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Sharing ssh-agent between multiple remote command-line sessions
# -*- mode: conf-unix; -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0 OR Apache-2.0 OR WTFPL
# ~/.config/systemd/user/ssh-agent-headless.service
# Written by Kirill 'kkm' Katsnelson in 2018 and dedicated to public domain. If
# public domain is not recognized in your jurisdiction, use any of the licenses
# listed above that suit you the best.
# This is a per-user service to run ssh-agent(1) under a systemd user's service,
# shared by all sessions of this user. Many distros come with a service
# providing a similar functionality for sharing ssh-agent on a single desktop,
# but these are started in Multiple ssh sessions
# into a headless server do not have the sharing advantage; also, if you are
# booting a headless machine into, the graphical target is
# never pulled, and its wanted services aren't started. We rather bind to the
# (which is an alias for either or
#, so that ssh-agent is active as long as the user's service
# scope is.
# The 'headless' in file name should not mislead you: our belief is that our
# approach is better than the often used one for machines running both X
# sessions and remote ssh logins; read the ADDITIONAL NOTES section below.
# Be aware that some programs, such as tmux, may escape from under systemd's
# control, and thus won't prevent the last logoff from stopping this service.
# ------------
# Drop this file in one of systemd user unit directories (man systemd.unit; most
# often `~/.config/systemd/user/`, but check with your manual if systemd was
# compiled using the default location). Then notify the user's systemd instance
# about the change and then enable and start the new service with commands (as
# your identity, NOT sudo root!):
# systemctl --user daemon-reload
# systemctl --user enable --now ssh-agent-headless
# To drop all keys from the shared agent, simply restart the service any time:
# systemctl --user restart ssh-agent-headless
# To uninstall:
# systemctl --user disable --now ssh-agent-headless
# (then delete the file)
# Unfortunately, there is no mechanism in systemd (yet?) to apply environment
# variables from user's systemd to a new session (the things listed by `loginctl
# list-sessions`); pam_systemd(8) only sets a few hardcoded ones. One way to
# establish the environment variable SSH_AUTH_SOCK in every login shell (or
# every interactive shell) is to source it in your .bash_profile (or .bashrc)
# using bash-specific process substitution:
# . <(systemctl --user show-environment | grep ^SSH_AUTH_SOCK= &&
# echo export SSH_AUTH_SOCK)
# If you are using a shell that do not have the feature, implement the same
# idea in it. This may not be required if you have dbus-daemon(1), so you may
# opt not to use this workaround. It is not harmful in any case.
# ---------------
# `systemctl --user status`: see if this service is in the tree. Will also
# show whether or not you have dbus.service running.
# `systemctl --user status ssh-agent-headless`: should be listed as "Active".
# This command displays the user's journal snippet from the last start or
# an attempt to start.
# If something is not working: add `-x` or `-xv` to bash command lines and try
# again. The above status command will display much more detailed information
# from the shell. Don't forget `systemctl --user daemon-reload` after any
# modification is done to this file!
# Mask gpg-agent-ssh.socket: you are most likely *started* searching for this
# solution because gpg agent emulation was insufficient (that was my impetus
# for writing this service): `systemctl --user mask gpg-agent-ssh.socket`
# ----------------
# This service conditionally starts only if the directory ~/.ssh exists, and
# will probably royally fail if ~/.ssh/sockets exists but is not a directory or
# a symlink. We overwrite the link if and only if it points to a non-existing
# target. If ~/.ssh/sockets is a directory or a link pointing to an existing
# directory, the socket is created inside it. If it's a dead symlink, then we
# create a symlink ~/.ssh/sockets -> $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent/.
# $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is normally mounted on a tmpfs in-memory filesystem, so the
# socket disappears even if the system has not been shutdown properly.
# If using a graphical desktop, then mask the ssh-agent.service that may have
# shipped with your distro (`systemctl --user mask ssh-agent.service`). Most
# systemd-managed systems have it under this exact name, or try finding it with
# `systemctl --user | grep ssh` then check the status using `systemctl --user
# status <found-service-name>`. Our approach has an advantage such that the
# agent is shared between both remote ssh and local X sessions.
# The commands are executed with bash, and assume the hardcoded path /bin/bash.
# If you do not have bash, you may need to tweak the commands in this file. I am
# so used to it that there likely are some bashisms even in the one-liners here.
Description=OpenSSH Agent independent of X desktop
Conflicts=ssh-agent.service gpg-agent-ssh.socket
# Keep in mind that the service is started and stopped per user's service
# instance, the things you can list with the 'loginctl list-users' command, or
# see as a service named user@UID.service (e. g., user@1004.service) in the
# `systemd --user status` output. This session service is shared by all logins
# of the same user, is started upon the first login of the user and stopped when
# the last user's connection logs off, be it local tty, remote ssh session or an
# X desktop session.
# Before start: if there is a link ~/.ssh/sockets pointing nowhere, overwrite it
# to point to $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ssh-agent/ and create that directory. The
# backslashes here are interpreted by systemd, and bash sees a single unbroken
# line; do not forget the semicolons. Also, `$$` is a required systemd's escape;
# bash sees a single `$`.
ExecStartPre=-/bin/bash -c 's="%h/.ssh/sockets" d="%t/ssh-agent";\
[[ -L $$s || ! -e $$p ]] && ln -sfT "$$d" "$$s" && mkdir -p "$$d"; exit 0'
# ExecStart (as well as other Exec* options of systemd) require a full path to
# the executable. A transient shell below is only used to find the ssh-agent
# executable on the PATH.
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'exec >/dev/null ssh-agent -D -a "%h/.ssh/sockets/S.agent"'
# After successful start: Either ask dbus-update-activation-environment(1) to
# augment the environment in both dbus user daemon and systemd; fallback to
# systemd alone if that fails. If you have a headless machine, dbus activation
# environment may not be used or even installed, and the command itself may be
# missing from the system.
ExecStartPost=-/bin/bash -c 's="%h/.ssh/sockets/S.agent";\
dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null --systemd SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$$s"\
|| systemctl --user set-environment SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$$s"; exit 0'
# After either service stop, or an unsuccessful start attempt: Delete the
# runtime ssh-agent directory and then remove the link ~/.ssh/sockets if and
# only if it is a symlink pointing nowhere (a reverse of ExecStartPre, where the
# link is overwritten under same condition). Then unset the environment variable
# SSH_AUTH_SOCK in both the dbus daemon (if present) and user's systemd. We do
# this in two separate commands, because dbus-update-activation-environment
# cannot undefine a variable, only set it to an empty string.
ExecStopPost=-/bin/bash -c 's="%h/.ssh/sockets" d="%t/ssh-agent";\
rm -rf "$$d"; [[ -L $$s && ! -e $$s ]] && rm -f "$$s";\
dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null --systemd SSH_AUTH_SOCK=;\
systemctl --user unset-environment SSH_AUTH_SOCK; exit 0'
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