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Last active August 15, 2024 23:20
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Counter-Strike Global Offensive Configs
// CS:GO autoexec.cfg by KiloSwiss - Last Update: July/31/2020
// Download from Github:
// This config is not meant to be used "out of the box", but to look up commands, ConVars and binds and to help you create your own personalized config.
// If you look for an easier way to create your own config or want to copy pro players settings, check out this Map by crashz' and MisterIO:
// Feel free to edit this file, share the link with your friends, copy parts of it into your own config or even make your own config based on it.
// I recommend that you use a text editor like "Notepad++" or "Sublime" to edit this file.
// Put the File "autoexec.cfg" into the following folder if you want the same autoexec to be used across multiple accounts on the same system:
// ...\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// Put the File "autoexec.cfg" into the following folder if you want separate autoexec's for each account (i.e. If you share your PC with your family/friends):
// ...\Steam\userdata\<YOURID>\730\local\cfg
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// You will see a message in the console if the autoexec gets loaded on game start and you will also hear a sound when you execute the config manually.
// If the config does NOT load automatically, then simply add "+exec autoexec" to your Launch Options.
// Here is how you do this:
// Rightclick on CS:GO in your steam library and select Properties -> Set Launch Options... -> Then add: "+exec autoexec" (without the "")
// If you have other Launch Options, keep them separated with a space. It will look like this: "-novid -tickrate 128 +exec autoexec" (without the "")
// To get a list of all available commands and console variables, type "cvarlist" (without the "") into console and press [ENTER].
// To get additional information about a specific command or console variable, use "help <command>" or "help <cvar>" (without the "").
// PRO TIP: Use the command "differences" (without the "") to get a list of all convars which are not at their default values.
echo #; echo "# Executing autoexec.cfg ..."
// Mouse and Sensitivity
// #####################
// Calculate your new sensitivity when changing DPI: (old DPI x old sensitivity) / new DPI = new sensitivity
// Calculate your new mouse zoom sensitivity when changing sensitivity and/or DPI on your mouse:
// (old DPI x old sens x old zoom sensitivity) / (new DPI x new sens) = new zoom sensitivity
m_rawinput 1 // def. 0 - If set to 1, CS:GO ignores any Windows Mouse Settings like "Enhanced pointer precision" and "Pointer Speed".
sensitivity 1.250000// def. 2.5 min. 0.000100 max. 1000.000000 - Mouse Sensitivity ingame.
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 1.000000// def. 1 - Factor of zoomed in Mouse Sensitivity (try 0.818933).
// You should try a Zoom Sensitivity Ratio of .818933:
// How Zoomed Sensitivity and Sensitivity Ratio works:
m_mousespeed 0 // def. 1 min. 0 max. 2 - Windows mouse acceleration: 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
m_customaccel 0 // def. 0 Custom mouse acceleration: 0 = custom acceleration disabled 3 = mouse_acceleration.
m_customaccel_exponent 1.05 // def. 1.05 min. 0.000100 max. 10.000000 - Mouse move is raised to this power before being scaled by scale factor.
m_customaccel_scale 0.04 // def. 0.04 min. 0.000000 max. 10.000000 - Custom mouse acceleration value.
m_mouseaccel1 0 // def. 0 Windows mouse acceleration initial threshold (2x movement).
m_mouseaccel2 0 // def. 0 Windows mouse acceleration secondary threshold (4x movement).
m_pitch 0.022 // def. 0.022 sv_cheats protected - Mouse pitch factor (Vertical).
m_yaw 0.022 // def. 0.022 min. 0.000100 max. 1000.000000 - Mouse yaw factor (Horizontal).
// Crosshair Customization
// #######################
// See this picture for basic crosshair adjustments:
// Also keep in mind that the same settings for size, thickness and gap look different on other resolutions. That means:
// Using olofmeisters crosshair settings on 1920x1080 looks different on your screen than on his screen where he plays on 1024x768.
crosshair 1 // Enable/Disable the crosshair completely.
weapon_reticle_knife_show 1 // def. 1 - When enabled will show knife reticle on clients. Used for game modes requiring target id display when holding a knife.
cl_show_observer_crosshair 0 // def. 1 - Show the crosshair of the player being observed. 0: off 1: friends and party 2: all
cl_crosshairstyle 4 // def. 0 - Crosshairstyle
// 0 = ScaleForm Default - Large dynamic ScaleForm Crosshair (only cl_crosshaircolor can be used to customize).
// 1 = ScaleForm Small - Small static ScaleForm Crosshair (only cl_crosshaircolor and cl_fixedcrosshairgap can be used to customize).
// 2 = Classic (default) - Crosshair is slightly dynamic when moving and gives separated feedback when firing (this crosshair offers the most customization).
// 3 = Classic Dynamic - Crosshair is very dynamic/expands a lot when moving and gives smooth feedback when firing.
// 4 = Classic Static - Crosshair is completely static on movement and when firing weapons.
// 5 = Classic Dynamic "1.6" - Crosshair is static when moving and expands smoothly when firing.
// Values higher than 5 are not officially supported until VALVE actually implements a new crosshairstyle that makes use of it!
cl_crosshairsize 3.5 // def. 5 - Length of Crosshair Lines.
cl_crosshairthickness 1.0 // def. 0.5 - Thickness of Crosshair Lines (and size of the dot if cl_crosshairdot is 1).
cl_crosshairdot 0 // def. 1 - Dot in the Center of the Crosshair (change size with cl_crosshairthickness).
cl_crosshair_t 0 // def. 0 - T shaped crosshair (removes the upper crosshair line) ONLY WORKS FOR STYLES 2-5!
cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 // def. 0 - Draw a black outline around the crosshair.
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1.0 // def. 1 min. 0 max. 3 - Set how thick the crosshair outline is drawn.
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue 0 // If set to 1, the gap will update dynamically based on which weapon is currently used.
cl_crosshairgap -1 // def. 1 - Center gap between Crosshair lines. Also accepts negative Values like -1 / -5 / -10 etc.
cl_fixedcrosshairgap -18 // def. 3 - Center gap between Crosshair lines.
// This option works only with cl_crosshairstyle 1! Also accepts negative Values like -1 / -5 / -10 etc.
cl_crosshairusealpha 1 // def. 1 - 0=Half transparent Crosshair 1=Transparency can be set trough "cl_crosshairalpha".
cl_crosshairalpha 200 // def. 200 - min. 0=Complete transparent max. 255=Total solid
cl_crosshaircolor 4 // def. 1 min. 0 max. 5/99
// Style 0/1 (Scaleform): 0=### 1=Green 2=Yellow 3=Blue 4=Cyan 5=Red
// Style 2/3/4/5 (Classic): 0=Red 1=Green 2=Yellow 3=Blue 4=Cyan 5="CUSTOM"
// 5=Set your own custom colour trough cl_crosshaircolor_R/_G/_B
// See:
// The following three cvars also affect the color of the ACOG dot (scoped in AUG/SG553)!
cl_crosshaircolor_R 255 // def. 50 - 0-255 Ammount of RED
cl_crosshaircolor_G 255 // def. 250 - 0-255 Ammount of GREEN
cl_crosshaircolor_B 255 // def. 50 - 0-255 Ammount of BLUE
hud_showtargetid 1 // def. 1 - 0 Disables enemy player Names shown under the Crosshair (for all crosshairstyles 0/1/2/3/4/5).
cl_crosshair_friendly_warning 1 // def. 1 - 0 always off, 1 only on default crosshair styles (style 0 and 1), 2 always on
// Extended option for the sniper (SSG/AWP/SCAR/G3SG1) crosshair lines:
cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1 // def. 1 - If > 1 sniper scope crosshair lines gain extra width (use 1 for a single-pixel hairline).
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy 0 // def. 0 - Include standing inaccuracy when determining sniper crosshair blur.
// Extended options for cl_crosshairstyle 2:
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio .35 // def. 0.35 min. 0 max. 1 - Ratio for the size/lengts of the outer crosshair lines.
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod 1 // def. 1 min. 0 max. 1 - Alpha modification that will be used for the inner crosshair lines.
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod .5 // def. 0.5 min. 0.3 max. 1 - Alpha modification that will be used for the outer crosshair lines.
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist 7 // def. 7 - Distance that the crosshair pips will split when firing a weapon or during movement.
// SV_CHEATS 1 - Option to show the actual weapon spread - "cl_crosshairstyle" needs to be set to 2 or 3!
// weapon_debug_spread_show 1 // Enables display of weapon accuracy. 1=show accuracy box, 3=show accuracy with crosshair lines.
// SV_CHEATS 1 - Option to move the crosshair according to the weapon recoil - Works with all crosshair styles!
// cl_crosshair_recoil 1 //Recoil/aimpunch will move the user's crosshair to show the effect.
// Binds, Scripts and toggles
// ##########################
// To get a list of all aliases, type `alias` into console and press [ENTER].
// If you want to know to what command/alias a key is bound, type `bind KEY` into your console.
// To list all keys bound to a command/alias, type `key_findbinding COMMAND` or `key_findbinding ALIAS` into console.
// If you want a list of all keybinds, type `key_listboundkeys` into console (you can use `unbindalljoystick` first to remove all joystick/controller binds).
// The names for right CTRL, right SHIFT and the ALT GR keys are "Rctrl", "Rshift" and "Ralt" (upper or lowercase doesn't matter).
// Important: "Ralt" also counts as keypress for "CTRL" (the left one) so use the command `hideoverviewmap` with it to close the overview map!
// The names for the Windows keys are "Lwin" and "Rwin" and the names for the Numpad keys can be found under the buy binds section in this config.
//bind z _chColor // Toggle custom Crosshaircolors
alias _chColor "cl_crosshaircolor 5; _chColor0"
alias _chColor0 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 000; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_b 200; alias _chColor _chColor1" // Cyan
alias _chColor1 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 059; cl_crosshaircolor_g 122; cl_crosshaircolor_b 087; alias _chColor _chColor2" // Amazon/Sea Green
alias _chColor2 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 000; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_b 000; alias _chColor _chColor3" // Green
alias _chColor3 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 132; cl_crosshaircolor_g 222; cl_crosshaircolor_b 002; alias _chColor _chColor4" // Alien Armpit/Lawn Green
alias _chColor4 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 208; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_b 020; alias _chColor _chColor5" // Arctic Lime/Electric Lime
alias _chColor5 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 176; cl_crosshaircolor_g 191; cl_crosshaircolor_b 026; alias _chColor _chColor6" // Acid Green/Android Green
alias _chColor6 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 128; cl_crosshaircolor_b 000; alias _chColor _chColor7" // Orange
alias _chColor7 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 051; cl_crosshaircolor_b 195; alias _chColor _chColor8" // Pink
alias _chColor8 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 000; cl_crosshaircolor_g 000; cl_crosshaircolor_b 000; alias _chColor _chColor9" // Black
alias _chColor9 "cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_b 255; alias _chColor _chColor0" // White
//bind KEY +grenThrow // Jump and release the grenade currently in hand.
//alias +grenThrow "+jump; -attack; -attack2"
//alias -grenThrow -jump
bind v "-attack; -attack2" // Jumpthrow Key - Used for jumpthrowing grenades by pressing "SPACE + V" simultaneously.
bind h _nadeCrosshair // Nade crosshair toggle.
alias _nadeCrosshair _nCH_ON
alias _nCH_ON "cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshair_t 0; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairthickness .5; cl_crosshairsize 10000; cl_crosshairgap 1; cl_crosshairdot 1; alias _nadeCrosshair _nCH_OFF"
alias _nCH_OFF "exec autoexec; alias _nadeCrosshair _nCH_ON" // This bind only works if it's inside the autoexec.cfg and the autoexec contains your default crosshair CVARs!
//bind CAPSLOCK +info // Hold to show teammates names and their equipment.
//bind CAPSLOCK _info; alias _info +info // Toggle teammates names and their equipment.
//alias +info "+cl_show_team_equipment; alias _info -info"
//alias -info "-cl_show_team_equipment; alias _info +info"
bind n _netgraphtoggle // Toggle netgraph (visible and invisible). IMPORTANT: net_graph 1 must be set!
//bind TAB _scoretoggle // Toggle scoreboard and netgraph with the TABULATOR key.
bind TAB +scoretoggle // Hold TABULATOR key to show the scoreboard and netgraph.
//alias _scoretoggle +scoreboardonly; alias +scoretoggle +scoreboardonly; alias -scoretoggle -scoreboardonly
alias _scoretoggle +scoreboard&netgraph; alias +scoretoggle +scoreboard&netgraph; alias -scoretoggle -scoreboard&netgraph
alias +scoreboardonly "+showscores; alias _scoretoggle -scoreboardonly"
alias -scoreboardonly "-showscores; alias _scoretoggle +scoreboardonly"
alias +scoreboard&netgraph "+showscores; net_graphtext 1; alias _scoretoggle -scoreboard&netgraph"
alias -scoreboard&netgraph "-showscores; net_graphtext 0; alias _scoretoggle +scoreboard&netgraph"
//alias _netgraphtoggle _netgraphtemp // Use if net_graphtext is set to 1 in your config, otherwise comment out.
alias _netgraphtoggle _netgraphperm // Use if net_graphtext is set to 0 in your config, otherwise comment out.
alias _netgraphperm "net_graphtext 1; alias _scoretoggle +scoreboardonly; alias +scoretoggle +scoreboardonly; alias -scoretoggle -scoreboardonly; alias _netgraphtoggle _netgraphtemp"
alias _netgraphtemp "net_graphtext 0; alias _scoretoggle +scoreboard&netgraph; alias +scoretoggle +scoreboard&netgraph; alias -scoretoggle -scoreboard&netgraph; alias _netgraphtoggle _netgraphperm"
bind MOUSE1 +attack // *PewPewPew* Also has the same function as `spec_next` when spectating.
bind MOUSE2 +attack2 // Change firemode or zoom or remove/attach silencer. Also has the same function as `spec_prev` when spectating.
//bind MOUSE2 +zoom // Zoom with a scoped weapon (can't remove silencer, switch fire mode, underhand throw nades, activate mouse cursor on scoreboard etc.).
// Set `cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding +zoom` to enable mouse cursor with right click (mouse2), when using `bind MOUSE2 +zoom`.
bind MOUSE3 slot8 // Pressing Mousewheel equips Smokegrenade.
bind MOUSE4 +speak // Mouse thumb button "Back" activates voice.
bind MOUSE5 +knife // Mouse thumb button "Forward" equips the Knife.
alias +knife "use weapon_knife" // slot3
alias -knife lastinv // invnextnongrenade
//bind MWHEELUP invnext // Mousewheel Scroll-Up goes to next inventory item.
