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Created March 6, 2021 06:18
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Massively simple Python minifier with line number preservation (to assist debugging)
import io
import os
import sys
import token
import tokenize
def trim(source, mod):
prev_pdoc = False
prev_ttext = ''
prev_toktype = token.NEWLINE
seen_content = True
last_printed_slineno = 1
prev_slineno = -1
prev_elineno = -1
prev_scol = 0
prev_ecol = 0
indent_lvl = 0
tokgen = tokenize.generate_tokens(source.readline)
for toktype, ttext, (slineno, scol), (elineno, ecol), ltext in tokgen:
# print('%10s %-14s %-20r %r' % (
# tokenize.tok_name.get(toktype, toktype),
# f'{slineno}.{scol}-{elineno}.{ecol}',
# ttext, ltext
# ))
if slineno > prev_elineno:
prev_ecol = 0
if prev_toktype not in (token.NL, token.NEWLINE):
if prev_pdoc:
prev_ttext += '\\\n'
prev_toktype = token.NEWLINE
prev_toktype = token.NL
if toktype == token.NL and prev_toktype in (
token.NEWLINE, tokenize.COMMENT):
toktype = token.NEWLINE
print_token = False
pdoc = False
if prev_pdoc:
if toktype == token.NEWLINE:
# Docstring
elif toktype == token.STRING:
# Docstring continuation
slineno = prev_slineno
scol = prev_scol
ttext = prev_ttext + ttext
pdoc = True
# Not docstring
slineno = prev_slineno
scol = prev_scol
ttext = prev_ttext + ttext
if toktype == token.STRING and prev_toktype in (
token.INDENT, token.NEWLINE):
# Possible Docstring
pdoc = True
elif toktype == tokenize.COMMENT:
# Comment
elif toktype == tokenize.INDENT:
indent_lvl += 1
ecol = prev_ecol
seen_content = False
elif toktype == tokenize.DEDENT:
if not seen_content:
# Removal of docstring causes empty block, needs `pass`
if slineno > last_printed_slineno:
last_printed_slineno += 1
mod.write(' ' * indent_lvl)
seen_content = True
indent_lvl -= 1
ecol = prev_ecol
elif toktype in (token.NL, token.NEWLINE):
print_token = True
seen_content = True
if print_token:
if slineno > last_printed_slineno:
mod.write('\n' * (slineno - last_printed_slineno))
last_printed_slineno = slineno
if scol > prev_ecol:
# Space
if prev_toktype == token.NL:
# Unnecessary indent for continuation
elif prev_toktype in (token.NEWLINE, tokenize.INDENT,
mod.write(' ' * indent_lvl)
namelike = (token.NAME, token.NUMBER, token.STRING)
if prev_toktype in namelike and toktype in namelike:
# Necessary space between names
mod.write(' ')
elif prev_pdoc:
mod.write(' ' * indent_lvl)
last_printed_slineno += ttext.count('\n')
prev_pdoc = pdoc
prev_ttext = ttext
prev_toktype = toktype
prev_scol = scol
prev_ecol = ecol
prev_slineno = slineno
prev_elineno = elineno
def do_file(path):
mod = io.StringIO()
with open(path, 'r') as source:
trim(source, mod)
with open(path, 'w') as out:
if os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
for name in files:
if name.endswith('.py'):
do_file(os.path.join(root, name))
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