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Created July 31, 2017 20:24
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module AvlTree exposing (..)
{- Using these definitions, it is impossible to construct an imbalanced binary tree -}
{- a Node encodes a single Node:
- holding a value of type `a`
- with the type of a tree of (height - 1) `t1`
- and the type of a tree of (height - 2) `t2`
type Node a t1 t2
= Left t1 a t2
| Even t1 a t1
| Right t2 a t1
{- A tree encodes a tree of arbitrary height, based again on the
type of a tree of height - 1 `t1` and height - 2 `h2
type Tree a t1 t2
= Zero t1
| Succ (Tree a (Node a t1 t2) t1)
{- an Avl tree, finally, points to an entrypoint of a `Tree` which has no parents,
so the height of its parent and grandparents is simply the unit type
type alias AvlTree a =
Tree a () ()
emptyTree : AvlTree Int
emptyTree =
Zero ()
singleEntry : AvlTree Int
singleEntry =
Succ <| Zero <| Even () 1 ()
twoEntries : AvlTree Int
twoEntries =
Succ <| Succ <| Zero <| Left (Even () 2 ()) 1 ()
twoEntriesRight : AvlTree Int
twoEntriesRight =
Succ <| Succ <| Zero <| Right () 1 (Even () 2 ())
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