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Tobias Kienzler zommuter

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zommuter / updateTimeEnv.cmd
Created December 29, 2022 20:49
Update YEAR, MONTH and DAY Windows environment variables
@echo off
REM Slight modification of
for /F "skip=1 delims=" %%F in ('
wmic PATH Win32_LocalTime GET Day^,Month^,Year /FORMAT:TABLE
') do (
for /F "tokens=1-3" %%L in ("%%F") do (
set DAY=0%%L
set MONTH=0%%M
set YEAR=%%N
zommuter /
Last active February 24, 2022 20:08


zommuter /
Created October 6, 2021 08:54 — forked from AnatomicJC/
Backup android app, data included, no root needed, with adb
for APP in $(adb shell pm list packages -3 -f | tail -n +3); do adb pull $( echo ${APP} | sed "s&^package:&&" | sed "s/=/ /" | sed 's/\r//g').apk; done

Backup android app, data included, no root needed, with adb

adb is the Android CLI tool with which you can interact with your android device, from your PC

You must enable developer mode (tap 7 times on the build version in parameters) and install adb on your PC.

Fetch application APK

Keybase proof

I hereby claim: * I am zommuter on github. * I am zommuter ( on keybase. * I have a public key ASDCi70jThcVF6L3Llj-sYBlG9tf41hSjM06rGtuxTihqQo To claim this, I am signing this object:

{   "body": {     "key": {       "eldest_kid": "0120c28bbd234e171517a2f72e58feb180651bdb5fe358528ccd3aac6b6ec538a1a90a",       "host": "",       "kid": "0120c28bbd234e171517a2f72e58feb180651bdb5fe358528ccd3aac6b6ec538a1a90a",       "uid": "a8346a8683a2b87f6db6f42cb2156a19",       "username": "zommuter"     },     "merkle_root": {       "ctime": 1567022098,       "hash": "884dd159ded78d6ba4385e36e1d7452b37b3be0aa3c5c8231ef15c75a3836a4e40b42415f7e7a6f6ec0141b564c40b06a628f7cfab244629621b15d885e586bc",       "hash_meta": "bb329d866fb419a7e7195ab903af35be74126b708f301a8a4cdf98a2b3769b3b",       "seqno": 6121726     },     "service": {       "entropy": "zvHSHsiU/RiQQKVfhlwMyCws",       "name": "github",       "username": "zommuter"     },     "type": "web_servi
echo -n Password:
read -s password
hash="$(echo -n $password | openssl sha1 -hex -r | cut -d" " -f1)"
upperCase="$(echo $hash | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')"
response=$(curl -s$prefix)
while read -r line; do
zommuter / bitcoind.service
Last active November 7, 2015 19:51 — forked from davispuh/bitcoind.service
Bitcoin-daemon service file for Systemd
Description=Bitcoin daemon serivce
ExecStart=/usr/bin/nice -n 15 /usr/bin/bitcoind
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Note: log switch off, only log_main and log_events will have logs!
--------- beginning of main
F/NDK_SUPLCLIENT_LAUNCHER( 2735): SPMSTATUS ConfigManager::FillGANSSParam(void*, SPM_GANSS_PARAM&) -- 1821: Inside the MSB of ganss
I/GNSS_ENGINE( 2731): cmd_name is StubGlonassFn, cmd_substring is 3#5
I/GNSS_ENGINE( 2731): read ini params: StubRawpowerWeight
E/INI_SO ( 2731): [ini_find_var:744]not find StubRawpowerWeight!!!, check if var in correct mode
I/GNSS_ENGINE( 2731): WARNING! can not find StubRawpowerWeight item
I/GNSS_ENGINE( 2731): read ini params: StubBdSat
msiexec /a %1 /qb TARGETDIR="%~d1%~p1%~n1" || pause
Sub OpenInNewInstance()
Dim objXLNewApp As Excel.Application
Dim doc As String
doc = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
ActiveWorkbook.Close True
Set objXLNewApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")