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M.P. MillsProvosty

  • Lockheed Martin, Space
  • Denver, Co
View GitHub Profile
Monday - Friday (taking Sat. Sun. off)
8- 9:30 am: Get up, breakfast, get dressed
9:30- 10:15 am: Travel to work destination (could be coffee shop, could be Turing)
10:15-12 pm: Code wars/clean up old projects
12-1pm: Lunch
1-2pm: Research job postings
2-3pm: Cover letters
3-4pm: Coffee Meetings
4- 10: Free time, workout, catch up on life.
FE Tech Stack:
Project: Agency
Group Member Names:
Tay DeHerrera
Aidan McKay
Greg AndersonProject: Agency
Group Member Names:
Tay DeHerrera
Aidan McKay
DTR: Define the Relationship
Project: Calorie Counter
Group Member Names:
Mills Provosty, Jake Miller
Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful?):
- Jake: We will both be gainfully employed by the time the project is done.
- Mills: I will be comfortable making API calls in Javascript
* Section II: Short Answer Responses
Why do you want mentoring in the job search?
I need something to help hold me accountable to a schedule. I have been doing this search since July and am feeling both the stress of needing a job and burnout from Turing life in general. Having the added responsibility of someone checking in with me will help keep me motivated. Also, I feel like there's always little tidbits I could be doing if I only knew about it; you all have that info! I'd love whatever help I can get.
How will you hold yourself accountable to balancing time for your job search and following your mentor and group's advice?
I'm going to have to stick to a strict schedule. I did that in mods 1 and 2 especially, so I have confidence I can continue. Everything goes on Google Calendar and I use multiple reminders throughout the day. Also, I'm good at communicating these things to a team and having them know what's happening helps hold me accountable.
What is the focus of your job search (timeline, ideal j
MillsProvosty / Cross Poll mod 4
Last active October 16, 2019 15:30
Cross Pollination
App Name: Agency
Purpose: This app would be designed to help people who have diablities connect with volunteers who can help. (Kind of in the same vein as "Be My Eyes") For those who are hard of hearing, having a voice to text option that can be used in social situations. For those with have limited sight, call a volunteer and use the camera to navigate/give info about something they cannot see. For those with physical limitations, the ability to call a volunteer in the area to help with transportation/mobility. Or, perhaps a craigslist of sorts for either items that help with any of these limitations (for example, children grow out of prosthetics rather quickly, perhaps you're upgrading from one chair to a nicer one, but the old one is still good) or setting up volunteer opportunities for communities to come together and build things that increase mobility. Like a Habitat for Humanity, only with the sole purpose of doing things like installing ramps, or rebuilding someones kitchen to be more accessible.
MillsProvosty / Eloquent JavaScript Summaries
Last active September 28, 2019 20:02
Eloquent JavaScript Summaries
Chapter 1:
JavaScript uses basically the same values as Ruby: Strings, Booleans, Numbers and Undefined Values. The operators are also almost exactly the same as in Ruby. The biggest difference I niteced was the === and the !===. These are used when you do not want any automatic type conversions to happen- === tests if a value is precisely equal to the value on the opposite end.
Chapter 2:
Statements, expressions, bindings and functions are tools used to produce values. Statments generally contain expressions, and can have multiple smaller expressions encapsulated within them. You can interrupt a statement, similarly to Ruby, with conditionals like, if, else and switch, or with looping like while, do and for.
Bindings, or variables, are used to save state. You assing a value to a binding using the = operator. The Let binding can be changed as soon as it's reassigned. The Var is used similarly, but they didn't go into too much detail as apparently using var brings with it some confusing properties. Const sta
MillsProvosty / Cover Letter
Created September 27, 2019 14:42
Cover Letter
Good Morning,
I am Mills Provosty, a current student nearing graduation at the Turing School of Software and Design. My mentor Tim Tyrrell posted an opening with your company, and after taking a look at the position and reading about Via TRM, I strongly feel there is so much I could offer you.
I spent 13 years teaching K-8 general music in the public school setting. I've dealt with adults and children from a wide spectrum of languages, socioeconomic, ethnic, religious, political and educational backgrounds, each with extremely individual communication and educational needs. In 2012 I received the Mile High Teacher Award for excellence in the classroom, and in 2014 I received my Master's degree in Music Education with a concentration in Ethnomusicology- basically the anthropology of music. I am familiar with some of the strengths and shortcomings of online education forums, as well as the organizational details that go into enrolling, scheduling and tracking a students progress.
After 13 years I made th
DTR for 7/20 - 7/21
Full CRUD interactions with recordings, including a page for users to be able to view recordings
Get recordings on landmarks- full page of recordings for specific landmark
Be here Saturday 9 - 4, Sunday 10-10
Link to index/show for landmarks
Be here 8- 6 Saturday, 9- 6 Sunday
History of Biometric Authentication:
-Uses in companies to distinguish emoployees
-Galtan's details
-Henry's fingerprint id system
-Face recognition
-Speech recognition
Most common uses today and how it works: