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Created March 12, 2014 15:00
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Save zorab47/9508715 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Adaptation of the VMware adapters fix script by Oisin Grehan:
# see
# *NdisDeviceType
# The type of the device. The default value is zero, which indicates a standard
# networking device that connects to a network.
# Set *NdisDeviceType to NDIS_DEVICE_TYPE_ENDPOINT (1) if this device is an
# endpoint device and is not a true network interface that connects to a network.
# For example, you must specify NDIS_DEVICE_TYPE_ENDPOINT for devices such as
# smart phones that use a networking infrastructure to communicate to the local
# computer system but do not provide connectivity to an external network.
# Usage: run in an elevated shell (vista/longhorn) or as adminstrator (xp/2003).
# PS> .\fix-vbox-adapters.ps1
# boilerplate elevation check
$identity = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
$principal = new-object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $identity
$elevated = $principal.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)
if (-not $elevated) {
$error = "Sorry, you need to run this script"
if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -gt 5) {
$error += " in an elevated shell."
} else {
$error += " as Administrator."
throw $error
$entryName = '*NdisDeviceType'
$yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&Yes", `
"Set the '$entryName' entry for this adapter to 1."
$no = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "&No", `
"Skip this adapter."
$reset = $false
# adapters key
pushd 'hklm:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'
# ignore and continue on error
dir -ea 0 | % {
$key = $_.pspath
$desc = gp $key -name driverdesc -ea 0
if ($desc.driverdesc -eq "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter") {
write-host "`nFound adapter: $($desc.driverdesc)" -ForegroundColor White
$state = "Registry entry '$entryName' "
$entry = gp $key -name $entryName -ea 0
if ($entry -eq $null) {
$value = $null
$state = $state + "does not exist for this adapter"
} else {
$value = $entry.$entryName
if ($value -eq 1) {
$state = $state + "already exists and is set to '1'."
} else {
$state = $state + "exists, but is set to '$value', not'1'"
if ($value -eq 1) {
write-host $state -ForegroundColor White
} else {
if ($host.ui.PromptForChoice(
"`nDo you want to fix it?`n`n",
[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]@($yes, $no),
1) -eq 0) {
$reset = $true
write-host ""
if ($entry -eq $null) {
write-host -nonew "Creating $entryName entry ... "
$entry = new-itemproperty $key -name $entryName -propertytype dword -value 1
if ($entry.$entryName -eq 1) { write-host " success." } else { write-host " failed." }
} else {
write-host -nonew "Modifying $entryName entry ... "
$entry = set-itemproperty $key -name $entryName -value 1
if ($entry.$entryName -eq 1) { write-host " success." } else { write-host " failed." }
write-host ""
if ($reset) {
# if there were registry changes, disable/enable network adapters
gwmi win32_networkadapter | ? {$ -like "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter*" } | % {
# disable
write-host -nonew "Disabling $($ ... "
$result = $_.Disable()
if ($result.ReturnValue -eq -0) { write-host " success." } else { write-host " failed." }
# enable
write-host -nonew "Enabling $($ ... "
$result = $_.Enable()
if ($result.ReturnValue -eq -0) { write-host " success." } else { write-host " failed." }
} else {
write-host "No registry changes were made." -ForegroundColor White
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