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Last active January 29, 2020 21:46
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Comparison between Healpy functions and a Numba-based implementation
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import math
from numba import njit, vectorize, int32, int64, float32, float64
def normalize_angle(ang):
result = ang
while result >= math.pi:
result -= 2 * math.pi
while result < 0:
result += 2 * math.pi
return result
int32(int32, float32, float32),
int32(int32, float64, float64),
int32(int64, float32, float32),
int32(int64, float64, float64),
def ang2pix(nside, theta, phi):
# Put the value of class fields in local variables to help the
# JIT compiler
nside = nside
nside_times_4 = 4 * nside
pixels_per_face = nside * nside
ncap = 2 * (pixels_per_face - nside)
npix = 12 * nside * nside
z = math.cos(theta)
z_abs = abs(z)
scaled_phi = normalize_angle(phi)
tt = phi / (0.5 * math.pi)
if z_abs <= 2 / 3:
jp = math.floor(nside * (0.5 + tt - z * 0.75))
jm = math.floor(nside * (0.5 + tt + z * 0.75))
ir = nside + 1 + jp - jm
kshift = 0
if ir % 2 == 0:
kshift = 1
ip = math.floor((jp + jm - nside + kshift + 1) / 2) + 1
if ip > nside_times_4:
ip -= nside_times_4
ipix1 = ncap + nside_times_4 * (ir - 1) + ip
tp = tt - math.floor(tt)
tmp = math.sqrt(3 * (1 - z_abs))
jp = math.floor(nside * tp * tmp)
jm = math.floor(nside * (1 - tp) * tmp)
ir = jp + jm + 1
ip = math.floor(tt * ir) + 1
if ip > 4 * ir:
ip -= 4 * ir
ipix1 = 2 * ir * (ir - 1) + ip
if z <= 0.0:
ipix1 = npix - 2 * ir * (ir + 1) + ip
return ipix1 - 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
import healpy
print("I'm checking the consistency between Numba and Healpy...")
nside_choices = 2 ** np.arange(10)
print(" testing NSIDE in {}".format(", ".join([str(x) for x in nside_choices])))
for i in range(10000):
nside = np.random.choice(nside_choices)
theta = np.random.rand() * np.pi
phi = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
assert ang2pix(nside, theta, phi) == healpy.ang2pix(
nside, theta, phi
), f"Error for NSIDE={nside}, angle is ({theta}, {phi})"
print("...done, they agree")
import timeit
for num in 10 ** np.arange(6):
num = int(num)
theta = np.random.rand(num) * np.pi
phi = np.random.rand(num) * 2 * np.pi
healpy_time = timeit.timeit(
lambda: healpy.ang2pix(num, theta, phi), number=1000
numba_time = timeit.timeit(lambda: ang2pix(num, theta, phi), number=1000)
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