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zorchp / clang-format.yaml
Created August 23, 2024 07:40
BasedOnStyle: Google
IndentWidth: 4
SortIncludes: false
AccessModifierOffset: -4
ContinuationIndentWidth: 4
AlignAfterOpenBracket: true
AlignOperands: true
AlignTrailingComments: true
MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 2
alias vb='vi ~/.bashrc'
alias sb='source ~/.bashrc'
alias vv="vi ~/.vimrc"
alias ll="ls -alh --color=auto"
alias grep="grep --color"
alias cd='func() { cd $1; ls;}; func'
alias ccc="cd $HOME/code/cpp_code/test_cpp/"
alias pyy="cd $HOME/code/py_code/"
alias py=python3
zorchp /
Created August 2, 2024 05:13
a full version bash prompt config
# in .bashrc
PS1_LINE='\[[\033[01;35m\]\d \t] \[\033[01;36m\]\u@\H\[\033[01;32m\] \w\[\033[00m\]\n\[\033[01;31m\]\$\[\033[00m\] '
if [ $LAST_EXIT -eq 0 ]; then
export PS1="\[\e[32m\]$LAST_EXIT\[\e[0m\] $PS1_LINE"
export PS1="\[\e[31m\]$LAST_EXIT\[\e[0m\] $PS1_LINE"
zorchp / run-in-vim.vim
Created August 1, 2024 09:26
one key to run in vim9
" use quick fix window to run
" use AsyncRun plugin
"for asyncRun
" open quickfix window auto,height
let g:asyncrun_open = 9
" bell when task done.
let g:asyncrun_bell = 1
zorchp / .latexmkrc
Last active December 1, 2023 08:29
latexmk conf for nvim and vimtex on mac
# General
# Needed for the dot2texi package which invokes GraphViz.
$latex = 'latex --shell-escape';
$xelatex = "xelatex -synctex=1 -no-pdf -interaction=nonstopmode --shell-escape %O %S";
$pdf_mode = 5;
$recorder = 1;
zorchp / macos-global.gitignore
Last active November 19, 2023 14:07
.gitignore file for MacOS
# ~/.gitignore_global
# Symlinked into ~/ as .gitignore
# written in ~/.gitconfig
# [core]
# excludesfile = /Users/zorch/.gitignore_global
# Compiled source
zorchp / run-in-nvim.lua
Last active November 19, 2023 15:23
one key to compile and run some code on nvim with lua
local function CodeRunner()
--[===[========================== Global ===========================]===]
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "InsertLeave" }, {
callback = function()
vim.fn.execute("silent! write")
-- vim.notify("Autosaved!", vim.log.levels.INFO, {})
-- for generate doc with neogen
zorchp /
Last active July 9, 2024 08:38
command-line tool for call sogou translator with pure post request
ref to
1. get cookies contains FQV
2. post with FQV
3. parse result
import os
zorchp / tiny.vimrc
Last active July 18, 2024 11:56
My tiny vimrc config for base usage.
" syntax highlight
syntax on
" show line number and relative number
set number
set relativenumber
" indent when newline
set smartindent
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "USAGE: $0 disk"
echo " e.g.: $0 Archlinux.qcow2"
exit 1
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
echo "could not open $1 : no such file"