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Created September 5, 2024 14:09
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interleaved unmovemask arm
const std = @import("std");
fn cmtst(a: anytype, comptime b: @TypeOf(a)) @TypeOf(a) {
return @select(u8, (a & b) != @as(@TypeOf(a), @splat(0)), @as(@TypeOf(a), @splat(0xff)), @as(@TypeOf(a), @splat(0)));
fn unmovemask(x: u64) @Vector(64, u8) {
const vec = @as(@Vector(8, u8), @bitCast(x));
const interlaced_vec = std.simd.interlace(.{ vec, vec });
return std.simd.join(
std.simd.join(cmtst(interlaced_vec, @bitCast(@as(@Vector(8, u16), @splat(@as(u16, @bitCast([2]u8{ 1 << 0, 1 << 4 })))))),
cmtst(interlaced_vec, @bitCast(@as(@Vector(8, u16), @splat(@as(u16, @bitCast([2]u8{ 1 << 1, 1 << 5 }))))))),
std.simd.join(cmtst(interlaced_vec, @bitCast(@as(@Vector(8, u16), @splat(@as(u16, @bitCast([2]u8{ 1 << 2, 1 << 6 })))))),
cmtst(interlaced_vec, @bitCast(@as(@Vector(8, u16), @splat(@as(u16, @bitCast([2]u8{ 1 << 3, 1 << 7 })))))))
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