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Last active October 18, 2019 22:14
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Project: Agency
Group Member Names:
Tay DeHerrera
Aidan McKay
Greg AndersonProject: Agency
Group Member Names:
Tay DeHerrera
Aidan McKay
Greg Anderson
Mills Provosty
Project Expectations:
MVP: Connecting users that need help with volunteers willing to offer help,
List of times need help/Times willing to help
List of things that I need help with/List of things I'm willing to help with
What does each group member hope to get out of this project?
Tay DeHerrera: Unique project that we can all put on our resumes, something functional.
Aidan McKay: A good looking project that delivers MVP.
Greg Anderson: Make something that's going to present well. Have a tight, clean project that delivers MVP.
Mills Provosty: I want a product that delivers MVP, makes a good presentation, one that's usable right off the bat.
Team strengths:
Tay DeHerrera: Really good at communicating and always ready to put in the long hours to get the job done.
Aidan McKay: Available at most times throughout the day and willing to work for however long we need
Greg Anderson: Availability, Communication, Morale.
Mills Provosty: communication, organization, planning, morale, willing to work however long
How to overcome obstacles:
Tay DeHerrera: I love pairing and working together when I’m stuck, and I’m really good at communicating early on when there’s something not working for me.
Aidan McKay: Implement problem solving techniques and communicate those techniques with the team
Greg Anderson: Identifying where the problem arises and plan on how to attack it.
Mills Provosty: Pairing
Schedule Expectations (When are we available to work together and individually?):
Tay DeHerrera: I regularly stay at Turing until 9, so I’m always around to work together. There aren’t any days within the scope of the project that I need to take off either.
Aidan McKay: I can stay however late as long as I can catch a light rail. If we decide we want to meet up in the mornings as well, I can get here early. I don’t think there is a day I need to take off necessarily just maybe a later start on the weekends depending on stuff.
Greg Anderson: I am usually here in the morning, although, that is typically outside work and not group work, but always available
Mills Provosty: I would Ideally like to be on my way home by 7:15 pm, but I am available as needed; can come as early as needed. Sundays until 1 PM I’m teaching piano lessons and am not available, unless there are cancellations. (I’ll keep you updated!)
Communication Expectations (How and often will we communicate? How do we keep lines of communication open?):
Tay DeHerrera: Slack is good for me, daily check-ins!!
Aidan McKay: Slack is fan-frigitty-tastic. Maybe a stand-up for the daily check-ins?
Greg Anderson: Slack. I am a believer in check-ins.. Maybe even a team meeting at 840ish each day to talk about what happened the day before and goals for end of day.
Mills Provosty: Slack, Daily check ins
Abilities Expectations (Technical strengths and areas for desired improvement):
Tay DeHerrera: I feel pretty comfortable with API consumption at this point but I really want to focus on drying up my code as it tends to get redundant in some places.
Aidan McKay: I feel very confident in everything front-end. I would like a decent amount of exposure / understanding of the backend happenings
Greg Anderson: I am great at implementing functionality. I am not great at testing.
Mills Provosty: I’m mostly comfortable with backend tasks: building/consuming API’s, Authentication, building databases/relationships
Workload Expectations (What features do we each want to work on?):
Tay DeHerrera
Aidan McKay: I’m not sure at this moment but I feel like that could be talked about in the daily check-ins
Greg Anderson: A goal is 50/50, front-end/backend. But realistically, I expect to contribute much more to the front-end
Mills Provosty: ALL OF IT! JK. I’m most comfortable with backend, but really want to pair on websockets. Yall, save me the sockets.
Workflow Expectations (Git workflow/Tools/Code Review/Reviewing Pull Requests):
Don’t merge code that is broken
Fill out Pull Request form
It could be helpful to link PRs in User Stories on Github projects
Write thorough user stories on Github Projects
Expectations for giving and receiving feedback:
Tay DeHerrera: I value feedback that’s kind, specific and actionable. Sooner rather than later is best for me though.
Aidan McKay: Just let me know. No matter what it is and at a decent time as well.
Greg Anderson: Treat each other well, but also expect the best from everyone.
Mills Provosty: Please be timely with specific feedback. I’d much rather know upfront if I’m not meeting expectations so I can make adjustments, over find out afterwards.
Agenda to discuss project launch:
Tools: Github Projects, Slack, Heroku,
Additional Notes:
Tay and Mills: Build backend/and test in Python, Websockets, Twilio
Aidan and Greg: for now.... Vue, Angular, Websockets
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