//bind MWHEELDOWN invprev // Mousewheel Scroll-Down goes to previous inventory item.
bind MWHEELUP slot7 // Mousewheel Scroll-Up equips the Flashbang.
bind MWHEELDOWN slot6 // Mousewheel Scroll-Down equips the HE Grenade.
bind F1 radio1
bind F2 radio2
bind F3 radio3
bind F4 lastinv // normally on "Q" // Switches to last used weapon. Also used for spectator/demo watching function to show the "Graphs"
bind 1 slot1 // Primary
bind 2 slot2 // Secondary
bind 3 slot3 // Knife/Zeus
bind 4 slot4 // Grenades (same as `invnextgrenade`)
bind 5 slot5 // C4/Breaches
bind 6 slot6 // HE Grenade/Snowball
bind 7 slot7 // Flashbang
bind 8 slot8 // Smoke Grenade
bind 9 slot9 // Decoy Grenade
bind 0 slot10 // Molotov / Incendiary Grenade
bind SEMICOLON slot11 // Zeus
//bind KEY slot12 // Health Shot
//bind KEY slot13 // Tablet (DangerZone)
bind ALT +quickinv // Radial Weapon Menu (edit radial_quickinventory.txt in the csgo folder to customise).
//bind KEY player_ping // Creates a player ping (visible for your teammates) at the position you are aiming at (DZ only).
bind q invnextnongrenade // Primary Secondary Weaponswitch, always reverts to the primary from grenades/knife/bomb/zeus.
//bind q lastinv
bind r +reload // Reload weapon
bind w +forward // Move forward
bind a +moveleft // Strafe left
bind s +back // Move back
bind d +moveright // Strafe right
bind SHIFT +speed // Walk (slow)
bind CTRL +duck // Duck/Crouch
bind SPACE +jump // Jump
bind CAPSLOCK clutch_mode_toggle // Temporarily disable incoming voice chat from team mates (lasts until end of round).
//bind TAB +showscores // Show the Scoreboard.
//bind f +cl_show_team_equipment // Show teammates names and their equipment.
bind j messagemode // Chat to ALL.
bind k messagemode2 // Chat to TEAM.
bind f "+lookatweapon; r_cleardecals" // Inspect your weapon + remove decal textures (bulletholes and blood).
bind g drop // Drop current Weapon.
bind e +use // Pick up weapons / plant bomb.
bind b buymenu // Open the buymenu to buy weapons and equipment.
bind m teammenu // Team selection (press 1 for T and 2 for CT).
bind t +spray_menu // Open menu to apply spray on surface you are currently aiming at.
bind RALT "callvote; hideoverviewmap" // Open the vote menu (hideoverviewmap is to close the map that opens because rALT also counts as CTRL).
bind c slot8 // Equip the Smoke Grenade.
bind y slot9 // Equip the Decoy Grenade.
bind x slot10 // Equip the Molotov/Incendiary Grenade.
bind i ignorerad // Toggle ignoring of radio Messages ("Fire In The Hole" and similar) on and off.
//bind u ignoremsg // Toggle ignoring of BROADCAST messages (press x1) / TEAM+BROADCAST messages (press x2) / ALL messages (press x3).
bind / toggleconsole // Toggle Console on the Key above Tabulator/left of "1" (bind `toggleconsole` to toggle or use `openconsole` and `closeconsole`).
bind RCTRL quit_prompt
bind LWIN "say_team I pressed the Windows key! Tabbing back into the game..."
bind RWIN "say_team I pressed the Windows key! Tabbing back into the game..."
bind l "toggle cl_mute_enemy_team; _err3" // Toggle enemy team mute ON/OFF.
bind p autobuy
bind z +bombdrop // Drop C4 Explosives (switch to knife if no bomb is in the inventory).
alias +bombdrop "slot3; use weapon_c4; drop"
alias -bombdrop "invnextnongrenade"
//bind alt +speak // Activate Voice (hold to speak).
bind o _voiceToggle // Toggle ingame Voice (ON/OFF).
alias +speak +voicerecord; alias -speak -voicerecord; alias _voiceToggle _voiceOFF
alias _voiceOFF "voice_enable 0; _pttoff; alias +speak _pttdeny; alias _voiceToggle _voiceON"
alias _voiceON "voice_enable 1; _ptton; alias +speak +voicerecord; alias _voiceToggle _voiceOFF"
alias _pttoff "play buttons/button18"
alias _ptton "play buttons/button9"
alias _pttdeny "play common/wpn_denyselect"
//bind q +quickswitch // Switch to knife, reverts back to primary/secondary when button is released.
alias +quickswitch "use weapon_knife" // slot3 or "use weapon_knife"
alias -quickswitch invnextnongrenade // lastinv or invnextnongrenade
bind u _usetoggle; alias _usetoggle _usehold // Press use to hold defuse and press again to release.
alias _usehold "+use; alias _usetoggle _useletgo"
alias _useletgo "-use; alias _usetoggle _usehold"
bind , "toggle cl_righthand"
bind . "callvote kick 0" // Fix for the vote window not disappearing after a vote is over (needs to be tapped twice).
// Use the console command `listissues`, it will show you all enabled vote options on this server:
// ---Vote commands---
// callvote Kick <userID>
// callvote RestartGame
// callvote NextLevel <mapname>
// callvote ChangeLevel <mapname>
// callvote StartTimeOut
// callvote ScrambleTeams
// callvote SwapTeams
//bind KEY "toggle volume 0.5 0" // Toggle Game Volume
//bind KEY show_loadout_toggle // Toggle showing Your current loadout on the HUD.
//bind KEY "toggle mat_monitorgamma 1.6 1.8 2.0" // Toggle Gamma (bright to dark)
//bind KEY "toggle net_graph" // Toggle Netgraph
//bind KEY "incrementvar cl_crosshairstyle 0 5 1" // Toggle all Crosshairstyles.
//bind KEY "callvote kick 0; callvote kick 0" // Fix for the vote window not disappearing after a vote is over.
//bind KEY +lookspin; joystick 0; joystick 1 // Do a 180° turn on a single key press. NEED A JOYSTICK/GAMEPAD CONNECTED TO THE PC!
// Buybinds
// ########
bind KP_HOME "buy SchmidtScout 16; slot3" // SSG 08
bind KP_UPARROW "buy SecondChoice 14; slot3" // Galil / FAMAS
bind KP_PGUP "buy ACOG-Weapon 17; slot3" // AUG / SG556
bind KP_LEFTARROW "buy AntiEcoBuy 8; slot3" // MAC-10 / MP9
bind KP_5 "buy LittleM4 10; slot3" // UMP-45
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "buy MP7A1PDW 9; slot3" // MP7 / MP5SD
//bind KP_RIGHTARROW "buy RunNGun 11; slot3" // P90
bind KP_END "buy Aim4TheHead 4; slot3" // P250
bind KP_DOWNARROW "buy EcoRoundBuy 5; slot3" // TEC-9 / FiveSeven / CZ75
bind KP_PGDN "buy Handcannon 6; slot3" // Desert Eagle / R8 Revolver
bind KP_SLASH "buy HEGren 29; slot3" // High Explosive (NumLock OFF)
bind - "buy HEGren 29; slot3" // High Explosive (NumLock ON)
bind KP_MULTIPLY "buy Flash 28; slot3" // Flashbang
bind KP_MINUS "buy Smoke 30; slot3" // Smoke Grenade
bind KP_PLUS "buy Molly 26; slot3" // Molotov / Incendiary
bind KP_INS "buy MainRifle 15; slot3" // M4A4 / M4A1-Silenced / AK-47
bind KP_DEL "buy vest" // Ballistic Vest
bind KP_ENTER "buy vesthelm" // Ballistic Vest and helmet
bind rightarrow "buy defuser" // Defuse Kit (CT only)
bind downarrow "buy Fakeflash 27; slot3" // Decoy Grenade
bind uparrow "buy HighTension 34; slot3" // Zeus x27 (Taser)
bind leftarrow "buy Thunderstrike 18; slot3" // AWP
// List of weapon slots (usage: "buy [string] [NUMBER]").
// Pistols: Rifles: Grenades:
// 2 = Glock/P2000/USP-S 14 = Galil/FAMAS 26 = Molotov/Incendiary
// 3 = Dual Berettas 15 = AK-47/M4A4/M4A1-S 27 = Decoy
// 4 = P250 16 = SSG 08 28 = Flashbang
// 5 = Tec-9/FiveSeven/CZ75 17 = SG553/AUG 29 = High Explosive
// 6 = Desert Eagle 18 = AWP 30 = Smoke
// 7 *empty* 19 = G3SG1/SCAR 20 31 *empty*
// SMGs: Heavy: Items:
// 8 = MAC-10/MP9 20 = Nova 34 = Zeus x27/Taser
// 9 = MP7/MP5SD 21 = XM1014
// 10 = UMP-45 22 = Sawed Off/MAG-7 # Items that can't be bought via slot number (usage "buy itemname"):
// 11 = P90 23 = M249 # defuser = Defuse Kit (CT only)
// 12 = PP-Bizon 24 = Negev # vest = Ballistic Vest
// 13 *empty* 25 *empty* # vesthelm = Ballistic Vest and helmet
// Traditional buy aliases (usage "buy itemname"):
// Pistols: glock, hkp2000, usp_silencer, elite, p250, tec9, fn57, deagle (no alias for CZ-75, use "tec9" or "fn57" instead).
// Rifles: galilar, famas, ak47, m4a1, m4a1_silencer, aug, sg556 (no alias for M4A4, use "M4A1", "m4a1_silencer" or "AK47" instead).
// Sniper: ssg08, awp, scar20, g3sg1
// Heavy: nova, xm1014, mag7, m249, negev (no alias for Sawed-Off, use "mag7" instead).
// SMGs: mac10, mp9, mp7, ump45, p90, bizon (no alias for MP5SD, use "mp7" instead).
// Armor: est, vesthelm, heavyarmor
// Utility: taser, defuser, molotov, incgrenade, decoy, flashbang, hegrenade, smokegrenade, tagrenade
// Network and Interpolation Settings
// Make download bandwidth tests on and use the results to set your download bandwidth via `rate`:
// 160 kbps = rate 20480 (minimum) 1.5 Mbps = rate 196608 (default) 6 Mbps = rate 786432 (maximum)
// 384 kbps = rate 49152 2.0 Mbps = rate 262144 12 Mbps = Use the maximum!
// 512 kbps = rate 65536 2.5 Mbps = rate 327680 50 Mbps = Use the maximum!
// 768 kbps = rate 98304 3.0 Mbps = rate 393216 100 Mbps = Use the maximum!
// 1.0 Mbps = rate 131072 4.0 Mbps = rate 524288 Over 9000 = AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
rate 786432 // def. 196608 min. 20480 max. 786432 - Maximum Download Bandwidth in bytes per second.
cl_cmdrate 128 // def. 64 min. 10 max. 128 - Maximum Command Packets per second, sending to the Server. - DO NOT SET THIS HIGHER THAN YOUR MINIMAL FPS!
cl_updaterate 128 // def. 64 - Maximum number of Update Packets per second, received from the Server. Gets adjusted by the Servers TickRate if Server TR < cl_updaterate. Also bound to cl_cmdrate via sv_client_cmdrate_difference 0.
cl_interp_ratio 2 // def. 2 min. 1 max. 5 - Ratio of interpolation Time (values from 1 to 2 are enforced by almost all servers via the setting `sv_competitive_minspec 1`).
//cl_interp 0 // !OBSOLETE! def. 0.03125 min. 0.015625 on TR64 and min. 0.007813 on TR128 max. 0.500000 - !OBSOLETE! Used to set the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings). !OBSOLETE!
// Common interpolation values calculated via "cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterate":
// Tickrate 64: cl_interp_ratio 2 / cl_updaterate 64 = lerp 31.250 ~31.3ms interpolation time
// Tickrate 64: cl_interp_ratio 1 / cl_updaterate 64 = lerp 15.625 ~15.6ms interpolation time
// Tickrate 128: cl_interp_ratio 2 / cl_updaterate 128 = lerp 15.625 ~15.6ms interpolation time
// Tickrate 128: cl_interp_ratio 1 / cl_updaterate 128 = lerp 7.813 ~ 7.8ms interpolation time
// To use the "Tickrate 128" values (everything below 0.015626) on a local/listen server, you have to add `-tickrate 128` to your Launch Options!
net_splitrate 1 // def. 1 - Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame (use `net_showsplits 1` to see them logged to console).
net_maxroutable 1200 // def. 1200 min. 576 max. 1200 - Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'.
net_client_steamdatagram_enable_override 0 // def. 0 - 0 = Use connect method requested by GC. 1 = Always use SDR if possible. -1 = Always use direct connection to gameservers.
net_steamcnx_allowrelay 1 // def. 1 - Allow steam connections to attempt to use relay servers as fallback (best if specified on command line: +net_steamcnx_allowrelay 1)
net_steamcnx_enabled 1 // def. 1 - Use steam connections on listen server as a fallback, 2 forces use of steam connections instead of raw UDP.
mm_session_search_qos_timeout 15 // def. 15 - Max Quality of Service Timeout (no response) in seconds.
// Type `sdr` into console to get a list of all available variables to be used with the sdr command.
//sdr SDRClient_MinPingsBeforePingAccurate 10 // def. 10 - Minimum of pings to a server before the result is considered accurate. Decrease if you get constant high ping measurements to MM servers when using SDR.
//sdr SDRClient_ForceRelayCluster "" // def. "" - Code of relay cluster to use. If not empty, we will only use relays in that cluster. Replaces previous cvar "steamdatagram_client_force_relay_cluster".
// A list of all relay clusters can be retrieved from here:
// The following settings should remain untouched, leave them at their default values!
cl_interpolate 1 // def. 1 - Enables or disables interpolation on listen servers or during demo playback
cl_predict 1 // def. 1 - (client notconnected user) Perform client side prediction.
cl_predictweapons 1 // def. 1 - (client notconnected user) Perform client side prediction of weapon effects.
cl_lagcompensation 1 // def. 1 - (client notconnected user) Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events.
// fps and netgraph
// ################
//WARNING: fps_max 0 might result in long loading times on local (play against Bots) loading screens!
fps_max 400 // def. 400 min. 30 - 0=unlimited - fps limiter. Frames Per Second will be capped at this value.
fps_max_menu 120 // def. 120 min. 1 - 0=unlimited - fps limiter limiter, main menu (when not connected to a server).
cl_showfps 0 // def. 0 - Draw fps meter - 1=fps, 2=smooth(min and average), 3=server, 4=Show+LogToFile
cl_showpos 0 // def. 0 - Shows position, angle and velocity graph in the upper left corner.
net_graph 1 // def. 0 - Enables the network statistics overlay.
// 1 = Competitive/Basic Netgraph (allowed under `sv_competitive_minspec 1`).
// 2 = Advanced Netgraph (gives out more information about network status).
// 3 = Advanced Netgraph with colored graph.
net_graphtext 0 // def. 1 - Show the network statistics overlay (0 hides it, even if net_graph is > 0)
net_graphheight 48 // def. 64 - Position in pixel from the bottom of your screen.
net_graphpos 2 // def. 1 - 1=right 2=center 3=left - 0 and every value above 3 sets the distance from the left border of Your screen (depending on resolution).
net_graphproportionalfont 0 // def. 1 - 0=small font 1=normal font (scales with resolution).
net_graphmsecs 400 // def. 400 - The latency graph represents this many milliseconds.
cpu_frequency_monitoring 0 // def. 0 min. 0 max. 10 - Set CPU frequency monitoring interval in seconds. Zero means disabled.
// Sound Settings
// ##############
// If you experience problems with the sound, try these steps to fix them:
// Disable additional 3D sound processing in your sound card driver or disable Advanced 3D Audio Processing in CSGO.
// Set `snd_mix_async` from 1 (default) to 0.
// Set `snd_mixahead` to 0.025 (default) or slightly higher.
snd_mute_losefocus 0 // def. 1 - Mute Ingamesound when tabbing out of the Game.
volume 0.50 // min. 0 max. 1 - Overall Game volume.
snd_music_selection 1 // def. "1" - Tracking rotating music for players with no music packs equipped.
snd_menumusic_volume 0.00 // min. 0 max. 1 - Relative volume of main menu music.
snd_roundstart_volume 0.00 // min. 0 max. 1 - Relative volume of round start music.
snd_roundend_volume 0.10 // min. 0 max. 1 - Relative volume of round end music.
snd_mvp_volume 0.00 // min. 0 max. 1 - Relative volume of round end MVP music.
snd_deathcamera_volume 0.00 // min. 0 max. 1 - Relative volume of the death camera music.
snd_mapobjective_volume 0.00 // min. 0 max. 1 - Relative volume of map objective music.
snd_tensecondwarning_volume 0.50 // min. 0 max. 1 - Relative volume of ten second warning music.
snd_dzmusic_volume 0.00 // min. 0 max. 1 - Relative volume of DangerZone end game music.
snd_musicvolume_multiplier_inoverlay 0 // min. 0 max. 1 - Music volume multiplier when Steam Overlay is active.
snd_mute_mvp_music_live_players 1 // min. 0 max. 1 - If set, MVP music is muted if players from both teams are still alive.
cl_player_ping_mute 0 // min. 0 max. 1 - If 1, player pinging will make a sound, if 0, pings will be silent.
voice_system_enable 1 // def. 1 - Completely disable voice system when set to 0.
voice_enable 1 // Ingame voice ON / OFF - You can still transmit voice when voice_enable is set to 0!
voice_scale 0.25 // min. 0 max. 1 - Volume of incoming Voice from other players.
voice_loopback 0 // min. 0 max. 1 - Hear yourself speak when using ingame Voice.
voice_mixer_volume -1 // min. 0 max. 1 - Volume of your microphone (affects windows microphone setting, unless it is set to "-1").
voice_positional 0 // def. 0 min. 0 max. 1 - Positional Ingame Voice ON / OFF
voice_positional_seconds_after_death 6 // def. 6 min. 0 max. ? - Positional Ingame Voice persistent for X seconds after death.
voice_caster_scale 1.00 // min. 0 max. 1 - Volume of GOTV casters voice.
//voice_caster_enable 0 // Voice transmit and receive for casters, using the caster ID 0 = no caster voice.
snd_surround_speakers 0 // def. -1 - -1=Automatic 0=Headset/Headphones 2=StereoSpeakers 4=QuadSurroundSound 5=5.1SurroundSound.
snd_hwcompat 0 // def. 0 - 0 = Advanced 3D Audio Processing Enabled 1 = Advanced 3D Audio Processing disabled for compatibility with audio hardware.
snd_hrtf_distance_behind 100 // def. 100 - HRTF calculations will calculate the player as being this far behind the camera.
dsp_enhance_stereo 0 // def. 0 - Enhanced (Software 3D) Stereo Sound.
snd_mixahead 0.025 // def. 0.025 - Soundbuffer size/length (raise value if sound is "crackling").
snd_mix_async 1 // def. 1 - Sets sound to get mixed asynchronously on a different thread.
//sound_device_override "" // def. "" - ID of the sound device to use. "" = OS Default Device. Use `sound_device_list` to get a list of available sound devices.
// To finetune your sound settings, use `sv_cheats 1; snd_debug_panlaw 1` in a local Bot Match.
//Headset/Headphone settings:
snd_front_headphone_position 90 // def. 90 - Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual front left/right headphones.
snd_rear_headphone_position 90 // def. 90 - Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual rear left/right headphones.
snd_headphone_pan_exponent 1.00 // def. 1 - Specifies the exponent for the pan xfade from phone to phone if the "exp" pan law is being used.
snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight 0.75 // def. 1 - Apply cos(angle) * weight before pan law <-- Don't ask me what this exactly does, it's just the official description.
//Stereo Speaker settings:
snd_front_stereo_speaker_position 90 // def. 90 - Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual front left/right speakers.
snd_rear_stereo_speaker_position 90 // def. 90 - Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual rear left/right speakers.
snd_stereo_speaker_pan_exponent 1.50 // def. 1.5 - Specifies the exponent for the pan xfade from speaker to speaker if the "exp" pan law is being used.
snd_stereo_speaker_pan_radial_weight 0.00 // def. 0 - Apply cos(angle) * weight before pan law
//Surround Speaker settings:
snd_front_surround_speaker_position 45 // def. 45 - Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual front left/right speakers.
snd_rear_surround_speaker_position 135 // def. 135 - Specifies the position (in degrees) of the virtual rear left/right speakers.
snd_surround_speaker_pan_exponent 1.50 // def. 1.5 - Specifies the exponent for the pan xfade from speaker to speaker if the "exp" pan law is being used.
snd_surround_speaker_pan_radial_weight 0.00 // def. 0 - Apply cos(angle) * weight before pan law
snd_pitchquality 1 // def. 1
snd_ducking_off 1 // def. 1
snd_duckerattacktime 0.5 // def. 0.5
snd_duckerreleasetime 2.5 // def. 2.5
snd_duckerthreshold 0.15 // def. 0.15
snd_ducktovolume 0.55 // def. 0.55
// Viewmodel \ Weaponhand position
// ###############################
cl_righthand 1 // def. 1 - Weaponhand 1=Righthand 0=Lefthand
// Custom Viewmodel Position Settings for manually adjustment - Set `viewmodel_presetpos 0` to make them work on game start!
viewmodel_offset_x 1.5 // def. 0 min. -2 max. +2.5 - Higher values = further away from the screen center
viewmodel_offset_y 0.0 // def. 0 min. -2 max. +2 - Higher values = further away from player - Lower values=closer
viewmodel_offset_z -2.0 // def. 0 min. -2 max. +2 - Higher values = higher weapon holding position
viewmodel_fov 68 // def. 54 min. 54 max. 68 - Viewmodel rendering FieldOfView - This is NOT your games FOV!
echo "Viewmodel Preset Position:"
viewmodel_presetpos 0 // def. 1 - Viewmodel position preset: 0=Custom 1=Desktop 2=Couch 3=Classic
// (1) DESKTOP = viewmodel_offset_x 1 viewmodel_offset_y 1 viewmodel_offset_z -1 viewmodel_fow 60
// (2) COUCH = viewmodel_offset_x 0 viewmodel_offset_y 0 viewmodel_offset_z 0 viewmodel_fow 54
// (3) CLASSIC = viewmodel_offset_x 2.5 viewmodel_offset_y 0 viewmodel_offset_z -1.5 viewmodel_fow 68
// Viewmodel bobing when moving
cl_bob_lower_amt 12 // def. 21 min. 5 max. 30 - The amount the viewmodel lowers when running.
cl_bobamt_lat 0.10 // def. 0.33 min. 0.1 max. 2 - Amount the viewmodel moves side to side when running (also affects the scope "wobbling").
cl_bobamt_vert 0.10 // def. 0.14 min. 0.1 max. 2 - Amount the viewmodel moves up and down when running (also affects the scope "wobbling").
cl_bobcycle 0.98 // def. 0.98 min. 0.1 max. 2 - Frequency at which the viewmodel bobs.
