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Last active July 22, 2019 06:35
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Bytes decoder to extract orientation info from EXIF metadata in JPEG images
module Exif exposing (Orientation, orientation)
import Bytes
import Bytes.Decode as Decode exposing (Decoder)
type Orientation
= Normal
| MirrorHorizontal
| Rotate180
| MirrorVertical
| MirrorHorizontalRotate270CW
| Rotate90CW
| MirrorHorizontalRotate90CW
| Rotate270CW
orientation : Decoder Orientation
orientation =
Decode.succeed identity
|> skip startOfImage
|> andMap marker
|> Decode.andThen handleMarker
handleMarker : Int -> Decoder Orientation
handleMarker m =
if m == 0xE1 then
Decode.succeed identity
|> skip (Decode.unsignedInt16 Bytes.BE)
|> smatch "Exif\u{0000}\u{0000}" (Decode.string 6)
|> andMap (Decode.string 2)
|> Decode.andThen toEndianness
|> Decode.andThen decodeExif
Decode.succeed identity
|> skip block
|> andMap marker
|> Decode.andThen handleMarker
decodeExif : Bytes.Endianness -> Decoder Orientation
decodeExif bo =
Decode.succeed identity
|> smatch 0x2A (Decode.unsignedInt16 bo)
|> andMap (Decode.unsignedInt32 bo)
|> (\x -> x - 8)
|> Decode.andThen skipBytes
|> Decode.andThen
(\_ ->
Decode.unsignedInt16 bo
|> Decode.andThen (\x -> Decode.loop x (decodeDirEntry bo))
decodeDirEntry : Bytes.Endianness -> Int -> Decoder (Decode.Step Int Orientation)
decodeDirEntry bo entries =
if entries <= 0 then
Decode.unsignedInt16 bo
|> Decode.andThen
(\tag ->
if tag == 0x0112 then
Decode.succeed Decode.Done
|> skip (Decode.unsignedInt16 bo)
|> skip (Decode.unsignedInt32 bo)
|> andMap (orientationFromUi16 bo)
skipBytes 10
|> (\_ -> Decode.Loop (entries - 1))
orientationFromUi16 : Bytes.Endianness -> Decoder Orientation
orientationFromUi16 bo =
Decode.unsignedInt16 bo
|> Decode.andThen
(\v ->
case v of
1 ->
Decode.succeed Normal
2 ->
Decode.succeed MirrorHorizontal
3 ->
Decode.succeed Rotate180
4 ->
Decode.succeed MirrorVertical
5 ->
Decode.succeed MirrorHorizontalRotate270CW
6 ->
Decode.succeed Rotate90CW
7 ->
Decode.succeed MirrorHorizontalRotate90CW
8 ->
Decode.succeed Rotate270CW
_ ->
toEndianness : String -> Decoder Bytes.Endianness
toEndianness mark =
if mark == "II" then
Decode.succeed Bytes.LE
else if mark == "MM" then
Decode.succeed Bytes.BE
block : Decoder ()
block =
Decode.unsignedInt16 Bytes.BE
|> (\x -> x - 2)
|> Decode.andThen skipBytes
skipBytes : Int -> Decoder ()
skipBytes x =
Decode.loop x skipBytesStep
skipBytesStep : Int -> Decoder (Decode.Step Int ())
skipBytesStep n =
if n <= 0 then
Decode.succeed (Decode.Done ())
else (always (Decode.Loop (n - 1))) ui8
startOfImage : Decoder ()
startOfImage =
Decode.succeed ()
|> smatch 0xD8 marker
marker : Decoder Int
marker =
Decode.succeed identity
|> smatch 0xFF ui8
|> andMap ui8
smatch : v -> Decoder v -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
smatch v dec =
skip (match v dec)
match : v -> Decoder v -> Decoder ()
match v dec =
(\d ->
if d == v then
Decode.succeed ()
andMap : Decoder a -> Decoder (a -> b) -> Decoder b
andMap val pipe =
Decode.map2 (<|) pipe val
skip : Decoder a -> Decoder b -> Decoder b
skip s k =
Decode.map2 always k s
ui8 : Decoder Int
ui8 =
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