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Forked from leoherzog/*
Created March 2, 2016 07:50
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A Bash Script to Make RSS Feeds into Kindle Books

Grab a feed and make a Kindle book out of it's latest entry

This script downloads an RSS feed, assembles it's latest entry into a nice HTML file, downloads all of the assets required, generates a Kindle .mobi book with Amazon's official tool, sends me a Pushbullet notification that it worked, and uploads the .mobi book to my Dropbox.

If you wanted, you could then have a tool like this upload it to your Kindle wirelessly.


  • Copy and (below) to your working directory that you'd like the script to live
  • chmod +x
  • bash and go through it's setup
  • apt-get install -y wget libxml-xpath-perl xmlstarlet imagemagick
  • crontab -e and copy the crontab below (editing the paths to be your working directory)
  • Run once and watch the magic

Obviously, this is a bit specific to the XKCD What-If feed. If you wanted to do another, just edit the variables

# runs the script every 5m
*/5 * * * * sh /root/ >> /root/parse.log
# dependencies: wget, libxml-xpath-perl, xmlstarlet, imagemagick, and from
# clean up from any old broken jobs
rm -rf tmp
# let's go
mkdir tmp
cd tmp
wget -q -O feed.tmp $feedurl
# edit these if you want to use a different feed
# for example, engadget's feed at would be
# feedname=$(cat feed.tmp | xpath -q -e "//rss/channel/title/text()")
# entrytitle=$(cat feed.tmp | xpath -q -e "//rss/channel/item/title/text()")
# entryurl=$(cat feed.tmp | xpath -q -e "//rss/channel/item/link/text()")
# etc...
feedname=$(cat feed.tmp | xpath -q -e "//feed/title/text()")
entrytitle=$(cat feed.tmp | xpath -q -e "//feed/entry[1]/title/text()")
entryurl=$(cat feed.tmp | xpath -q -e "//feed/entry[1]/id/text()")
entrycontent=$(cat feed.tmp | xpath -q -e "//feed/entry[1]/content/text()")
entrydate=$(cat feed.tmp | xpath -q -e "//feed/entry[1]/published/text()")
entrynumber=$(echo $entryurl | cut -d/ -f4 )
# i used these to make sure i was extracting properly
#echo $feedname
#echo $entrytitle
#echo $entryurl
#echo $entrycontent
#echo $entrydate
#echo $entrynumber
# check to make sure the feed we downloaded is legit
if [ -s feed.tmp ]; then
echo "$(tput setaf 2)Fetched feed$(tput sgr0)"
echo "$(tput setaf 1)Problem fetching the feed. Quitting...$(tput sgr0)"
cd ..
rm -rf tmp
exit 1
# time to build a new html doc
echo "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /></head><body>" > tmp.html
# grab the feed's content, feed it through the xmlstarlet fixer, fix the relative img tags to be local, and change all pngs to jpgs :(
echo $entrycontent | xmlstarlet unesc | sed -e 's#src="/imgs#src="imgs#g' | sed -e 's#.png#.jpg#g' >> tmp.html
echo "<p><i>Published in <a href=\"$entryurl\" target=\"_blank\">$feedname</a> at $entrydate</i></p>" >> tmp.html
echo "</body></html>" >> tmp.html
if [ -f tmp.html ]; then
echo "$(tput setaf 2)New temporary HTML file built$(tput sgr0)"
echo "$(tput setaf 1)Problem building temporary HTML file. Quitting...$(tput sgr0)"
cd ..
rm -rf tmp
exit 1
# if there's no difference from last time to this time, clean up and exit
if cmp -s "tmp.html" "../lastfetch.html"; then
echo "$(tput setaf 3)The fetched/built html file is the same as last time. Quitting...$(tput sgr0)"
cd ..
rm -rf tmp
exit 1
# if you've reached this point in the script, then the downloaded and built file is new
# copy this new one we've built to be the "last fetched" html...
cp tmp.html ../lastfetch.html
# ...and start the mobi building process
mv tmp.html "$feedname: $entrytitle.html"
# wget all of the images from the entry page
wget --quiet --page-requisites --span-hosts --convert-links --no-directories --directory-prefix=imgs/a/$entrynumber $entryurl
# kindles suck at turning transparent pngs into jpgs
mogrify -colorspace sRGB -background white -format jpg -alpha remove imgs/a/$entrynumber/*.png
rm imgs/a/$entrynumber/*.png
# move back up, build the book with kindlegen, move the book out of tmp, and delete the tmp directory
cd ..
# download the kindlegen binary if you don't have it in the working directory
if [ ! -f kindlegen ]; then
echo "$(tput setaf 1)Kindlegen binary not found. Downloading now...$(tput sgr0)"
wget -O kindlegen.tar.gz
tar -xzf kindlegen.tar.gz -C tmp
rm kindlegen.tar.gz
mv tmp/kindlegen .
./kindlegen -c0 -o "$entrytitle".mobi tmp/"$feedname: $entrytitle.html"
mv tmp/"$entrytitle".mobi .
rm -rf tmp
if [ -f "$entrytitle".mobi ]; then
echo "$(tput setaf 2)Book built!$(tput sgr0)"
echo "$(tput setaf 1)Something went wrong!$(tput sgr0)"
exit 1
# send a pushbullet notification that it worked, if you want
pbtitle="New $feedname Article Generated"
pbbody="Article Name: $entrytitle at $entryurl"
# you'll need a pushbullet api key from
curl --silent \
--header 'Access-Token: YOUR_PUSHBULLET_API_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-binary '{"title":"'"$pbtitle"'","body":"'"$pbbody"'","type":"note"}' \
--request POST \ > /dev/null
# upload the new file to dropbox folder
./ upload "$entrytitle".mobi "/To Kindle"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)Book File Uploaded!$(tput sgr0)"
echo "$(tput setaf 2)All done!$(tput sgr0)"
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