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Samuel (Sam) Phillips Socratic1

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class Pet
attr_reader :color, :breed
attr_accessor :name
def initialize(color, breed)
@color = color
@breed = breed
@hungry = true
def fav_foods
food_array = []
3.times do
puts "Name a favorite food."
food_array << gets.chomp
p food_array
puts "Your favorite foods are #{food_array.join(", ")}."
food_array.each do |food|
# #3.times do
# # puts "Hello!"
# #end
# number = 0
# while (number <= 10) do # while this condition is true, do...
# p "the number is now #{number}" # whatever is in this code block
# number += 1 # short for number = number + 1
# end
def choose
puts "Do you like programming? Yes or no please."
choice = gets.chomp
if (choice.downcase == "yes")
puts "That\'s great!"
elsif (choice.downcase == "no")
puts "That\'s too bad!"
puts "That wasn't a yes or no."
if (5+5==10)
puts "this is true"
puts "this is false"
def greeting
puts "Please enter your name:"
name = gets.chomp
p "Hello" + " " + name
var myWorks = [ { title: "Work in Progress 1", pic: "img/work-in-progress.png"},
{ title: "Work in Progress 2", pic: "img/work-in-progress.png"},
{ title: "Work in Progress 3", pic: "img/work-in-progress.png"},
{ title: "Work in Progress 4", pic: "img/work-in-progress.png"}
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