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"So tell me," said Reg, after they had both had a couple
of spoonsful and arrived independently at the same conclusion,
that it was not a taste explosion, "what you've been up to, my
dear chap. Something to do with computers, I understand, and
also to do with music. I thought you read English when you were
here-though only, I realise, in your spare time." He looked at
Richard significantly over the rim of his soup spoon. "Now
wait," he interrupted before Richard even had a chance to
start, "don't I vaguely remember that you had some sort of
computer when you were here? When was it? 1977?"
[+5] very pointy crown
[+5] Daylight Shavings Helmet
[+5] mushroom cap @ ~175k
[+5] leather aviator's cap @ 18.0M
[+5] Admiral's hat @ 1000M
[+4] Spelunker's fedora
[+4] Uncle Crimbo's hat
[+4] Hairpiece On Fire @ ~6.57k
[+3] psychic's circlet
boolean[string,item] loot = {
"0_outfits": $items[Crimbuccaneer tricorn,Crimbuccaneer fledges (mint),Crimbuccaneer breeches,Elf Guard patrol cap,Elf Guard hotpants,Elf Guard insignia (private)],
"1_currency": $items[Crimbuccaneer flotsam,Elf army machine parts,Elf Guard MPC,Crimbuccaneer Piece of 12],
"2_elvish_shop" : $items[mulled wine,canteen of eggnog,Swedish coffee,sugarplum ration,rum-soaked fruitcake,gingerbread nylons],
"3_pirate_shop" : $items[hot wine,flask of egggrog,Jamaican coffee,prank Crimbo card,Crimbuccaneer squirtblunderbuss,My First Paycheck envelope,barnacle-encrusted sweater,Crimbuccaneer nose ring,pet anchor,stuffed kraken,Crimbuccaneer tattoo gift certificate],
"4_others": $items[pickled bread,salted mutton,corned beet,peppermint donut,pirate encryption key alpha,pirate encryption key bravo,pirate encryption key charlie,pirate encryption key delta,military candy cane,groggipop,rigging knot,Elf Guard Field Manual: Culinary Arts (used),Cocktails of the Age of Sail (used),Elf Guard Fi
void main() {
int last_ptrack = get_property("_lastPtrack").to_int();
int track_rate = get_property("autoPtrackRate").to_int();
if (track_rate < 1) {
track_rate = 25;
print("Craptons Log defaulting to 25-turn intervals; set a different number to pref 'autoPtrackRate'",'yellow');
if (turns_played() > track_rate + last_ptrack) {
cli_execute("ptrack add " + turns_played());
// display big tradeable items, and big piles of tradeable items
int hmny(item it) {
static int[item] memory;
if (!(memory contains it))
memory[it] = it.available_amount() + it.shop_amount() + it.display_amount();
return memory[it];
void main(int show_this_many_treasures) {
// play Dungeon Fist
// requires: 5*X adventures, X Game Grid token, having ever played a perfect game
// yields: 30*X Gamde Grid tickets
void main(int games) {
if (games < 1) {
print("how do you fist that many?", "red");
int adv = my_adventures();
// identify tradeable, unused skillbooks in inventory for which you already know the skill
ashq foreach it in $items[] if (it.available_amount()>0 && it.string_modifier('Skill').to_skill() != $skill[none] && it.tradeable && it.string_modifier('Skill').to_skill().have_skill()) print(`{it.available_amount()} {it}; `)
// ==UserScript==
// @name KoL Marketplace Rediercter
// @description dead flash graphs URLs replaced with fancy html5 URLs
// @version 1.0
// @author Damian Domino Davis (#2602681)
// @match *://*
// @match *://*
// @icon
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
// identify skillbooks in inventory for which you DO NOT already know the skill
ashq foreach it in $items[] if (it.available_amount()+it.storage_amount()+it.display_amount() > 0 && it.string_modifier('Skill') != '' && !it.string_modifier('Skill').to_skill().have_skill()) print(`{it}`);
// defaults to 20 tries per goal, override with property goo_gift_limit
int limit = get_property('goo_gift_limit').to_int();
if (limit < 0)
abort(`set goo_gift_limit = 20`);
if (limit == 0)
limit = 20;
int[item] gifts = {
$item[fleshy putty]: 1,
$item[third ear]: 1,