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Last active August 1, 2024 22:49
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  • Save Validark/9cb9829514538254070d0c357a99e545 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Validark/9cb9829514538254070d0c357a99e545 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"use strict";
// Adapted from
// node ./gobject-hash-debugger.js
var GObj = module.exports;
GObj._type = 0b0000010; // from SER_GETHASH (bitwise enum)
GObj._typeBytes = Uint8Array.from([0b0000010]);
GObj._protocalVersion = 70231; // 0x00011257 (BE) => 0x57120100 (LE)
GObj._protocalVersionBytes = Uint8Array.from([0x57, 0x12, 0x01, 0x00]);
* Returns the number of extra bytes needed to encode the variable-length `nSize`.
* If it is less than 253, we will store `nSize` in just the one (assumed) byte.
* Otherwise, we scale up according to the smallest power of 2 integer size it can fit in. (u16, u32, u64)
* Returns the number of bytes after the first byte that we will need to preserve after `WriteCompactSize` is done.
* @param {number} nSize
function GetCompactSizeExtraOffset(nSize) {
return nSize < 253 ? 0 :
nSize <= 2 ** 16 - 1 ? 2 :
nSize <= 2 ** 32 - 1 ? 4 :
* Writes `nSize` out to `dv` in a variable-length encoding.
* Assumes you want to write out the data of `nSize` length to `dv` afterwards.
* @param {DataView} dv
* @param {number} offset
* @param {number} nSize
function WriteCompactSize(dv, offset, nSize, s = GetCompactSizeExtraOffset(nSize)) {
switch (s) {
case 2:
case 4:
case 8:
dv.setBigUint64(offset + 1, BigInt(nSize), true);
nSize = 252 + Math.log2(s);
dv.setUint8(offset, nSize);
* @typedef GObjectData
* @prop {Uint53} end_epoch - whole seconds since epoch (like web-standard `exp`)
* @prop {String} name - kebab case (no spaces)
* @prop {String} payment_address - base58-encoded p2pkh
* @prop {String} payment_amount - in whole DASH
* @prop {Uint53} start_epoch - whole seconds since epoch (like web-standard `iat`)
* @prop {Uint32} type - TODO
* @prop {Uint32} url - conventionally dashcentral, with page the same as the 'name'
* This serialization is used exclusively for creating a hash to place in the OP_RETURN memo
* of the collateral transaction.
* As such, it does NOT match the MN gobject serialization.
* - NO collateral tx id (this is for that)
* - NO masternodeOutpoint (this is for that)
* - NO bls data signature (happens on MN)
* However, it does include all pieces of data required to verify authenticity from proposer.
* @typedef GObject
* @prop {Uint8Array} hashParent - typically null / all 0s (32 bytes)
* @prop {Uint32} revision - typically 1 or 2, etc (4 bytes)
* @prop {Uint53} time - seconds since epoch (8 bytes)
* @prop {String} hexJson - variable
* @param {GObject} gobj
* @returns {Uint8Array}
// * @prop {null} [masternodeOutpoint] - ??
// * @prop {null} [collateralTxOutputIndex] - 4 bytes of 0xffs
// * @prop {null} [collateralTxId] - 32 bytes of 0x00s
// * @prop {null} [collateralTxOutputIndex] - 4 bytes of 0xffs
// * @prop {null} [signature] - 0 bytes
GObj.serializeForCollateralTx = function ({ hexJson, hashParent, revision, time }) {
const compactSizeExtraOffset = GetCompactSizeExtraOffset(hexJson.length);
const dataLen =
32 + // hashParent
4 + // revision
8 + // time
1 + compactSizeExtraOffset + // compacted length header for HexStr(vchData)
hexJson.length + // HexStr(vchData)
32 + 4 + // masterNodeOutpoint (not used, so these bytes are the defaults)
1 + 4 + // dummy values to match old hashing
1; // compacted length header for `vchSig` in C++ version (always a single `0` byte)
const bytes = new Uint8Array(dataLen);
const dv = new DataView(bytes.buffer);
let offset = 0;
bytes.set(hashParent, offset); offset += 32;
dv.setInt32(offset, revision, true); offset += 4;
dv.setBigInt64(offset, BigInt(time), true); offset += 8;
// Write out hexJson, with a compacted size in front
WriteCompactSize(dv, offset, hexJson.length, compactSizeExtraOffset); offset += 1 + compactSizeExtraOffset;
bytes.set(new TextEncoder().encode(hexJson), offset); offset += hexJson.length;
// masternodeOutpoint exists in the C++ object and needs to be included,
// however, it is not filled with data for our purposes.
