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KiloSwiss / FizzBuzz.sqf
Last active November 4, 2022 19:45
Various examples of solutions to the infamous FizzBuzz test.
/* Arma3 SQF syntax - FizzBuzz examples */
// Example 1a
for "_i" from 1 to 100 /* step 1 */ do
private _string = "";
if ( _i%3 isEqualTo 0 ) then { _string = "Fizz" };
if ( _i%5 isEqualTo 0 ) then { _string = _string + "Buzz" };
if ( _string isEqualTo "" ) then { _string = str _i };
diag_log _string;
KiloSwiss / swapCarHorn.sqf
Created December 23, 2019 14:23
Swap the car horn of any vehicle (must be type "Car") with any other existing one.
// How to use when in a vehicle:
// [vehicle player, "PoliceHorn"] call KS_fnc_swapCarHorn;
// Possible Horns to select from (Note: "BikeHorn" doesn't make any sound):
// ["BikeHorn","CarHorn","TruckHorn","TruckHorn2","TruckHorn3","SportCarHorn","MiniCarHorn","AmbulanceHorn","PoliceHorn"]
// Returns "true" or "false".
KS_fnc_swapCarHorn =
KiloSwiss / Autoexec.cfg
Last active August 15, 2024 23:20
Counter-Strike Global Offensive Configs
// CS:GO autoexec.cfg by KiloSwiss - Last Update: July/31/2020
// Download from Github:
// This config is not meant to be used "out of the box", but to look up commands, ConVars and binds and to help you create your own personalized config.
// If you look for an easier way to create your own config or want to copy pro players settings, check out this Map by crashz' and MisterIO:
// Feel free to edit this file, share the link with your friends, copy parts of it into your own config or even make your own config based on it.
// I recommend that you use a text editor like "Notepad++" or "Sublime" to edit this file.