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Johannes Hostert JoJoDeveloping

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JoJoDeveloping /
Last active August 23, 2024 21:33
Comparison of TB with and without a tree-compacting GC
// adapted from tiny_skia, see
extern "Rust" {
pub fn miri_get_alloc_id(ptr: *const ()) -> u64;
pub fn miri_print_borrow_state(alloc_id: u64, show_unnamed: bool);
pub fn miri_pointer_name(ptr: *const (), nth_parent: u8, name: &[u8]);
pub fn miri_run_provenance_gc();
pub fn gc() {
unsafe { miri_run_provenance_gc() }
JoJoDeveloping / Recursion.v
Last active November 22, 2023 02:48 — forked from Agnishom/Attempt1.v
Convoy Pattern + Sigma Types + Equations
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Operators.
Require Import Coq.Wellfounded.Lexicographic_Product.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Wf_nat.
Require Import Arith.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Init.Nat.
Require Import Lia.
JoJoDeveloping / UIP_extends.v
Last active June 21, 2023 00:19
A proof that UIP X implies UIP (list X)
From Coq Require Import Arith Lia List.
Definition UIP (T:Type) := forall (x y:T) (H1 H2 : x = y), H1 = H2.
Definition sigma {X:Type} {x y : X} (H : x=y) : y=x := match H in (_=z) return z=x with eq_refl _ => eq_refl end.
Definition tau {X:Type} {x y z: X} (H1 : x=y) : y=z -> x=z := match H1 in (_=w) return w=z->x=z with eq_refl _ => fun H => H end.
(* A hedberg function yields a constant path if both arguments are equal
(i.e. the output path does not depend on the input path)
Usually these are constructed using an equalitiy decider.
JoJoDeveloping / ra_eqdec.v
Created November 9, 2022 09:49
Equality-Deciding and enumerating mu-recursive functions.
Require Import Arith Lia List Bool Eqdep_dec EqdepFacts.
From Undecidability.Shared.Libs.DLW
Require Import utils_tac utils_nat utils_list finite pos vec.
From Undecidability.Synthetic Require Import Definitions DecidabilityFacts EnumerabilityFacts ListEnumerabilityFacts ReducibilityFacts.
From Undecidability Require Import Shared.ListAutomation Shared.Dec.
From Undecidability Require Import Shared.Libs.PSL.Vectors.Vectors.
Import ListAutomationNotations.
Require Import Undecidability.MuRec.recalg.
JoJoDeveloping / generated.v
Last active February 2, 2022 21:34
Unique generator ghost state
From iris.base_logic Require Import invariants.
From iris.base_logic.lib Require Import mono_nat.
From iris.heap_lang Require Import lang primitive_laws notation.
From iris.prelude Require Import options.
From iris.proofmode Require Import tactics.
(* You might need to uncomment resource_algebras in your _CoqMakefile *)
From semantics.axiomatic Require Import invariant_lib ghost_state_lib hoare_lib ra_lib ipm resource_algebras.
From semantics.axiomatic.heap_lang Require Import adequacy proofmode primitive_laws.
From semantics.axiomatic.program_logic Require Import notation.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
INFO: JVM info: Oracle Corporation - 1.8.0_242 - 25.242-b08
INFO: Adding File to context from classpath: /mnt/workfs/johannes/Minecraft/Forge/114/MCPConfig/build/libraries/net/minecraftforge/forgeflower/1.5.380.45/forgeflower-1.5.380.45.jar
INFO: Adding Archive: /mnt/workfs/johannes/Minecraft/Forge/114/MCPConfig/build/libraries/net/minecraftforge/forgeflower/1.5.380.45/forgeflower-1.5.380.45.jar
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/IDecompiledData.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/StructMember.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/match/MatchEngine.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/match/MatchNode.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/match/MatchEngine$1.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/match/MatchNode$RuleValue.class
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
INFO: JVM info: Oracle Corporation - 1.8.0_242 - 25.242-b08
INFO: Adding File to context from classpath: /mnt/workfs/johannes/Minecraft/Forge/114/MCPConfig/build/libraries/net/minecraftforge/forgeflower/1.5.380.45/forgeflower-1.5.380.45.jar
INFO: Adding Archive: /mnt/workfs/johannes/Minecraft/Forge/114/MCPConfig/build/libraries/net/minecraftforge/forgeflower/1.5.380.45/forgeflower-1.5.380.45.jar
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/IDecompiledData.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/StructMember.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/match/MatchEngine.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/match/MatchNode.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/match/MatchEngine$1.class
INFO: Loading Class: org/jetbrains/java/decompiler/struct/match/MatchNode$RuleValue.class
JoJoDeveloping / ArbeitJuli18Lösung.pdf
Last active July 15, 2021 15:38
Lösungen für die Klausur "Mathe für Informatiker II" an der Universität des Saarlandes vom Juli 2018. Diese Version wird fortlaufend aktualisiert.
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curl -O
curl -O
cp config/* .
cp ../../MinecraftForge/projects/mcp/build/mcp/mcinject/output.jar joined_srg.jar
#access.txt exceptions.txt patches
#config fields.csv static_methods.txt
#config.json joined_srg.jar methods.csv