// IMPORTANT: `sv_competitive_minspec 1` forces `cl_bobcycle` to `.98` so you can't use any other value on official servers including "competitive" matchmaking!
// Viewmodel Shifting when firing the Weapon
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0.50 // def. 1.50 min. 0.50 max. 2 - The amount the viewmodel shifts to the left when shooting accuracy increases.
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.25 // def. 0.75 min. 0.25 max. 2 - The amount the viewmodel shifts to the right when shooting accuracy increases.
viewmodel_recoil 0.0 // def. 1.00 min. 0.00 max. 1 - Amount of weapon recoil/aimpunch to display on viewmodel
// ##################
// The commands `spec_next` and `spec_prev` will switch to the next/previous alive player wile you are spectating.
cl_spec_mode 4 // *BROKEN* def. 0 - Spectator View Preset: 4=First Person 5=Third Person
cl_spec_stats 0 // def. 1 - Show stats screen in spectator view.
spec_hide_players 0 // def. 0 - Toggle the visibility of scoreboard players.
spec_cameraman_set_xray 1 // def. ? - Client command to change the whether the spectator is using the cameraman's X-ray or toggles it by hilself.
cl_spec_show_bindings 0 // def. 1 - Toggle the visibility of the spectator bindings.
spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds 1 // def. 1 - Use number keys for votes and when spectating, if set to 0 use the slot1, slot2, slot3, etc. Keys.
spec_xray_dropped_defusekits 1 // def. 1 - Whether to X-ray dropped defuse kits.
spec_xray_dropped_unoccluded 1 // def. 1 - Whether to always X-ray dropped c4 and defuse kits.
cl_spec_follow_grenade_key 1 // def. 0 - 0 = LeftALT, 1 = LeftSHIFT, 2 = +reload key (default "R")
cl_obs_interp_enable 0 // def. 1 - Enables interpolation (smooth transition) between observer targets.
cl_dz_playagain_auto_spectate 0 // def. 0 - Automatically switch to spectate mode after clicking the 'Play Again' button in DangerZone.
// Freezecam and death/killer panel
cl_disablefreezecam 1 // def. 0 - Disable Freezecam after You get killed.
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice 0 // If set, the clan name will be shown next to player names in the death notices.
cl_freezecameffects_showholiday 0 // *BROKEN* Happy holidays from the CS:GO team and Valve! THIS ANNOYING SHIT CAN NOT BE TURNED OFF FFS VALVE SERIOUSLY!
cl_freezecampanel_position_dynamic 1 // def. 1 - Position of the "X killed you with Y" and "Damage taken/given" panel. 0=top 1=bottom (Shr0ud uses 0 so 1 is for plebs).
spec_freeze_deathanim_time 0.8 // def. 0.8 - The time that the death cam will spend watching the player's ragdoll before going into the freeze death cam.
spec_freeze_panel_extended_time 0.0 // def. 0.0 - Time spent with the freeze panel still up after observer freeze cam is done.
spec_freeze_time 3.0 // def. 3.0 - Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_time_lock 1.0 // def. 1.0 - Time players are prevented from skipping the freeze cam
spec_freeze_traveltime 0.3 // def. 0.39 min. 0.010000 - Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam.
// Spectator replay (Gamemode Casual MM).
spec_replay_autostart 0 // def. 1 - Auto-start Killer Replay when available.
spec_replay_bot 0 // def. 0 - Enable Spectator Hltv Replay when killed by bot.
spec_replay_cam_delay 5 // def. 5 - Hltv Replay delay in seconds.
spec_replay_cam_options 0 // def. 0 - Debug options for replay cam.
spec_replay_leadup_time 5.3438 // def. 5.3438 - Replay time in seconds before the highlighted event.
spec_replay_winddown_time 2 // def. 2 - The trailing time (in seconds), of replay past the event, including fade-out.
spec_replay_message_time 9.5 // def 9.5 - How long to show the message about Killer Replay after death. The best setting is a bit shorter than spec_replay_autostart_delay + spec_replay_leadup_time + spec_replay_winddown_time
// Spectator X-Ray
spec_show_xray 1 // def. 0 - If set to 1, you can see player outlines and name IDs through walls.
spec_glow_silent_factor 0.6 // def. 0.6 min. 0 max. 1 - Lurking player xray glow scaling.
spec_glow_spike_time 0.0 // def. 0.0 min. 0 - Time for noisy player glow 'spike' to show that they made noise very recently.
spec_glow_full_time 1.0 // def. 1.0 min. 0 - Noisy players stay at full brightness for this long.
spec_glow_decay_time 2.0 // def. 2.0 min. 0 - Time to decay glow from 1.0 to spec_glow_silent_factor after spec_glow_full_time
// Misc. Settings
// ##############
// Gamma / Brightness
mat_monitorgamma 1.6 // def. 2.2 1.6=Brightest 2.6=Darkest
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled 0 // 1=TV (color range 16-235) 2=PC (color range 0-255)
r_drawtracers_firstperson 1 // def. 1 - Toggle visibility of first person bullet tracers. HELPFUL FOR BEGINNER/NOVICE players, as it gives visual feedback of the recoil when spraying!
r_dynamic 1 // def. 1 - Dynamic lighting effect from muzzle (when firing weapons) or when a grenade explodes.
mat_queue_priority 1 // def. 1 - Do not change this at all!
mat_queue_mode 2 // Multicore rendering (thread queuing).
// -1 = Default (usually selects "queued single thread").
// 0 = OFF - synchronous single thread
// 1 = ON - queued single thread
// 2 = ON - queued multithreaded
// For more information read:
cl_autowepswitch 0 // def. 1 - Automatically switch to picked up weapons if better.
closeonbuy 0 // def. 0 - Close Buymenu after every bought weapon/item.
cl_use_opens_buy_menu 0 // def. 1 - Pressing the "+use" key (default "E") will open the buy menu if in a buy zone.
cl_buywheel_nomousecentering 0 // Def. 0 - Set non-zero to prevent buy wheel from centering mouse into the wheel origin.
cl_buywheel_nonumberpurchasing 0 // Def. 0 - Set non-zero to prevent buy wheel from purchasing via number keys.
cl_playerspray_auto_apply 1 // def. 1 - Automatically apply graffiti when graffiti menu closes.
cl_quickinventory_lastinv 1 // def. 1 - If enabled, tapping and releasing the Radial Weapon Menu key (+quickinv) selects your last weapon.
option_duck_method 0 // def. 0 - DuckMode 0=hold 1=toggle
option_speed_method 0 // def. 0 - WalkMode 0=hold 1=toggle
//cl_clanid "0123456" // Set the Team Tag in front of your name.
con_enable 1 // def. 0 - Enable developer console (bind `toggleconsole` to toggle or use `openconsole` and `closeconsole`).
cl_hideserverip 0 // def. 0 - If set to 1, server IPs will be hidden in the console (except when you type 'status'). Useful for streamers.
gameinstructor_enable 0 // def. 1 - Ingame Instructions ON/OFF.
cl_showhelp 0 // def. 1 - Set to 0 to not show on-screen help dialogues.
cl_autohelp 1 // def. 1 - Disables "Switched to Burst Firemode" (and similar) Hints if set to 0.
cl_downloadfilter "none" // Filter out downloads from community servers.
