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Last active September 21, 2024 09:14
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Chonos Engine Docs

============================================================================= +++ MOG - Chrono Engine (v0.2b) +++ By Moghunter

This plugin allows you to create advanced systems using events, such as a real-time battle system on the map or complex puzzles interacting with events.

================================================================================= *** SKILL / ITEM / WEAPON (NOTETAGS) ***

Tool Id : X Sets the event ID of the action. This action will be activated when using the skill through the menu.

Cooperation Skill : X : X : X : ... Sets the ID of the characters that will be needed to activate the action.

Abs Mode Add this Tag to make the item/skill appear in the ABS menu.

=============================================================================== *** SHIELD (NOTETAGS) ***

Add this comment to activate the shield action.

Shield Pose Suffix : NAME

============================================================================ *** ACTORS & ENEMIES (NOTETAGS) ***

Body Size : X

  • Sets the size of the character's collision area.

Dead Switch Id : X

  • Activates a switch after the enemy dies.

Dead Variable Id : X

  • Adds +1 to the X variable after the enemy dies.

Dead Selfswitch Id : X

  • Activates the selfswitch after the enemy dies. (A,B,C,D)

Disable Knockback

  • Disables the character's Knockback.

Invulnerable Actions : X,X,X,X...

  • Makes the enemy invulnerable to certain actions.

State Icon Y-Axis : Y

  • Sets a fixed position for the icon height.

=============================================================================== *** ENEMY EVENTS (COMMENTS) ***

enemy_id : X

  • Sets the enemy's ID for the event.

walk_nearby : X

  • Sets a maximum movement area limit in random walk mode.

============================================================================= *** TOOL SYSTEM ***

Tool System is the event interaction system, these events are called Tool Events which are events that are activated during the game. These Tool Events must be created in a predetermined map separate from the others, by default the map ID is 1, but it can be modified.

============================================================================= *** TOOL EVENTS COMMENTS ***

To define the event action parameters, use the comments below.

tool_item_id : ITEM_ID

  • Defines the damage based on the Item ID.

tool_skill_id : SKILL_ID

  • Defines the damage based on the Skill ID.

tool_item_cost : ITEM_ID

  • Activates an item cost for the action. (*Bow and arrow)

tool_duration : X

  • Defines the duration of the action.

tool_pose_suffix : NAME

  • Defines the suffix of the character's image when using the action.

tool_pose_duration : X

  • Sets the duration of the action pose.

tool_area : MODE

  • Sets the type of impact area of the action.
  • square
  • front_square (Half of the square)
  • rhombus (Rhombus)
  • front_rhombus (Half of the rhombus)
  • line (Front Line)
  • wall (Side Line)
  • cross (Cross)

tool_range : X

  • Sets the size of the action collision area.


  • Disables the collision of the event.

tool_wait_collision : X

  • Sets a time to activate the collision of the action.


  • Disables the pierce mode of the target.


  • Deals damage to all targets, enemies and allies.

tool_position : MODE

  • Sets the starting position of the action. target - Target selection using the cursor. user - Position on the user. move_to_target - Makes the character go to the target in Chrono mode. tool_multihit : LAG_TIME - Activates the multiple hit mode, the value X is the collision time between hits. tool_action_times : TIMES : LAG_TIME - Triggers the action X times. tool_chain_action : ACTION_ID - Triggers an action after the character finishes the first action. tool_chain_action_hit : ACTION_ID - Triggers an action when the first action hits the target. tool_three_directions - The action is triggered in three directions. tool_four_directions - The action is triggered in four directions. tool_all_directions - The action is triggered in all directions. tool_knockback_duration : X
  • Time the target is paralyzed after the hit.


  • The collision ignores if the target is using the shield.


  • The action is reflected when the user is using the shield.


  • The action is activated only once.


  • Allows the action to be activated diagonally.


  • The angle of the sprite will be based on the direction of the event.

tool_user_animation_id : X

  • Sets an animation on the user when activating the action.

tool_cast_animation_id : X

  • Sets an animation on the user during the invocation phase of the action.


  • Makes the screen shake when hitting the target.

tool_boomerang : X

  • Activates boomerang mode, X is the distance of the action.

tool_hookshot : X

  • Activates hookshot mode, X is the distance of the action.


  • Activates the zoom animation when using the action. (Requires the MOG_Character_Motion plugin)


  • Allows the action to hit the target regardless of the knockback state.


  • Activates the combo system for this action, a different action will be activated each time the player presses the required button.

COMMAND TYPE - Command type. - 0 Weapon Command/Button

  • 1 Skill Command/Button
  • 2 Item Command/Button

tool_charge_attack : ACTION_ID : CHARGE_TIME

  • Enable the charge system for this action, the action will be activated when the player holds down the normal attack button (Weapon Command)

=================================================================================== *** PUZZLE EVENTS (COMMENTS) ***

collision_id : X

  • Sets the ID of the collision event for the action. When event X collides with this event, the event page will be triggered.


  • Determines that this event will be a hookshot collision event.

============================================================================= *** ENEMY EVENTS (COMMENTS) ***

enemy_id : X

  • Sets the enemy ID for this event.

walk_nearby : X

  • Makes the event walk within the defined perimeter, this function is useful for creating groups of enemies in Chrono mode.

event sensor : X

  • Sets the sensor range to activate the action page.

This function requires the Event Sensor plugin.

battle_sensor : X

  • Sets the sensor range to activate the battle in Chrono mode.

============================================================================= *** PLUGIN COMMANDS ***

chrono_mode : true

  • Enables or disables turn-based battle mode (Chrono), leave "false" if you want to enable ABS mode.

atb_mode : 0

  • Setting of Active Time mode in Chrono mode.

0 - WAIT ATB is not active during command selection.

1 - SEMI ACTIVE ATB is not active during action and enemy selection.

2 - FULL ACTIVE ATB is active all the time.

can_escape : true

  • Enables or disables the escape command in Chrono mode.

set_battler_position : ACTOR_ID : X : Y

  • Sets the character's X and Y position in Chrono mode.

set_battler_direction : ACTOR_ID : X : Y

  • Sets the character's direction in Chrono mode.

set_actor_skill : ACTOR_ID : TOOL_ID

  • Forces equipping a skill on the character.

set_actor_item : ACTOR_ID : TOOL_ID

  • Forces equipping an item on the character.

action_commands : true

  • Enables or disables all action commands in ABS mode.

command_attack : true

  • Enables or disables the attack command in ABS mode.

command_shield : true

  • Enables or disables the shield command in ABS mode.

command_skill : true

  • Enables or disables the skill command in ABS mode.

command_item : true

  • Toggles item command in ABS mode.

command_skill_window : true

  • Toggles skill menu.

command_item_window : true

  • Toggles item menu.

tool_item_visible : true

  • Toggles item hud.

tool_skill_visible : true

  • Toggles skill hud.

tool_weapon_visible : true

  • Toggles weapon hud.

tool_shield_visible : true

  • Toggles a or disable the shield hud.

tool_shield_visible : true

  • Enables or disables the shield hud.

tool_collision : true

  • Enables or disables collision on the action event.

force_damage : Mode

  • Forces the action event to deal damage in Chrono mode.
  • target Damage only to the chosen target.
  • area Damage to targets within the action's range.
  • all Damage to all targets.


  • Forces the turn to end in Chrono mode.

=============================================================================== *** CHARACTER SCRIPT COMMANDS ***

The commands should be used to create complex action movements.

Use the commands below through the call script command.


These are the basic commands to define the characters to be used.


  • Definition of the action user

  • Definition of the target event.

  • Definition of the actor based on the ID, use this command when creating movements in cooperation skills.


  • This is the Action event.



  • Sets an image for the character.


  • Sets a direction for the character. (2,4,6,8)


  • Enables or disables the fixed direction.


  • Enables or disables the walking animation.


  • Enables or disables the step animation.


  • Sets the character's image priority. (0,1,2)


  • Enables an animation on the character.


  • Move one step forward.


  • Move one step back.


  • Move randomly.


  • Makes the character jump.


  • Makes the character move to the target quickly, ignoring passability. X - X offset Y - Y offset H - Height (Jump Effect) S - Subject T - Through - Ignores the passability of enemies and allies.


  • Makes the character teleport to the target. X - X offset Y - Y offset S - Subject


  • Makes the character teleport randomly. A - Area


  • Makes the character teleport randomly only horizontally.

A - Area


  • Makes the character teleport randomly only vertically.

A - Area


  • Makes the character take a step back. S - Number of steps. H - Height.


  • Enables or disables character collision.


  • Enables or disables the character's shield mode.


  • Sets the image angle of the character's sprite.


  • Enables random switches that are in the array. Switches that are not selected will be turned OFF. This function is useful for creating random enemy action patterns in ABS mode.


  • Activates an action in ABS mode.

=============================================================================== *** ATB ***

ATB speed is based on the battler's agility and there are 3 ATB modes.

WAIT - ATB is not active during command selection. SEMI ACTIVE - ATB is not active during action and target selection. FULL ACTIVE - ATB is active all the time.

============================================================================= *** CASTING TIME ***

To set the casting time for the action, simply set a value in SPEED greater than zero.

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