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Last active December 29, 2022 20:46
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  • Save DamianDominoDavis/294bb729be0b84e9808c473d5966dbc5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// play Dungeon Fist
// requires: 5*X adventures, X Game Grid token, having ever played a perfect game
// yields: 30*X Gamde Grid tickets
void main(int games) {
if (games < 1) {
print("how do you fist that many?", "red");
int adv = my_adventures();
if (adv < 5) {
print("no time for fisting", "red");
int tokens = (get_property("autoSatisfyWithCloset").to_boolean())?
available_amount($item[game grid token]) : item_amount($item[game grid token]);
if (tokens < 1) {
print("purchase tokens to continue", "red");
int tickets = available_amount($item[game grid ticket]);
try for k from 1 to min(games, tokens, adv/5) {
retrieve_item($item[game grid token]);
visit_url("place.php?whichplace=arcade"); // safety visit -- Rinn
visit_url('place.php?whichplace=arcade&action=arcade_fist', false);
finally {
print(`spent {tokens - available_amount($item[game grid token])} tokens & {adv - my_adventures()} adventures`, 'blue');
print(`gained {available_amount($item[game grid ticket]) - tickets} tickets`, 'blue');
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