// def. "all" - Allows all Downloads.
// "nosounds" - Allows map, material and model download but blocks all sound (.mp3 .wav etc.) downloads.
// "none" - Blocks all downloads (Maps, Models, Skins, Sounds).
developer 0 // Show console text output in upper left corner (not recommended, can cause performance issues).
con_filter_enable 2 // def. 0 - 1=filter text 2=highlight text - Filters or highlights console output defined with "con_filter_text".
con_filter_text "Damage Given" // Text with which to filter (or highlight) console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
con_filter_text_out "Player:" // Text to filter OUT of console spew. Set con_filter_enable 1 or 2 to activate.
cl_disablehtmlmotd 1 // def. 0 - Disable HTML motd (MessageOfTheDay) welcome Screen on server join.
cl_forcepreload 0 // def. 0 - Force Model Data to preload into cache.
engine_no_focus_sleep 20 // def. 50 - 0 = Do not slow down rendering when out of focus (tabbed out) - Reduces CPU load but can cause sound distortion (if snd_mute_losefocus = 0) when set too high.
cl_resend 2 // def. 6 min. 1.5 max. 20 - Seconds before sending a new connection request to the server (this has only effect BEFORE you actually join a server).
cl_resend_timeout 12 // def. 60 min. 1.5 max. 20000 - Total time allowed for the client to resend the 'connect' attempt.
cl_timeout 30 // def. 30 min. 4.0 max. 30 - After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will drop the connection.
lobby_default_privacy_bits2 0 // def. 1 - Lobby default permissions (0: private, 1: public)
cl_join_advertise 2 // def. 1 - Advertise joinable game in progress to Steam friends.
// 0 = Friends can only join your game when you send them a invite.
// 1 = Friends can join your game only on official servers.
// 2 = Friends can join your game on official and community servers.
cl_dm_buyrandomweapons 0 // def. 1 - Player will automatically receive a random weapon on spawn in deathmatch if this is set to 1.
cl_steamscreenshots 0 // Screenshots are automatically added to your Steam Screenshot gallery.
tv_nochat 1 // def. 0 - Hide chat between viewers when watching live matches trough GOTV (fuck that noise).
cl_mute_enemy_team 1 // def. 0 - Block all communication from players on the enemy team (and fuck that noise too).
cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party 1 // def. 0 - Mute all but friends. 0: No 1: Only in non-competitive game modes 2: Always
cl_filtertext_enabled 0 // def. 1 - Enables text chat filtering. Text filtering blocks profane words used in text chat.
mm_csgo_community_search_players_min 2 // def. 3 - When performing CSGO community matchmaking look for servers with at least so many human players.
mm_dedicated_search_maxping 50 // def. 150 min. 25 max. 350 - Highest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games.
// The ConVar `mm_dedicated_search_maxping` allows you to specify max acceptable matchmaking ping when searching for a game on official matchmaking servers.
// If there are official servers satisfying your ping setting then official matchmaking will always put you in a match hosted on those servers.
// If there are no official servers near you satisfying your ping setting then official matchmaking will put you in a match hosted on the next nearest official server, latency to which may exceed your ping setting.
cl_teamid_overhead_mode 1 // def 2. - 0 = Show teammate indicator only when in sight. 1 = Show teammate indicator trough walls and smokes. 2 = Show indicator and Loadout (same as +cl_show_team_equipment).
//cl_inventory_saved_filter2 all // !OBSOLETE! def. all - Filter Inventory Items by:
// Show All Items: all
// All Weapons: only_weapons
// Heavy: heavy
// Pistols: secondary
// Rifles: rifle
// SMGs: smg
// Knives: melee
// Gloves: clothing
// Display: flair0
// Stickers: item_definition:sticker,not_base_item
// Graffiti: spray
// Music Kits: musickit
// Contracts, Cases, Keys: not_equipment
cl_inventory_saved_sort2 inv_sort_age // def. inv_sort_age - Sort Inventory Items by:
// Aquired: inv_sort_age
// Quality: inv_sort_rarity
// Alphabetical: inv_sort_alpha
// Equip Slot: inv_sort_slot
// Collection: inv_sort_collection
// Equipped: inv_sort_equipped
player_nevershow_communityservermessage 1 // Disable the "Warning" when going to play on Community Servers.
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position topright // def. topleft - Steam overlay notification position - Available options are: topleft / topright / bottomleft / bottomright
cl_invites_only_mainmenu 1 // def. 0 - If turned on, will ignore all invites when user is playing a match.
cl_invites_only_friends 0 // def. 0 - If turned on, will ignore in-game invites from recent teammates or other non-friends.
cl_scoreboard_survivors_always_on 0 // def. 0 - Fix for calculating dead players after round end.
cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding +attack2 // def. +attack2 - Name of the binding to enable mouse selection in the scoreboard.
// Radar / HUD
cl_radar_always_centered 1 // def. 1 = Player is centered on radar. 0 = Map picture is centered on radar.
cl_radar_rotate 1 // def. 1 - Radar map turns with players view direction.
cl_radar_scale 0.3 // def. 0.7 min. 0.25 max. 1.00 - Sets the radar/map picture scale inside the radar.
cl_radar_icon_scale_min 0.8 // def. 0.6 min. 0.40 max. 1.25 - Sets the minimum icon scale on radar.
cl_teammate_colors_show 2 // def. 1 - Show teammates as separate colors in competitive MatchMaking: 0 = No, 1 = Color, 2 = Color and Letter
cl_color 4 // def. 0 min. 0 max. 4 - Set your preferred teammate color (shown on radar) in Matchmaking.
// 0 = Yellow 1 = Purple 2 = Green 3 = Blue 4 = Orange
cl_hud_radar_scale 1.15 // def. 1 min. 0.8 max. 1.3 - On screen radar size (higher = bigger).
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard 1 // def. 1 - If set, the radar will toggle to square when the scoreboard is visible.
// For some of the following options you need to double-tap ESC if you change the values trough the console while ingame, or add this to your command: ;gameui_activate; gameui_hide
// bind KEY "toggle cl_hud_color 7 4 8 3 6; gameui_activate; gameui_hide" //Change the HUD color according to your teammate color (See: cl_color) in MM, so you never forget which color you are.
