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Johannes Jäger HyCraftHD

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Log4J CVE Advisory

The Problem

Log4J has a feature called Java Naming and Directory Interface (shortened to JNDI in this document), which allows a Java program to reach out to an external source to gather data.
If you put a section of text containing ${jndi:query} into the log, the Log4J library will try to resolve the query.
This can be combined with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to connect to a remote server.

However, because JNDI is built for retrieving data, and JNDI is a Java program, if you put a JNDI query using LDAP into a log, it will connect to the given site, download a file, and then execute it.
This is called Remote Code Execution.

skyrising /
Last active August 10, 2024 13:35
Mojang Meta URLs
gigaherz /
Last active September 1, 2023 19:05
Explanation of the new tool system

So... You have updated to latest forge and harvestTool, harvestLevel, ToolType, ... are all gone. AAA PANIC!

Here's how to fix it:


First, Remove the harvestTool and harvestLevel calls from the block properties.

Then, add the blocks to the relevant tags. You can use datagen, or make the jsons yourself. Datagen is more future-proof.

alcatrazEscapee / Why Are Rivers So
Last active August 6, 2023 23:40
Why Are Rivers So Complicated?


You can now read this document / article, at It will be updated further there. The original content is still here, below

Why Are Rivers So Complicated?

Let's narrow that down a bit. This document will try to explain some of the difficulties, limitations, and possible ways to generate rivers in Minecraft. There have been many papers, articles, and other medium which have generated realistic rivers to great success. So what makes Minecraft so much more difficult, or what makes these other methodologies so difficult? And what methods have found success?

rbrick / msa.go
Last active February 9, 2024 05:02
package main
import (
Darkere /
Last active January 13, 2021 14:21
Profiling with VisualVm
  1. Download VisualVM
  2. Make sure you have a JDK installed. 2.5 When installing make sure to set the JAVA_HOME option to avoid problems. (that is JDK not JRE, if you do not develop java applications you probably don't have it)
  3. Make sure your game is in the state you want to analyze.
  4. Run VisualVM.
  5. Select the process of your game on the left. (for forge this is usually cpw.mods.modlauncher) See image below
  6. Go to the Sampler tab
  7. Wait for the button become valid and click CPU
  8. VisualVM now samples every thread in your game. Pay special attention to:
import com.mojang.datafixers.util.Function3;
import com.mojang.serialization.Codec;
import com.mojang.serialization.codecs.RecordCodecBuilder;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import java.util.List;
public class CodecExample {
public static final Codec<CodecExample> CODEC = RecordCodecBuilder.create(
instance ->
Yes, this is all registered
Yes, this is all added to the biomes
No, the create method does not work
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
public class ImageCombiner {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
if(args.length < 2){
LexManos / clean.txt
Created December 8, 2018 20:06
1.13 Announcement.
So about 1.13. As we have been stating since the public release of 1.13,
the Forge update is a time we are taking to re-write everything from the
ground up. Not just Forge, but the entire toolchain, launcher, installer,
and core of Forge is being rewritten. Every line of code is being inspected,
and re-validated. This whole process takes a while. To give you (the reader)
an idea of what has been done so far:
ForgeGradle has been rewritten to support modern gradle versions, with better tools
to be expandable and used for more than just setting up a Minecraft/Forge
dependency project. It's also much cleaner and organized this time around