you're working on Geo redundant Datacenters or even if you only need to have your software hosted there. It's good to know what you're in for.

  Collected these for a colleague, these have been super useful over 
  the past 15+ years and and will most likely help and/or entertain you. 
  May be extended in the future.
  -- azet (

load balancing

DNS geo & anycast

e7d /
Last active September 18, 2024 11:21
Remove obsolete GPG key from DNF (Fedora)
motorailgun /
Last active June 18, 2024 06:22
Installing Windows and Linux into the same partition

Installing Windows and Linux into the same partition

But WHY?

There was a reddit post about installing Arch on NTFS3 partition. Since Windows and Linux doesn't have directories with same names under the /(C:\), I thought it's possible, and turned out it was actually possible.
If you are not familiar to Linux, for example you've searched on Google "how to dualboot Linux and Windos" or brbrbr... you mustn't try this. This is not practical.


  • UEFI system
  • Any Linux live-boot CD/DVD/USB... with Linux kernel newer than 5.15
  • Windows installer USB
blachniet / k8s.conf
Created May 21, 2020 03:52
Ansible playbook to install Minikube on a VM with the "none" driver. Add your inventory in a file named `hosts`, then execute the playbook with `ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass -i hosts ./playbook.yml`
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
kkm000 / ssh-agent-headless.service
Last active October 18, 2022 19:54
Sharing ssh-agent between multiple remote command-line sessions
# -*- mode: conf-unix; -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 OR Apache-2.0 OR WTFPL
# ~/.config/systemd/user/ssh-agent-headless.service
# Written by Kirill 'kkm' Katsnelson in 2018 and dedicated to public domain. If
# public domain is not recognized in your jurisdiction, use any of the licenses
# listed above that suit you the best.
# This is a per-user service to run ssh-agent(1) under a systemd user's service,
# shared by all sessions of this user. Many distros come with a service
ritiek /
Last active May 10, 2021 15:39
Controlling mpris supported players (like mpsyt) on a headless Raspberry Pi with playerctl
sudo apt install -y dbus 
sudo dpkg -i libplayerctl-dev_2.0.1-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i gir1.2-playerctl-2.0_2.0.1-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i libplayerctl2_2.0.1-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i playerctl_2.0.1-1_armhf.deb
n0rc / tinc-graph.wsgi
Last active January 13, 2018 19:08
wsgi script to get the current tinc graph as png image
# coding: utf-8
import os
import re
import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output
from urlparse import parse_qs
re_filter = re.compile(r' \w+ \[label = "[^"]+", color = "red"];\n')
lifepillar /
Created November 20, 2017 11:48
Test 24 bit colors in terminals
# This file echoes a bunch of 24-bit color codes
# to the terminal to demonstrate its functionality.
# The foreground escape sequence is ^[38;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m
# The background escape sequence is ^[48;2;<r>;<g>;<b>m
# <r> <g> <b> range from 0 to 255 inclusive.
# The escape sequence ^[0m returns output to default
anonymous /
Created June 14, 2017 17:23

Über 80.000 Bücher zum einfachen Download oder Warum md5(reverse(userid)) kein guter DRM-Key ist

2014 startete "DIE GRATIS EBOOK FLATRATE" (Eigenschreibweise) Readfy, die sich anschickte, das Spotify für Bücher zu werden. Das Modell ist simpel: über die Android- und iOS-App können eBooks kostenlos gelesen werden, dafür wird permanent Werbung angezeigt (1 Banner sowie Videos alle paar Seiten). (Inzwischen können Bücher auch für 0.99€-4.99€ gemietet und dann werbefrei und offline gelesen werden.) So gut es klingt, gibt es damit einige offensichtliche Probleme: Die App funktioniert nur online (nach 2min geht sonst das Buch zu), die Werbung nervt und die Bücher können nur mit einer App und nur auf bestimmten Geräten gelesen werden. Und weil das so ja nicht schön ist, habe ich mir gedacht, dass ich mir ja mal anschauen kann, wie die App funktioniert, und ob da nicht irgendwo ePubs rausfallen.


paulirish / appmanifest_221380.acf
Created January 3, 2016 22:43
Trick for downloading AOE2 HD game data on Linux/Mac. Download file to ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps or ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps. Then restart Steam
"AppID" "221380"
"Universe" "1"
"StateFlags" "1026"