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Created March 13, 2018 20:47
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Tail recursive `map` for Dict.LLRB. Slow, but hey, it works.
map : (k -> a -> b) -> Dict k a -> Dict k b
map f dict =
case dict of
Leaf ->
Node c k v l r ->
mapHelper f { key = k, color = c, value = f k v, state = Both l r } []
type Todo k a b
= Both (Dict k a) (Dict k a)
| TRight (Dict k b) (Dict k a)
| Done (Dict k b) (Dict k b)
type Doing k a b
= DLeft (Dict k a)
| DRight (Dict k b)
type alias MapAcc k b c =
{ key : k
, color : Color
, value : b
, state : c
type alias TodoMapAcc k a b =
MapAcc k b (Todo k a b)
type alias DoingMapAcc k a b =
MapAcc k b (Doing k a b)
mapHelper : (k -> a -> b) -> TodoMapAcc k a b -> List (DoingMapAcc k a b) -> Dict k b
mapHelper f acc stack =
case acc.state of
Both Leaf Leaf ->
node =
Node acc.color acc.key acc.value Leaf Leaf
case stack of
[] ->
top :: rest ->
mapHelper f { top | state = markDone node top.state } rest
Both Leaf (Node c k v l r) ->
mapHelper f
{ key = k, color = c, value = f k v, state = Both l r }
({ acc | state = DRight Leaf } :: stack)
Both (Node c k v l r) right ->
mapHelper f
{ key = k, color = c, value = f k v, state = Both l r }
({ acc | state = DLeft right } :: stack)
TRight l Leaf ->
node =
Node acc.color acc.key acc.value l Leaf
case stack of
[] ->
top :: rest ->
mapHelper f { top | state = markDone node top.state } rest
TRight left (Node c k v l r) ->
mapHelper f
{ key = k, color = c, value = f k v, state = Both l r }
({ acc | state = DRight left } :: stack)
Done l r ->
node =
Node acc.color acc.key acc.value l r
case stack of
[] ->
top :: rest ->
mapHelper f { top | state = markDone node top.state } rest
markDone : Dict k b -> Doing k a b -> Todo k a b
markDone node state =
case state of
DLeft r ->
TRight node r
DRight l ->
Done l node
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