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2020-04-22 22:40:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Checking custom notification conditions for notifier_id 7.
2020-04-22 22:40:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: {1} media_type | is | 'movie' > 'movie' > True
2020-04-22 22:40:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Condition logic [blank]: {1} > True
2020-04-22 22:40:34 - DEBUG :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Custom conditions evaluated to 'True'. Conditions: [True].
2020-04-22 22:40:34 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli NotificationHandler :: Preparing notification for notifier_id 7.
2020-04-22 22:40:34 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Sending Webhook notification...
2020-04-22 22:40:34 - INFO :: Thread-2 : Tautulli Notifiers :: Webhook notification sent.
2020-04-22 22:42:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 21 stopped.
2020-04-22 22:42:25 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityProcessor :: Fetching metadata for item ratingKey 38807
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