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the-bass / application.html.erb
Last active April 15, 2020 15:01
Using Google Analytics with Rails 5 and Turbolinks 5. This code is taken from the conversation between @preetpalS and @packagethief on
<%# Put this code snippet between the <head></head>-tags in your application layout and %>
<%# replace 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X' with your own unique Google Analytics Tracking ID %>
<%# ... %>
<%# ... %>
<% if Rails.env.production? %>
<script type="text/javascript">
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
briantjacobs /
Last active August 28, 2024 07:14
Storytelling from Space

Storytelling from Space: Tools/Resources

This list of resources is all about acquring and processing aerial imagery. It's generally broken up in three ways: how to go about this in Photoshop/GIMP, using command-line tools, or in GIS software, depending what's most comfortable to you. Often these tools can be used in conjunction with each other.

Acquiring Landsat & MODIS

Web Interface

  • Landsat archive
Joseph-N / addthis.js
Last active April 25, 2018 07:03
How to configure AddThis to work with Turbolinks - Rails 4
// turbolinks addthis
var initAdthis;
initAdthis = function(){
// Remove all global properties set by addthis, otherwise it won't reinitialize
for (var i in window) {
if (/^addthis/.test(i) || /^_at/.test(i)) {
delete window[i];
brauliobo / unicorn.conf.rb
Last active November 21, 2020 19:06
Unicorn configuration with master warm up and other daemons as workers support. (See lastest and full version at
RailsRoot = File.expand_path "#{File.dirname __FILE__}/.."
PidsDir = "#{RailsRoot}/tmp/pids"
OldPidFile = "#{PidsDir}/"
ListenAddress = ""
ListenPort = 50000
UnixListen = "tmp/unicorn.sock"
Backlog = 2048
Workers = 4
emad-elsaid / share-screen.rb
Created February 22, 2014 10:30
share your screen on the local network
require 'socket'
require 'base64'
Refresh = 1 # seconds to refresh image on server
screen_capture_command = 'screencapture -C -x tmp.png'
image = ''
latest =
server = 3000
loop do
jbourassa / turbolinks-unloader.js
Created September 11, 2013 20:32
`window.onbeforeunload` with TurboLinks support.
shime /
Last active November 8, 2020 08:54 — forked from ryin/
installation script for tmux 1.9a

Having trouble installing the latest stable version of tmux?

I know, official package for your OS/distro is outdated and you just want the newest version of tmux.

Well, this script should save you some time with that.


  • gcc
fabioyamate / model.rb
Created February 26, 2013 20:36
MongoDB Moped rename collection
# Since Mongoid switched to its own driver, many of the mongo API
# (available in mongo-ruby-drive) are missing. This is allows you
# to rename a collection thru command message.
# Be aware that the API constantly changes in mongoid
# Mongoid (3.1.0), Moped (1.4.2)
class MyModel
include Mongoid::Document
ayamomiji / gist:4736614
Last active November 10, 2017 11:16
turbolinks + angularjs
bootstrapAngular = ->
$('[ng-app]').each ->
module = $(this).attr('ng-app')
angular.bootstrap(this, [module])
$(document).on('page:load', bootstrapAngular)
Yggdrasil / swap.pp
Created October 19, 2012 14:53
Puppet class to manage a swapfile on a node
# Class: base::swap
# This class manages swapspace on a node.
# Parameters:
# - $ensure Allows creation or removal of swapspace and the corresponding file.
# - $swapfile Defaults to /mnt which is a fast ephemeral filesystem on EC2 instances.
# This keeps performance reasonable while avoiding I/O charges on EBS.
# - $swapfilesize Size of the swapfile in MB. Defaults to memory size, but see Requires.