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Last active September 2, 2015 10:20
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<a href="#" title="More Information" id="tooltip1">Portfolio Concept</a></h3>
<p>Tough to answer, not having done any real development work so far. I hope to get work in back-end development. Thus, I'd like, by the end of the course, to showcase projects I've completed and and working on that demonstrate facility in that field. I would like it to have a fun, accessible lay-out </p>
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<h3>Project Goals</h3>
<p>My goal is to learn as much as I possibly can, in the hopes of finding a job after, or not too long after, completing this course. I am able to work full-time on this course, so any recommendations as to how I can make the most of that time would be greatly appreciated. I want, at the very least, to complete all of the assigned projects by their due-dates; but hopefully, to go beyond those requirements and take advantage of any resource you might recommend to me. </p>
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<h3>Course Goals</h3>
<p>I'm currently redirecting from a Masters in Philosophy, after realizing that route wasn't the best for me. I began tinkering a bit with development after having an idea for a social media site, and was surprised to find the technical side of web development very enjoyable. I decided, if I could do this professionally, I think I'd be pretty happy with my life. My hope now is to get an entry level developer position; my most important requirement for a job is that it provides as many opportunities to learn and grow as possible. </p>
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<h4> More about me.</h4>
<p>Gastropub VHS Austin biodiesel pour-over Marfa. Bespoke asymmetrical raw denim skateboard, polaroid occupy McSweeney's cronut roof party food truck flannel cornhole cred. 90's post-ironic Portland Carles roof party, Intelligentsia squid viral lomo PBR street art cold-pressed migas. Butcher brunch migas keytar. You probably haven't heard of them Echo Park vegan bicycle rights whatever tote bag VHS locavore, Shoreditch artisan Tumblr paleo craft beer mlkshk. Asymmetrical cliche skateboard Tumblr. Health goth McSweeney's semiotics Bushwick raw denim ethical.</p>
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<td>Feature 2</td>
<td>Property 1</td>
<td>Property 2</td>
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<td>Feature 3</td>
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<td>Property 2</td>
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<td>Feature 4</td>
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