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Last active September 6, 2024 22:17
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  • Save Toyz/30e6fd504c713511f67f1a607025b0bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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All command line options to Overwatch
----------POSSIBLE OPTIONS----------------------------------------------
--account : [optional] account name to login with
--key : [optional] connection key for the server (defaults to 1 in debug)
--automationRoutine : [optional] automation routine to run after login
--startAutomationGraph : [optional] start up and execute automation global graph using provided guid
--gatherEffectStats : [optional] enables effect stat gathering
--noautoconnect : [optional] Do not automatically connect to a server
--dumpAssetNames : Write to <file> a JSON map of GUID (String "0xabc...") to asset name for all soft assets
--startPosition : [optional] start position when joining a map
--matchmake : [optional] join matchmaking upon connection to lobby server
--console : [optional] open a console log window
--DefaultHero : [optional] hero to auto-select when starting the client
--PlayInputCapture : [optional] play input capture when starting the client
--LoopInputCapture : [optional] loop input capture when starting the client
--BNetServer : [optional] B.Net server the lobby should connect to
--BNetSegKey : [optional] B.Net key used to segregate servers
--QuickLogin : [optional] login using the default password and the default account
--QuickLoginUsername : [optional] login using the default password and the specified username
--BNetEnabled : [optional] use B.Net to connect to lobby
--lobbyServer : [optional] lobby server to use
--instanceServer : [optional] instance server to use
--replayFile : [optional] replay file to load
--replayTeamSlot : [optional] replay team slot to view
--replayTeamIndex : [optional] replay team index to view
--cluster : [optional] bnet server cluster to connect to
--voiceChatServer : [optional] voice chat server to use
--voiceChatChannelDomain : [optional] voice chat channel domain
--disablePlayersNearMe : [optional] disable players near me feature
--replayViewerMode : [optional] start up the client in replay viewing mode
--tank_logpath : <logpath> : Set the path where logs are written.
--tank_userlogpath : <logpath> : Set the path where logs are written. The username will be appended as an additional subdirectory.
--tank_disablesyslog : Do not forward console logs to syslog.
--uid : Launching via Phoenix, this gives us the UID
--tank_windowResX : Sets window resolution in X.
--tank_windowResY : Sets window resolution in Y.
--tank_windowPosX : Sets window position in X.
--tank_windowPosY : Sets window position in Y.
--tank_Platform : The source platform code we want to use for our data.
--tank_Region : The region code we want to use for our data
--tank_Locale : The locale code we want to use for our data.
--tank_AudioLocale : The locale code we want to use for our audio data.
--tank_Environment : The environment data we want to use.
--tank_DataRoot : Root folder for all data. Defaults to AppPath on Windows
--tank_DataPath : Use a specific data path. Defaults to tank_DataRoot/data
--tank_CachePath : Use a specific cache path. Defaults to tank_DataRoot/cache
--tank_ShowMode : Start up this application in show mode
--tank_TournamentMode : Start up this application in tournament mode
--tank_TournamentModeAdmin : Start up this application as a tournament mode admin
--tank_Console : Start up this application with the console enabled
--tank_FeatureFlags : Start up this application with specific feature flags set
--tank_DynamicConfig : Start up this with specific dynamic config set
--tank_3dAudio :
--tank_DisableStreaming : Only use local installed data, no network communication for assets.
--tank_ShippingOnly : Start up this application only using shipping packages
--tank_DisablePackageBundles : Disable package bundles.
--tank_AlwaysMegadump : Force a megadump on crash
--tank_WorkerThreadCount : Sets the desired worker thread count (up to number of physical cores)
--tank_EnablePerfRecorder : Unlocks a key combination to activate the profile recording in retail/ptr builds
--tank_FullscreenRefreshOverride : Sets the refresh rate for fullscreen mode (-1 - use default, 0 - use highest supported).
--tank_TournamentModeTickRate : Start up this application using tournament mode tick rate
--tank_AssertOnStartupFailure : Assert after shutting down an app that failed to start up
----------POSSIBLE OPTIONS----------------------------------------------
--account : [optional] account name to login with
--key : [optional] connection key for the server (defaults to 1 in debug)
--automationRoutine : [optional] automation routine to run after login
--startAutomationGraph : [optional] start up and execute automation global graph using provided guid
--playSequence : [optional] automation routine to play given sequence after login
--playSequenceMapUuid : [optional] uuid from map placement to use in the playSequence automation routine
--lobbyMap : [optional] force a specific map to appear when connected to the lobby
--lobbyEnvironmentScenario : [optional] force a specific environment scenario on a forced lobby map
--automationSoftTimeOut : [optional] timeout for an automation routine to print out resource status, does not shut down client
--gatherEffectStats : [optional] enables effect stat gathering
--noautoconnect : [optional] Do not automatically connect to a server
--dumpAssetNames : Write to <file> a JSON map of GUID (String "0xabc...") to asset name for all soft assets
--startPosition : [optional] start position when joining a map
--matchmake : [optional] join matchmaking upon connection to lobby server
--console : [optional] open a console log window
--DefaultHero : [optional] hero to auto-select when starting the client
--PlayInputCapture : [optional] play input capture when starting the client
--LoopInputCapture : [optional] loop input capture when starting the client
--BNetServer : [optional] B.Net server the lobby should connect to
--BNetSegKey : [optional] B.Net key used to segregate servers
--QuickLogin : [optional] login using the default password and the default account
--QuickLoginUsername : [optional] login using the default password and the specified username
