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nebrius /
Last active May 13, 2023 01:07
Instructions for configuring TypeScript for Node.js

This gist will walk you through configuring your Node.js Project so that you can write your code in TypeScript using Visual Studio Code. These isntructions were written for attendees at Microsoft Build doing a super secret thing I can't talk about (ooo, the suspense!), but they also will work for any Node.js project written in TypeScript.

Before we get started configuring TypeScript, we need to initialize a new Node.js project. If you have not already installed Node.js, please head over to and install the latest LTS version of Node.js. Once this is done, create a folder for your Node.js project and open a terminal in this folder. In the terminal, run the command:

npm init

This command will ask you a series of questions. You can use the defaults for each question here because they don't really matter. These only matter if you intend to publish your module to [](htt

bakkot / horrifying.js
Last active August 24, 2024 16:48
Various really bad JavaScript
(function x(){"use strict"; x = 1;}()); // TypeError
(function x(){x = 1; return x !== 1;}()); // write fails silently; function returns true
(function x(){"use strict"; x = (function(){throw 0;})();})() // Error 0
// These three lines rely on ES6.
(function x(){const x = 1;})() // No-op. In particular, not a redeclaration of x.
(function (){"use strict"; const x = 1; x = 2;})() // TypeError
(function (){const x = 1; x = 2;})() // TypeError. contrast (function x(){x = 2;}());
staltz /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
xem /
Last active August 1, 2024 14:30
JS code golfing

codegolf JS

Mini projects by Maxime Euzière (xem), subzey, Martin Kleppe (aemkei), Mathieu Henri (p01), Litterallylara, Tommy Hodgins (innovati), Veu(beke), Anders Kaare, Keith Clark, Addy Osmani, bburky, rlauck, cmoreau, maettig, thiemowmde, ilesinge, adlq, solinca, xen_the,...

(For more info and other projects, visit

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jareware /
Last active January 30, 2024 03:15
Project-specific lint rules with ESLint

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Project-specific lint rules with ESLint

A quick introduction

First there was JSLint, and there was much rejoicing. The odd little language called JavaScript finally had some static code analysis tooling to go with its many quirks and surprising edge cases. But people gradually became annoyed with having to lint their code according to the rules dictated by Douglas Crockford, instead of their own.

So JSLint got forked into JSHint, and there was much rejoicing. You could set it up to only complain about the things you didn't want to allow in your project, and shut up about the rest. JSHint has been the de-facto standard JavaScript linter for a long while, and continues to do so. Yet there will always be things your linter could check for you, but doesn't: your team has agreed on some convention that makes sense for them, but JSHint doesn't have an option

plentz / nginx.conf
Last active September 16, 2024 17:52
Best nginx configuration for improved security(and performance)
# to generate your dhparam.pem file, run in the terminal
openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem 2048