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Onurtag / ExploreEverything.ahk
Last active September 17, 2024 11:24
ExploreEverything.ahk: An autohotkey (ahk v1) script that allows you to search the current explorer folder, your desktop and more using Everything
#SingleInstance Force
#NoTrayIcon ;If you want the tray icon to be visible; comment this line by adding a semicolon ; in front of the #. Example: ;#NoTrayIcon
EverythingPath := "C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe" ;Set this to your everything.exe path. Keep the quotes.
;---Optional setup for special folders---
MyRecycleBin := "Recycle Bin" ;If your OS is not English, go to your explorer's "Recycle Bin" (🚮) folder and change this to the title of that window. Keep the quotes.
MyThisPC := "This PC" ;If your OS is not English, go to your explorer's "This PC" (💻) folder and change this to the title of that window. Keep the quotes.
MyHome := "Home" ;(Windows 11) If your OS is not English, go to your explorer's "Home" (🏠) folder and change this to the title of that window. Keep the quotes.