// Write out empty masternodeHash
offset += 32;
// Write out default mastNode `n` (index)
let masternodeOutpointIndex = 0xffffffff;
dv.setUint32(offset, masternodeOutpointIndex, true); offset += 4;
// adding dummy values here to match old hashing
offset += 1;
dv.setUint32(offset, 0xffffffff, true); offset += 4;
// In the C++ version, `vchSig` must have its length written out in `WriteCompactSize` fashion.
// Then, if the length is greater than 0, `vchSig` is written out too.
// However, we never need a signature here, so we just write out a `0`.
offset += 1;
return bytes;
function bytesToHex(bytes) {
let hexes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 1) {
let b = bytes[i];
let h = b.toString(16);
h = h.padStart(2, "0");
let hex = hexes.join("");
return hex;
function hexToBytes(hex) {
let len = hex.length / 2;
let bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
let j = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) {
let h = hex.substr(i, 2);
let b = parseInt(h, 16);
bytes[j] = b;
j += 1;
return bytes;
/** @typedef {Number} Uint8 */
/** @typedef {Number} Uint32 */
/** @typedef {Number} Uint53 */
async function main() {
// Taken from
// 2024-07-18T04:04:22Z gobject_prepare -- params: 0 1 1721275147 7b2273746172745f65706f6368223a313732313237353234372c22656e645f65706f6368223a313732313238353234372c226e616d65223a22746573742d70726f706f73616c2d34222c227061796d656e745f61646472657373223a22794d374d34594a4676353868676561394655784c746a4b42704b5843736a78574e58222c227061796d656e745f616d6f756e74223a3130302c2274797065223a312c2275726c223a2268747470733a2f2f7777772e6461736863656e7472616c2e6f72672f702f746573742d70726f706f73616c2d34227d, data: {"start_epoch":1721275247,"end_epoch":1721285247,"name":"test-proposal-4","payment_address":"yM7M4YJFv58hgea9FUxLtjKBpKXCsjxWNX","payment_amount":100,"type":1,"url":""}, hash: a9f2d073c2e6c80c340f15580fbfd622e8d74f4c6719708560bb94b259ae7e25
let gobj = {
hashParent: new Uint8Array(32),
revision: 1,
time: 1721275147,
// Note to AJ: that .GetHex() function in the C++ code reversed the bytes!!!!!!
let knownHash = "257eae59b294bb60857019674c4fd7e822d6bf0f58150f340cc8e6c273d0f2a9";
let gobjCollateralBytes = GObj.serializeForCollateralTx(gobj);
if (1 === 1) {
const hex_bytes = bytesToHex(gobjCollateralBytes);
const data = [
["hashParent", 32],
["revision", 4],
["time", 8],
["hexJSONLen-header", 1],
["hexJSONLen", GetCompactSizeExtraOffset(gobj.hexJson.length)],
["hexJSON", gobj.hexJson.length],
["masterNodeOutpointHash", 32],
["masterNodeOutpointIndex", 4],
["dummyByte", 1],
["dummy4Bytes", 4],
["vchSigLen", 1]
const maxLength = data.reduce((a, c) => Math.max(a, c[0].length), 0);
let start = 0;
for (const [name, chunkLen] of data) {
console.log(name.padStart(maxLength, ' '), "", hex_bytes.slice(start, (start += 2 * chunkLen)));
let hashBytes;
let hash1 = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", gobjCollateralBytes);
let hash2 = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", hash1);
let hash1Bytes = new Uint8Array(hash1);
let hash1Hex = bytesToHex(hash1Bytes);
console.log(hash1Hex, "(single hash)");
hashBytes = new Uint8Array(hash2);
let hashHex = bytesToHex(hashBytes);
console.log(hashHex, "(double hash)");
if (hashHex !== knownHash) {
throw new Error(
`known hash doesn't match generated hash:\n ${hashHex}\n ${knownHash} (expected)`
return hashBytes;
function logLine64(str, comment, value) {
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += 64) {
let line = str.substring(i, i + 64);
if (i === 0) {
if (typeof value !== "undefined") {
line = `${line} (${value})`;
line = line.padEnd(64, " ");, comment);
} else {;
.then(function () {"Sweet, Sweet Victory!");
.catch(function (err) {
console.error(`Not there yet: ${err.message}`);
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coolaj86 commented Aug 1, 2024

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