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Last active December 10, 2015 17:20
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mocha_sinon_chai TEST DEMO


TEST with Mocha, Sinon, Chai


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"scripts": {
"test": "mocha"
"dependencies": {
"chai": "^3.4.1",
"mocha": "^2.3.4",
"sinon": "^1.17.2"
'use strict';
let chai = require('chai');
chai.config.includeStack = true;
let assert = chai.assert;
var sinon = require('sinon');
var sandbox;
beforeEach(function () {
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
afterEach(function () {
describe('Sinon: spy', function () {
it('spy calledOnce', function () {
var cb = sandbox.spy();
assert(cb.calledOnce, '`cb` should only be called once');
it('spy callCount etc', function () {
var cb = sandbox.spy();
cb({ name: 'tubitv', type: 'video' });
cb(2, 4);
// called times
assert(cb.calledThrice, '`cb` should only be called 3 times');
assert.equal(cb.callCount, 3, '`cb` should only be called 3 times');
// the last call of spy function
// const lastCall = cb.getCall(3);
const lastCall = cb.lastCall;
assert.equal(lastCall.args[0], 3, 'received args when called');
// check called arguments with calledWith - has been called with
assert.isBelow(cb.withArgs(3).callCount, 2, 'Called with 3 for one time');
assert.ok(cb.calledWith(), 'Has been called with undefined');
assert.ok(cb.calledWith(2), 'Has been called with 2, with other arguments, here 4');
assert.isFalse(cb.calledWith(4), 'Called with 4');
assert.notOk(cb.calledWithExactly(2), 'Has been called with undefined');
assert.notOk(cb.alwaysCalledWith(3), 'Always called with');
assert.ok(cb.calledWithMatch({ type: 'video' }), 'Arguments contain property');
it('spy: spy existing functions/methods', function () {
const str = 'my function';
function myFun() {
return str;
let spy = sandbox.spy(myFun);
assert(spy.returned(str), `Spy should returned : ${str}`);
const split = sandbox.spy(String.prototype, 'split');
const join = sandbox.spy(Array.prototype, 'join');
const result = str.split(' ').join('_');
// check `this` value when function is called
assert(split.calledOn(str), 'Should have been called with * as this');
// return values array
assert.equal(join.returnValues[0], result, `Check returned value`);
describe('Sinon: stubs', function () {
it('stub function', function () {
const str = 'Rock with stubs';
const stub = sandbox.stub(String.prototype, 'split');
const res = str.split(' ');
assert.equal(res, undefined, 'Stubbed join should return nothing');
it('stub: custom return value when call with args', function () {
const str = 'Rock with stubs';
const STUB_RETURN = 'stub!!';
const stub = sandbox.stub(String.prototype, 'split');
stub.withArgs(' ').returns(STUB_RETURN);
const res = str.split(' ');
assert.equal(res, STUB_RETURN, 'will get stub return value on args');
describe('Fake Timer', function () {
it('Fake timer and tick', function () {
const clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers();
const spy = sandbox.spy();
setTimeout(spy, 5000);
assert.isFalse(spy.called, 'Have not been called');
assert(spy.called, 'Called after tick');
it('Called order', function () {
const clock = sandbox.useFakeTimers();
const spy1 = sandbox.spy();
const spy2 = sandbox.spy();
setTimeout(spy1, 50);
setTimeout(spy2, 30);
assert(spy2.calledBefore(spy1), 'Called after tick');
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