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xem / JSGameFramework2020.html
Last active November 11, 2023 19:53
JS game framework 2020
<body style=margin:0>
<canvas id=a>
// initialize 2D canvas (c)
// initialize game state (s)
// initialize keys states (u,r,d,l for directions, k for all the keyboard)
// (initialize your global variables here)
xem /
Created September 10, 2019 11:44

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am xem on github.
  • I am xem06 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASC5fuxaRvyhB7W-5_bu00ejCWI-x-m3W1yEDXTR-j1m8go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

xem /
Last active June 19, 2019 05:49
wip projection article

3D projection on a 2D canvas (wip blog post)

A very short article about a very specific topic: draw 3D points on a 2D canvas!
It's not very complex, but it puzzled me for years, until C4ntelope made this handy introduction based on his own intuition and computations, and Román Cortés helped me complete these explanations and simplify the maths and the code.
(This article is based on that Twitter thread).

xem / js1k 2019
Last active November 15, 2018 15:26
js1k 2019 ideas
  • 3D Peach Castle (CSS3D vs. raycasting feat RomanCortes)
  • 3D solar system (feat Yonatan)
  • Two3D clone (feat BalintCsala)
  • 2D physics engine (feat BalintCsala)
  • Mandelbox (feat BalintCsala)
  • An app that generates QR codes containing 1kb demos
  • A 2D WFC tracer
  • random dweet generator
  • SMB 1-1
  • 3D plotter
xem /
Last active July 30, 2023 09:57
  • Don't modify strings (content: "...", font-family: '...')
  • Remove all CSS comments (ex: /* ... */ )
  • Remove all unnecessary spaces, tabs and line breaks (ex: around + > ~ ; : , ( ) { } /)
    • Keep spaces before : in selectors (ex: * :before != *:before)
    • Keep spaces around + and - in calc(...) (but not in nth-child and nth-of-type)
  • Remove all unnecessary ; (ex: a{color:red;})
  • Remove all unnecessary * in CSS selectors (ex: *:before => :before)
  • Remove leading and trailing zeros (ex: 0.1%, 1.0%, 0.0px)
  • Remove units after zero (ex: 0px 0rem 0% 0turn 0vmax 0dpi)
xem / v1.html
Created November 19, 2016 12:48
1kb ES6 Quines Ideas
<pre id=p><script id="s" style="display:block">setInterval(z=`
/* =<,m#F^ A W###q. */ ;
/* #K q##H######Am */ ;
/* dP cpq#q##########b, */ ;
/* p##@###YG=[#######y */ ;
/* d#qg '*PWo##q#######D */ ;
/* Q###KWR#### W[ */ ;
/* .Q#########Md#.###OP A@ , */ ;
/* , (W#####Xx######.P^ T % */ ;
/* #y '^TqW####P###BP */ ;
xem / miniEditor.html
Last active July 30, 2023 09:57
mini native live code editor
<body contenteditable oninput=eval(S.textContent)>
<h1>Hi! (edit me)</h1>
<script style="display:block;border:1px solid;;white-space:pre-wrap" id=S>
// JS (edit me)
<style style="display:block;border:1px solid;white-space:pre-wrap">
/* CSS (edit me) */
* { background: #def }
xem /
Last active July 31, 2024 07:58
Maths & trigonometry cheat sheet for 2D & 3D games


  • A = [xA, yA] is a point on the 2D plane. Same for B, C, ...
  • lengths are in any unit (ex: pixels)
  • code snippets are in JavaScript

Degrees to radians

angleRad = angleDeg * Math.PI / 180;

xem / index.html
Last active April 22, 2016 09:29
webgl experiment
<canvas id=a>
// Coral reef
// -----------
xem / moz.xml
Created December 23, 2015 16:56
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<bindings xmlns="" xmlns:html="">
<binding id="mycode">
alert("XBL script executed.");