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Last active May 9, 2019 01:30
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  • Save zwaldowski/2360184657889727a58aa442faf1fdf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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MobileCoreServices Swift audit
let swift = UTType.swiftSource
print(swift) // => Swift Source Code
print(swift.rawValue) // public.swift-source
print(swift.conforms(to: .sourceCode)) // => true
print(swift.declaration?[.conformsTo] as Any) // [ "public.source-code" ]
print(swift.declaringBundleURL as Any) // => /System/Library/CoreServices/MobileCoreTypes.bundle
print(swift.isDeclared) // => true
print(swift.isDynamic) // => false
print(swift.preferredTag(for: .filenameExtension) as Any) // => "swift"
print(UTType(preferredTag: "swift", for: .filenameExtension, conformingTo: nil) == swift) // => "true"
// MARK: - Extension
extension UTType: CustomStringConvertible {
static let markdown = UTType("net.daringfireball.markdown")
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
static let HEIF = UTType("public.heif")
// MARK: - Fluent URLs
extension URL {
mutating func appendPathExtension(for uti: UTType) {
guard let pathExtension = uti.preferredTag(for: .filenameExtension) else { return }
let documentsURL = try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false)
var destinationURL = documentsURL
destinationURL.appendPathExtension(for: .HEIF)
print(destinationURL) // => file:///var/mobile/data/Containers/Data/Application/C7A23B13-F375-4BDD-9586-25D93DCDB413/Documents/best-photo.heif
// MARK: - Interacting with non-audited APIs
let bestLanguages: [UTType] = [ .swiftSource, .javascript, .assemblyLanguageSource ]
let bestLanguagesForCocoa = bestLanguages as NSArray
print(bestLanguagesForCocoa) // => [ "public.swift-source", "com.netscape.javascript-source," "public.assembly-source" ]
print(type(of: bestLanguagesForCocoa[0] as! NSObject)) // => __NSCFConstantString
// MARK: -
// This must go at Modules/MobileCoreServices/module.modulemap
module MobileCoreServices {
header "MobileCoreServicesSwift.h"
link framework "MobileCoreServices"
requires swift
// This must go at Modules/MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServicesSwift.h
@import Foundation;
typedef NSString *UTTypeDefinitionKey NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM;
typedef NSString *UTTagClass NS_TYPED_ENUM;
#import <MobileCoreServices/UTType.h>
#import <MobileCoreServices/UTCoreTypes.h>
NS_INLINE _Nullable UTType __UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag2(NSString *_Nonnull tag, _Nonnull UTTagClass tagClass, _Nullable UTType conformingToUTI) {
return (__bridge_transfer UTType)UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag((__bridge CFStringRef)tagClass, (__bridge CFStringRef)tag, (__bridge CFStringRef)conformingToUTI);
NS_INLINE NSArray <UTType> *_Nonnull __UTTypeCreateAllIdentifiersForTag2(NSString *_Nonnull tag, _Nonnull UTTagClass tagClass, _Nullable UTType conformingToUTI) {
return ((__bridge_transfer NSArray *)UTTypeCreateAllIdentifiersForTag((__bridge CFStringRef)tagClass, (__bridge CFStringRef)tag, (__bridge CFStringRef)conformingToUTI)) ?: @[];
// This must go at Modules/MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.apinotes
Name: MobileCoreServices
- Name: UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag
Availability: nonswift
- Name: __UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag2
SwiftName: 'UTType.init(preferredTag:for:conformingTo:)'
- Name: UTTypeCreateAllIdentifiersForTag
Availability: nonswift
- Name: __UTTypeCreateAllIdentifiersForTag2
SwiftName: 'UTType.all(tag:for:conformingTo:)'
- Name: UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass
ResultType: 'NSString *_Nullable'
- Position: 0
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
- Position: 1
Type: 'UTTagClass _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTType.preferredTag(self:for:)'
- Name: UTTypeCopyAllTagsWithClass
ResultType: 'NSArray <UTType> *_Nullable'
- Position: 0
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
- Position: 1
Type: 'UTTagClass _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTType.allTags(self:for:)'
- Name: UTTypeEqual
Availability: nonswift
- Name: UTTypeConformsTo
- Position: 0
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
- Position: 1
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTType.conforms(self:to:)'
- Name: UTTypeCopyDescription
ResultType: 'NSString *_Nonnull'
- Position: 0
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'getter:UTType.description(self:)'
- Name: UTTypeIsDeclared
- Position: 0
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'getter:UTType.isDeclared(self:)'
- Name: UTTypeIsDynamic
- Position: 0
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'getter:UTType.isDynamic(self:)'
- Name: UTTypeCopyDeclaration
ResultType: 'NSDictionary <UTTypeDefinitionKey, id> *_Nullable'
- Position: 0
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'getter:UTType.declaration(self:)'
- Name: UTTypeCopyDeclaringBundleURL
ResultType: 'NSURL *_Nullable'
- Position: 0
Type: 'UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'getter:UTType.declaringBundleURL(self:)'
- Name: UTCreateStringForOSType
Availability: nonswift
- Name: UTGetOSTypeFromString
Availability: nonswift
- Name: kUTTypeIdentifierKey
Type: 'const UTTypeDefinitionKey _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTTypeDefinitionKey.identifier'
- Name: kUTTypeTagSpecificationKey
Type: 'const UTTypeDefinitionKey _Nonnull'
SwiftName: tagSpecification
- Name: kUTTypeConformsToKey
Type: 'const UTTypeDefinitionKey _Nonnull'
SwiftName: conformsTo
- Name: kUTTypeDescriptionKey
Type: 'const UTTypeDefinitionKey _Nonnull'
SwiftName: description
- Name: kUTTypeIconFileKey
Type: 'const UTTypeDefinitionKey _Nonnull'
SwiftName: iconFile
- Name: kUTTypeReferenceURLKey
Type: 'const UTTypeDefinitionKey _Nonnull'
SwiftName: referenceURL
- Name: kUTTypeVersionKey
Type: 'const UTTypeDefinitionKey _Nonnull'
SwiftName: version
- Name: kUTTagClassFilenameExtension
Type: 'const UTTagClass _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTagClassMIMEType
Type: 'const UTTagClass _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTagClassNSPboardType
Type: 'const UTTagClass _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTagClassOSType
Type: 'const UTTagClass _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeItem
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeContent
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeCompositeContent
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMessage
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeContact
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeArchive
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeDiskImage
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeData
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeDirectory
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeResolvable
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeSymLink
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeExecutable
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMountPoint
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAliasFile
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAliasRecord
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeURLBookmarkData
