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Last active September 5, 2024 02:25
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Updates (September 1st, 2024)

Now that I finally have a good handle on things now I wanted to give a little update as I work my way back.

  • I'm essentially working three jobs right now.
  • I've left my former "main" job. Depending on how this works out I may have free time again as I'll be work from home, kinda... I'll be able to have a console/monitor with me at "work" at the least. As time goes on my free time will go up especially after next summer. The only issue is it's a HUGE, ~50%, pay decease which effects how bad the next two points hit...
  • I may have ~$300k in taxes to pay to try and keep my late family's property in the family. That's not "tax on $300k worth of assets" but "owing $300k"
  • My computer that's been on it's last leg for a long time. Now it is randomly crashing and it appears to be a hardware issue. It's an all in one device, a Surface Pro, that's all soldered together so I can't just start swapping parts. Because of the unknown bill coming up I can't spend any money on anything non-essential. I may be moving to an RPi I have laying around for a bit, but that'll make compilation/decompilation for stuff slow/a pain so things are probably going to be slower than I'm used to working.
  • It can be up to six more months before the tax issues are 100% worked out. No new computer until that's worked out.
  • Luckily(?), it doesn't look like I missed much here publicly so I don't have a ton to catch up on, but I kinda expected that with the developmental dead end that was created in the PS4 scene.
  • Thanks to the GitHub sponsors nearly 80% of the monthly cost of the DNS servers were paid by them over the last few months, so they was able to keep running the whole time. If I haven't gotten a hold of a sponsor or something slipped through the cracks be sure to get a hold of me now (Even if you stopped sponsoring, drop me a line). I really appreciate this as it was something I didn't have to really worry about the last few months.
  • If you pinged me on Twitter/Discord/Reddit during this time I didn't see it and you'll have to do it again to get my attention.

Original Post

Lots of stuff going on in my personal life the last few months. An immediate family member went from completely independent, at the end of February, to bedridden in a two week span and given a death sentence diagnoses. Part of their wishes was minimal people knowing/visiting during the process, but they passed this Monday and the obituary was published today (Some people I know IRL know *this* is me so I couldn't post any of this before). They were a huge part of my life, a central part of my entire family, all my friends knew them, and I had seen them nearly daily since I stopped traveling for work three years ago. So this is a huge event for me. A few people in the PS community knew about it because I didn't have time to try and make some made up excuse for my absence the times I was able pop online the last few months, I appreciate they kept it to themselves (If they did... I haven't been around to see if they did).

Add to this there's been a local "natural" disaster on their property, that I'm now partially responsible for getting things fixed, that's primary cause isn't completely known. Needless to say I have had no free time and responsibilities are still piling up in a back log and I've used up all of my PTO. Unfortunately PS scene stuff is always the first thing on the chopping block as it's the only non-work/business related thing I do anymore. It's become serious enough I actually need to step away. So for the foreseeable future I'm going to be unavailable, I'll be nearly impossible to contact as Al Azif.

I plan on returning, I have too much unpublished stuff to just forget it all, I'm just not sure when I'll be able to publish/support it. If this is still pinned to my Twitter(X) profile, I'm still gone.


  • My code that's public will remain public, nothing is being deleted/privated.
  • The DNS will stay up but likely won't see updates until I'm back, luckily the new 11.00 exploit doesn't use WebKit as an entrypoint, so the DNS is just for filtering stuff vs exploits themselves for 11.00.
  • I'm going to try to make some time within the next few days to make sure everything will continue to run in my absence, that I'll be automatically alerted if something breaks, and reply to private messages that have built up over the last little while.
  • I'll contact anyone who've sponsored the DNS while I've been unable to get online to make sure they're all worked out. There's enough of my own money in the linked bank account, that with the current sponsorship supplementing it, it *should* be able to stay online nearly indefinitely.
  • This is essentially last call for joining the DNS sponsorship to get IPs whitelisted before I disappear for a while.
  • I had a big list of stuff I was hoping to publish at the end of May, I had freed up a bunch of time to try and accomplish this these last few months. The time I freed up obviously went to other things so basically nothing is ready.
  • The main thing I was working on was something akin to coldboot exploit activation. It removes the "need" for the DNS/exploit host, persists over reboots, blocks updates, ete. You just have to run the install payload once... but it requires the entrypoint for the exploit stack to be within WebKit... so the new 11.00 one can't use it, so I'll shelve it for now. Works great on 5.05 though...
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zecoxao commented May 3, 2024

good luck Al, we'll miss you :(

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Sending you my best wishes and support during this tough time.
Take care of yourself, and we'll be here when you're ready to come back. 💕

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If you ever need to talk/vent etc, you know my dm's are always open. you been a great help to me over the years and more so i consider you a close friend! ill be hoping for the best for you!!!

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Good Luck & Peace ❤️

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aldostools commented May 4, 2024

Dear @Al-Azif
My deepest condolences on the passing of your loved one. We hope that all the events that are affecting you can be resolved soon. The PS scene remains grateful for all your contributions and hope that you may one day continue your legacy. Thanks and good luck, bro!

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my sincere condolences, hope things get better for you, stay strong.

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ZixX3r commented May 4, 2024

My Condolences to you and the family of the person and Best of luck to you!

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Condolences, take care

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Evilnat commented May 4, 2024

My condolences to you and your family. Take care and I send you a big hug mate ❤

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xXxTheDarkprogramerxXx commented May 4, 2024

My condolences and prayers to you in this time ❤️ Take care and take care of yourself. And your family

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im very sorry for your hard time wish u all the best

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I’m really sorry to hear that about you my friend, My Condolences to you and the family of the person and Best of luck to you!, and wish to see you again returning to your normal life after passing all this situation soon ❤️

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SiSTR0 commented May 4, 2024

I'm very sorry, I hope you can overcome this situation as best as possible. A hug

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Scullyy commented May 4, 2024

Condolences to you and the family, take care of yourself <3

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my sincere condolences to you and your family.

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ghost commented May 6, 2024

Condolences to you and your family, Thanks for all the work you've poured in over the years

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My condolence on your loss. Take all the time you need for yourself and your family.
I am grateful for everything you have already done for the community. More will simply follow when the time comes, not sooner.

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Asharax commented Jun 4, 2024

My condolences, could be hard but try to take care of yourself too.

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lompaket commented Sep 3, 2024

welcome back

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zecoxao commented Sep 4, 2024

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Positive mind, everything you think will manifest, greetings friend.

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