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Validark / arm_interleaved_compress_lookup.zig
Last active September 6, 2024 07:01
Interleaved Vector compress on arm/aarch64
fn tbl4(
table_part_1: @Vector(16, u8),
table_part_2: @Vector(16, u8),
table_part_3: @Vector(16, u8),
table_part_4: @Vector(16, u8),
indices: @Vector(8, u8)
) @TypeOf(indices) {
return struct {
extern fn @"llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4"(@TypeOf(table_part_1), @TypeOf(table_part_2), @TypeOf(table_part_3), @TypeOf(table_part_4), @TypeOf(indices)) @TypeOf(indices);
}.@"llvm.aarch64.neon.tbl4"(table_part_1, table_part_2, table_part_3, table_part_4, indices);
Validark / interleaved_unmovemask_arm.zig
Created September 5, 2024 14:09
interleaved unmovemask arm
const std = @import("std");
fn cmtst(a: anytype, comptime b: @TypeOf(a)) @TypeOf(a) {
return @select(u8, (a & b) != @as(@TypeOf(a), @splat(0)), @as(@TypeOf(a), @splat(0xff)), @as(@TypeOf(a), @splat(0)));
fn unmovemask(x: u64) @Vector(64, u8) {
const vec = @as(@Vector(8, u8), @bitCast(x));
const interlaced_vec = std.simd.interlace(.{ vec, vec });
Validark / st4.zig
Created September 3, 2024 11:43
export fn st4(vec: @Vector(64, u8), ptr: [*]u8) void {
const chunks: [4]@Vector(16, u8) = @bitCast(vec);
return struct {
extern fn @"llvm.aarch64.neon.st4.v16i8.p0"(
@Vector(16, u8),
@Vector(16, u8),
@Vector(16, u8),
@Vector(16, u8),
) void;
"use strict";
// Adapted from
// node ./gobject-hash-debugger.js
var GObj = module.exports;
Validark / cls.zig
Created June 11, 2024 12:29
`cls` on Arm
export fn cls(e: u64) @TypeOf(e) {
const e2: @TypeOf(e) = @bitCast(@as(std.meta.Int(.signed, @bitSizeOf(@TypeOf(e))), @bitCast(e)) >> (@bitSizeOf(@TypeOf(e)) - 1));
return @clz(((e ^ e2) << 1) | 1);
Language: Zig
Author: fwx <>
export const zigLanguageSupport = (hljs) => {
const LITERALS = ["true", "false", "null", "undefined"];
const BUILT_INS = [
Validark /
Created March 14, 2024 00:12
PDEP & PEXT information across architectures
Validark / swar.zig
Created March 6, 2024 19:36
Some SWAR functions for byte-level operations
fn swarGe(x: anytype, y: @TypeOf(x)) @TypeOf(x) {
const msb: @TypeOf(x) = @bitCast(@as(@Vector(@sizeOf(@TypeOf(x)), u8), @splat(0x80)));
return (((x ^ y) & x) | (~(x ^ y) & ((x | msb) -% (y & ~msb))));
fn swarLe(x: anytype, y: @TypeOf(x)) @TypeOf(x) {
return swarGe(y, x);
fn swarEq(x: anytype, y: @TypeOf(x)) @TypeOf(x) {
Validark / yaml_predicated_prefix_sum.zig
Last active March 18, 2024 11:49
yaml predicated-prefix-sum
const std = @import("std");
export fn columnCountsVec(chunk: @Vector(16, u8)) @TypeOf(chunk) {
var mask = chunk != @as(@TypeOf(chunk), @splat('\n'));
var array_count = @select(u8, mask, @as(@TypeOf(chunk), @splat(1)), @as(@TypeOf(chunk), @splat(0)));
inline for (0..std.math.log2(@sizeOf(@TypeOf(chunk)))) |i| {
array_count = @select(u8, mask, array_count +% std.simd.shiftElementsRight(array_count, 1 << i, 0), array_count);
mask = @select(bool, mask, std.simd.shiftElementsRight(mask, 1 << i, false), @as(@TypeOf(mask), @splat(false)));
Validark / pext.zig
Last active January 24, 2024 10:35
comptime pext zig
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const HAS_FAST_PDEP_AND_PEXT = blk: {
const cpu_name = builtin.cpu.model.llvm_name orelse;
break :blk builtin.cpu.arch == .x86_64 and
std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(builtin.cpu.features, .bmi2) and
// pdep is microcoded (slow) on AMD architectures before Zen 3.
!std.mem.startsWith(u8, cpu_name, "bdver") and
(!std.mem.startsWith(u8, cpu_name, "znver") or cpu_name["znver".len] >= '3');