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Last active July 1, 2021 20:23
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ppt2aac (Powerpoint to Audio)

Intended for embedded voice recordings in powerpoint presentations. Run it with a shell script (zsh) using common binaries


This script invoked via:

./ <path to ppt(x) file (filename)>

Will produce (filename).aac in the same directory.

It will retrieve all audio recordings embedded in the presentation (voice over functionality of powerpoint, m4a file) and stitch it together into one .aac file (since .aac can be concatenated easily without transcoding).

It should work for any modern powerpoint file that is unzippable.


  1. ffpmeg
  2. unzip
set -eu
local TMP_DIR=tmp-$(date +"%s")
local OUTPUT="${1%.*}.aac"
local AUDIO_FILE_PATTERN="ppt/media/*.m4a"
[[ -f $OUTPUT ]] && return 2
unzip "$1" "$AUDIO_FILE_PATTERN" -d $TMP_DIR
for f in $(ls ${TMP_DIR}/ppt/media/*.m4a | sort -V); do ffmpeg -loglevel warning -i "$f" -f adts pipe:1 >> $OUTPUT; done
rm -rf "$TMP_DIR"
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