--QuickLoginFakeServerPlatform : [optional] when using quicklogin, additional fake this client's server platform
--DisableLobbyAutoConnect : [optional] Disable automatically connecting to lobby server at startup
--BNetEnabled : [optional] use B.Net to connect to lobby
--LoginNonUnified : [optional] Allow swapping between unified login and legacy login so that we can roll back if there are bugs
--DisableStaticPrep : [optional] Disables static prep
--EnableFreezeReport : [optional] Enables freeze watchdog that forcefully crashes the app to provide a report
--lobbyServer : [optional] lobby server to use
--instanceServer : [optional] instance server to use
--replayFile : [optional] replay file to load
--replayTeamSlot : [optional] replay team slot to view
--replayTeamIndex : [optional] replay team index to view
--cluster : [optional] bnet server cluster to connect to
--voiceChatServer : [optional] voice chat server to use
--voiceChatChannelDomain : [optional] voice chat channel domain
--disablePlayersNearMe : [optional] disable players near me feature
--replayViewerMode : [optional] start up the client in replay viewing mode
--sceneForceConnectToDev : [optional] force connecting to production urls for simple checkout and blizzard gifts
--disableDebugOutlines : [optional] hide entity outlines for debug features. can still be turned on at runtime in the entity debugger
--tank_logpath : <logpath> : Set the path where logs are written.
--tank_userlogpath : <logpath> : Set the path where logs are written. The username will be appended as an additional subdirectory.
--tank_disablesyslog : Do not forward console logs to syslog.
--uid : Launching via Phoenix, this gives us the UID
--tank_windowResX : Sets window resolution in X.
--tank_windowResY : Sets window resolution in Y.
--tank_windowPosX : Sets window position in X.
--tank_windowPosY : Sets window position in Y.
--tank_Platform : The source platform code we want to use for our data.
--tank_Region : The region code we want to use for our data
--tank_Locale : The locale code we want to use for our data.
--tank_AudioLocale : The locale code we want to use for our speech data. In process of being renamed to SpeechLocale.
--tank_SpeechLocale : The locale code we want to use for our speech data.
--tank_Environment : The environment data we want to use.
--tank_DataRoot : Root folder for all data. Defaults to AppPath on Windows
--tank_DataPath : Use a specific data path. Defaults to tank_DataRoot/data
--tank_CachePath : Use a specific cache path. Defaults to tank_DataRoot/cache
--tank_ShowMode : Start up this application in show mode
--tank_TournamentMode : Start up this application in tournament mode
--tank_TournamentModeAdmin : Start up this application as a tournament mode admin
--tank_ForceLowPopMatchmaking : Start up this application with low pop matchmaking
--tank_ForceHighPopMatchmaking : Start up this application with high pop matchmaking
--tank_Console : Start up this application with the console enabled
--tank_FeatureFlags : Start up this application with specific feature flags set
--tank_DynamicConfig : Start up this with specific dynamic config set
--tank_3dAudio :
--tank_DisableStreaming : Only use local installed data, no network communication for assets.
--tank_ShippingOnly : Start up this application only using shipping packages
--tank_DisablePackageBundles : Disable package bundles.
--tank_AlwaysMegadump : Force a megadump on crash
--tank_WorkerThreadCount : Sets the desired worker thread count (clamped to number of physical cores)
--tank_MinWorkerThreadCount : Sets the minimum worker thread count that should be created
--tank_MaxWorkerThreadCount : Sets the maximum worker thread count that should be created
--tank_EnablePerfRecorder : Unlocks a key combination to activate the profile recording in retail/ptr builds
--tank_FullscreenRefreshOverride : Sets the refresh rate for fullscreen mode (-1 - use default, 0 - use highest supported).
--tank_TournamentModeTickRate : Start up this application using tournament mode tick rate
--tank_AssertOnStartupFailure : Assert after shutting down an app that failed to start up
--tank_AllowRemoteDesktop : Allows client to enable various work-arounds needed for remote desktop connections.
--tank_ServerSkinLoadMode : 0: load as few skins as possible, 1: load a few more to be safe, 2: load all skins (default is 0)
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netux commented Aug 6, 2023

As of OW2 v2.

  • --account doesn't seem to work
  • I was able to get --tank_Locale to work with value "esMX". I assume the language pack has to be already installed though.

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ChrisWyattCombs commented Aug 27, 2023

@Toyz do you know specifically how to use --lobbyMap? if so could you tell me specifically how to use --lobbyMap?

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Does anyone know how to use --DefaultHero or if it even works at all? what value would you need to give it

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Someone know how to use tank console? Tried commom commands and seems don't work. Also there's profiler key combination, i cannot find it.

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would like to know more about it

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anyone able to boot into a map with the parameters? been trying bunch of combos but it always tells me cannot locate resources

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Has anyone figured out how to auto-login? I want to directly launch overwatch but still have it autologin with the battle net creds.

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nathan130200 commented Feb 17, 2024

@github59173 You can set account data (returned from BNet service) in registy, overwatch read registry as well once it starts.

@RickyOcarina2000 maybe you've set wrong map ID.

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greamy commented Jul 26, 2024

@nathan130200 could you elaborate on setting account data in registry? What would that look like?

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@greamy BNet launcher get auth data from API and set in windows registry these values. When overwatch starts it read windows registry with pre-cached auth data and automatically enter in the lobby server.

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