// bind KEY "toggle cl_hud_background_alpha 0 .25 .5 .75 1; gameui_activate; gameui_hide"
cl_hud_color 0 // Hud Color: def. 0 = Light Yellow
// 1 = White 2 = Light Blue 3 = Blue 4 = Purple 5 = Red
// 6 = Orange 7 = Yellow 8 = Green 9 = Cyan 10 = Light Pink
cl_hud_background_alpha 0.50 // def. 0.5 Min. 0 Max. 1 - Visibility of the HUD background.
cl_showloadout 1 // def. 1 - Display current loadout permanently.
cl_hud_healthammo_style 1 // def. 0 - 1 activates a different (simple) style to show ammunition left.
cl_hud_playercount_pos 0 // def. 0 - Position of Playercount 0=Top 1=Bottom
cl_hud_playercount_showcount 1 // def. 0 - 0 = show player avatars (default), 1 = just show alive playercount number (no avatars)
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar 1 // def. 1 - Show C4 symbol below radar, additional to your inventory.
cl_draw_only_deathnotices 0 // def. 0 - 1 = Show only Crosshair and killfeed.
cl_drawhud_specvote 0 // def. 1 - 0 = Disables vote UI for spectators.
cl_drawhud_force_radar 0 // def. 0 - 1 = Force draw radar when HUD is disabled (-1 force draw no radar).
cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices 0 // def. 0 - 1 = Force draw deathnotices even if other HUD is disabled (-1 to force draw no deathnotices).
cl_hide_avatar_images 1 // def. 0 - Hide avatar images for other players. 0 = Off, 1 = Block All, 2 = Block all but friends.
cl_sanitize_player_names 0 // def. 0 - Replace names of other players with something non-offensive.
//cl_show_enemy_avatar_colors "" // devonly - Show Enemy team colours.
hud_scaling 0.85 // def. 0.85 min. 0.5 max. 0.95 - Lower values=smaller HUD (Chat, Radar, Killfeed, etc).
safezonex 1.00 // def. 1 min. 0.85 max. 1 - Hud horizontal adjustment.
safezoney 1.00 // def. 1 min. 0.85 max. 1 - Hud vertical adjustment
//voice_reset_mutelist // Command not a CVAR! Resets list of muted players.
//voice_threshold 4000 // def. 4000 (doesn't seem to do anything).
//cl_ragdoll_workaround_threshold 4 // def. 4 client - Mainly cosmetic, client-only effect: when client doesn't know the last position of another player that spawns a ragdoll, the ragdoll creation is simplified and ragdoll is created in the right place. If you increase this significantly, ragdoll positions on your client may be dramatically wrong, but it won't affect other clients.
//spec_replay_rate_base 1 // def. 1 - Base time scale of Killer Replay.Experimental.
//mat_queue_report 0 // def. 0 - Report thread stalls. Positive number will filter by stalls >= time in ms. -1
//ui_vanitysetting_team "t" // def. "" - T/CT
//ui_vanitysetting_model2 "models/player/custom_player/legacy/tm_jumpsuit_variantc.mdl"
//ui_vanitysetting_loadoutslot "smg1" // def. "" -
//ui_vanitysetting_itemid "15187125974" // def. ""
// Aliases - DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE (unless you know what you do)!
alias quti quit
alias _xa "exec autoexec" // Execute autoexec config.
alias _xt "exec practice"; alias _xp _xt // Execute training/practice config.
alias _xs "exec surf" // Execute surf config.
alias _xk "exec kz" // Execute kreedz config (with save and load).
alias _ch "exec ch" // Execute ch config (saves crosshair settings to crosshair_settings.txt).
alias _r "mp_restartgame 1" // Restart a running local game.
alias _d "disconnect; _chiken" // Immediately disconnect from any running game (you coward).
alias _prac "cl_showpos 0; sv_showimpacts 0; mp_warmup_end" // Disable showpos, bullet impact squares and ends warmup time.
alias _bh "toggle sv_autobunnyhopping; toggle sv_enablebunnyhopping" // Toggle bunnyhopping ON/OFF
alias _rec "_tv; cl_draw_only_deathnotices 1; cl_drawhud_force_radar 1; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshaircolor 1; cl_crosshairsize 3; cl_crosshairthickness 1; cl_crosshairgap 1; cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1"
alias _tv "tv_nochat 1; sv_cheats 1; spec_hide_players 1; sv_grenade_trajectory 1; snd_setmixer dialog vol 0; fog_enable 0; fog_override 1; mat_postprocess_enable 0; mat_disable_bloom 1; hud_scaling .83; sv_skyname sky_cs15_daylight01_hdr" // Better GOTV watching experience. (alternatively use skyname "vertigoBlue_hdr")
alias _dz "game_type 6; game_mode 0; map dz_blacksite" //
// mat_setvideomode [width] [height] [windowed 1/0] [optional: windowed fullscreen 1/0]
alias _olof "mat_setvideomode 1024 768 1; mat_setvideomode 1024 768 0"
alias _43 "mat_setvideomode 1280 960 1; mat_setvideomode 1280 960 0"
alias _169 "mat_setvideomode 1600 900 1; mat_setvideomode 1600 900 0"
alias _169hd "mat_setvideomode 1280 720 1; mat_setvideomode 1280 720 0"
alias _43fhd "mat_setvideomode 1440 1080 1; mat_setvideomode 1440 1080 0"
alias _169fhd "mat_setvideomode 1920 1080 1; mat_setvideomode 1920 1080 0"
alias _43qhd "mat_setvideomode 1920 1440 1; mat_setvideomode 1920 1440 0"
alias _169qhd "mat_setvideomode 2560 1440 1; mat_setvideomode 2560 1440 0"
// Get a list with more sounds here:
alias _nvgON "play items/nvg_on"; alias _chiken "play ambient/creatures/chicken_death_02"
alias _nvgOFF "play items/nvg_off"; alias _err "playvol error .3"
alias _blip "play buttons/blip1"; alias _err1 "playvol buttons/button2 .2"
alias _bibip "play buttons/blip2"; alias _err2 "playvol buttons/button8 .2"
alias _bidip "play common/warning"; alias _err3 "playvol buttons/button11 .2"
alias _dut "play common/wpn_denyselect"; alias _acc "play buttons/button1"
alias _berr "play common/wpn_moveselect"; alias _acc1 "play buttons/button3"
alias _durr "play common/wpn_select"; alias _acc2 "play buttons/button9"
alias _geiger "play player/geiger1"; alias _acc3 "play buttons/button10"
alias _geiger2 "play player/geiger2"; alias _spraycan "playvol items/spraycan_spray .3"
alias _squeek "play doors/wood_move1"; alias _canshake "playvol items/spraycan_shake .5"
alias _drawknife"play weapons/knife/knife_deploy1"; alias _lighton "playvol buttons/light_power_on_switch_01 0.5"
echo "# Kilo's Autoexec.cfg loaded."
host_writeconfig // Write config changes into the file config.cfg
echo "#"; echo "#";
_drawknife // Play a sound when the config is loaded.
// Maximum weapon slots supported in the wheel is 10
// the left most edge of slot 0 starts on the wheel here and goes around clockwise
// angle 0 is north, angle 180 is south
starting_angle 334.29
180 = 205.71 // 231.42
// 7 slots split equally is a wedge size of 51.42855
// Place slots/weapons in the order you want them to show up
// SLOT NAME // WEDGE WIDTH (must add up to 360)
MOLOTOV 77.145
//FLASHBANG 57.855
//HEGRENADE 57.855
//MOLOTOV 57.855
//UTILITY 64.29
//BOOSTS 64.29
//FLASHBANG 46.284
//HEGRENADE 46.284
//MOLOTOV 46.284
//UTILITY 64.29
//BOOSTS 64.29
//----- VALID SLOT NAMES -----//
// [slot names]
// [individual items]
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👍this is nice

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Time to update with CS2 settings?🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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KiloSwiss commented Mar 23, 2023 via email

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