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeURL
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeFileURL
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePlainText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeUTF8PlainText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeUTF16ExternalPlainText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeUTF16PlainText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeDelimitedText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeCommaSeparatedText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeTabSeparatedText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeUTF8TabSeparatedText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeRTF
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeHTML
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeXML
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeSourceCode
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAssemblyLanguageSource
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeCSource
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeObjectiveCSource
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeSwiftSource
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeCPlusPlusSource
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeObjectiveCPlusPlusSource
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeCHeader
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeCPlusPlusHeader
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeJavaSource
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAppleScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTType.applescript'
- Name: kUTTypeOSAScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeOSAScriptBundle
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeJavaScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeShellScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePerlScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePythonScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeRubyScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePHPScript
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeJSON
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePropertyList
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeXMLPropertyList
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeBinaryPropertyList
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePDF
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeRTFD
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeFlatRTFD
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeTXNTextAndMultimediaData
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeWebArchive
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeImage
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeJPEG
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeJPEG2000
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeTIFF
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePICT
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeGIF
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePNG
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeQuickTimeImage
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTType.quicktimeImage'
- Name: kUTTypeAppleICNS
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeBMP
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeICO
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeRawImage
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeScalableVectorGraphics
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeLivePhoto
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAudiovisualContent
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMovie
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeVideo
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAudio
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeQuickTimeMovie
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMPEG
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMPEG2Video
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMPEG2TransportStream
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMP3
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMPEG4
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMPEG4Audio
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAppleProtectedMPEG4Audio
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAppleProtectedMPEG4Video
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAVIMovie
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeAudioInterchangeFileFormat
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeWaveformAudio
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeMIDIAudio
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePlaylist
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeM3UPlaylist
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTType.m3uPlaylist'
- Name: kUTTypeFolder
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeVolume
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePackage
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeBundle
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePluginBundle
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeSpotlightImporter
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeQuickLookGenerator
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeXPCService
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeFramework
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeApplication
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeApplicationBundle
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeApplicationFile
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeUnixExecutable
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeWindowsExecutable
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeJavaClass
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeJavaArchive
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeSystemPreferencesPane
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeGNUZipArchive
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeBzip2Archive
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeZipArchive
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeSpreadsheet
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypePresentation
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeDatabase
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeVCard
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeToDoItem
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeCalendarEvent
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeEmailMessage
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeInternetLocation
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeInkText
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeFont
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeBookmark
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTType3DContent
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTType.sceneContent'
- Name: kUTTypePKCS12
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
SwiftName: 'UTType.pkcs12'
- Name: kUTTypeX509Certificate
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeElectronicPublication
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
- Name: kUTTypeLog
Type: 'const UTType _Nonnull'
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