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brauliobo / test-vpnspace.service
Created September 4, 2024 00:30
OpenVPN network namespace service and sample unit returning its public IP address
Description=Test NetworkNamespacePath with DynamicUser
# Use DynamicUser to create a temporary user for the service
//var bkg = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage();
var calls = {};
// Shows settings on install.
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function(details) {
if(details.reason && (details.reason === 'install') || (details.reason === 'update')){
chrome.tabs.create({url: "options.html"});
// Show settings when clicking on the icon.
brauliobo /
Last active May 19, 2020 09:50
Whatapp Web Group/Broadcast contacts to CSV export script


  1. Open group info
  2. Click more to show all group members
  3. Open Javascript console
  4. Paste the code


  • Admins aren't exported
  • Users without image cannot be exported
brauliobo / build.prop
Created August 14, 2017 12:55
build.prop A520F/DS
# begin build properties
# autogenerated by 7.1.2 NJH47F dbd9ed3594 test-keys
brauliobo / radiolog
Created August 13, 2017 22:41
radiolog A520F/DS
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: get_cmdline_str: find str androidboot.debug_level=0x4f4c form /proc/cmdline
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: check_debug_level: androidboot.debug_level=0x4f4c, 0
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: check_debug_level: debug level=0, cp_debug=0
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: main: Daemon Mode
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: main: SS310 modem
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: main: boot SHMEM link
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: main: main SHMEM link
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: main: partition number : platform/13540000.dwmmc0/by-name/RADIO
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 D boot : cbd: main: partition path : /dev/block/platform/13540000.dwmmc0/by-name/RADIO
08-13 18:30:43.017 2553 2553 I chatty : uid=1001(radio) /sbin/cbd expire 25 lines
# Check if a value exists in an array
# @param $1 mixed Needle
# @param $2 array Haystack
# @return Success (0) if value exists, Failure (1) otherwise
# Usage: in_array "$needle" "${haystack[@]}"
# See:
in_array() {
local hay needle=$1
brauliobo / fluid-demo.html
Created October 8, 2015 14:23
Fluid demo with footer always on bottom and sidebar fixed.
body {
margin: 0; //overwrite browser
height: 100%;
.header {
background-color: #D0D0D0;
brauliobo / unicorn.conf.rb
Last active November 21, 2020 19:06
Unicorn configuration with master warm up and other daemons as workers support. (See lastest and full version at
RailsRoot = File.expand_path "#{File.dirname __FILE__}/.."
PidsDir = "#{RailsRoot}/tmp/pids"
OldPidFile = "#{PidsDir}/"
ListenAddress = ""
ListenPort = 50000
UnixListen = "tmp/unicorn.sock"
Backlog = 2048
Workers = 4
brauliobo / correios.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
Cálculo do frete dos Correios usando Ruby/Rails/Nokogiri
# based on
require 'rubygems'
require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'active_support/all'
require 'nokogiri'
Pac = 41106
brauliobo / gettext2rubyi18n.rb
Last active December 16, 2015 23:19
A script to convert your source code`s calls to _() (gettext) to t() (ruby i18n).
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Authors: Bráulio Bhavamitra <> and Hugo Melo <>
# License: GPLv3
# A script to convert your source code`s calls to _() (gettext) to t() (ruby i18n).
# Convert text string to a key along with the file path. Example:
# Call _('Name') into source views/profile/index.index output into config/locales/en.yml: