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Created May 28, 2014 14:15
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Experimental matplotlib plotting within wxPython.
# Zac Hester <>
# 2012-08-10
# Experimental numpy/matplotlib plotting within wxPython.
import math
import numpy
import sys
import wx
# Special-case importing of parts of matplotlib
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use( 'WXAgg' )
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg
class PlotPanel( FigureCanvasWxAgg ):
""" wx panel for plotting """
def __init__( self, parent, id = wx.ID_ANY, *args, **kwargs ):
self.figure = Figure( ( 4.0, 3.0 ), dpi = 100 )
super( PlotPanel, self ).__init__( parent,
**kwargs )
self.plot = self.figure.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )
self.pick_radius = 5
self.mpl_connect( 'pick_event', self.handlePick )
def render( self ):
""" renders/redraws the plot """
#### replace with real source of data
y = [ math.sin( ( float( i ) / 63.0 ) * 2.0 * 3.14159 )
for i in range( 64 ) ]
x = [ float( i ) / 63.0 for i in range( 64 ) ]
self.plot.plot( x, y, picker = self.pick_radius )
def setSize( self, width, height ):
""" resizes the figure """
self.figure.set_size_inches( ( float( width )
/ float( self.figure.dpi ) ),
( float( height )
/ float( self.figure.dpi ) ) )
def handlePick( self, event ):
# Picker events should include an artist attribute.
if not hasattr( event, 'artist' ):
print 'Pick event for event without artist: %s' \
% event.__class__.__name__
# Check for pick events without mouse events.
elif not hasattr( event, 'mouseevent' ):
print 'Pick event for event without mouseevent: %s' \
% event.__class__.__name__
# Check for Line2D objects selected by the picker.
elif isinstance( event.artist, matplotlib.lines.Line2D ):
xdata = event.artist.get_xdata()
ydata = event.artist.get_ydata()
# Default to the first/only data point index.
index = event.ind[ 0 ]
# Check for multiple points inside the picker hit region, and that
# the pick event populated mouse coordinates.
if ( ( len( event.ind ) > 1 )
and ( event.mouseevent.xdata is not None ) ):
# Set a tuple for the mouse data coordinates.
mdcoord = ( event.mouseevent.xdata,
event.mouseevent.ydata )
# Set an excessive radius between data points in the same
# picker hit region.
mpradius = self.pick_radius + 1.0
# Check the distances between all included data points and
# the coordinate where the mouse was clicked.
for i in event.ind:
r = self.getRadius( mdcoord,
( xdata[ i ], ydata[ i ] ) )
# Try to select the data point closest to the click.
if r < mpradius:
mpradius = r
index = i
print 'Line2D pick: %f %f' % ( xdata[ index ], ydata[ index ] )
# Check for Rectangle objects selected by the picker.
elif isinstance( event.artist, matplotlib.patches.Rectangle ):
print 'Rectangle pick: ', event.artist.patch.get_path()
# Check for Text objects selected by the picker.
elif isinstance( event.artist, matplotlib.text.Text ):
print 'Text pick: ', event.artist.text.get_text()
# This is an artist not supported by this pick handler.
print 'Pick event for unsupported artist: %s' \
% event.artist.__class__.__name__
def getRadius( self, a, b ):
""" calculate the distance between two points (array-like x,y) """
return numpy.sqrt( ( ( b[ 0 ] - a[ 0 ] ) ** 2 )
+ ( ( b[ 1 ] - a[ 1 ] ) ** 2 ) )
class PlotFrame( wx.Frame ):
""" wx frame for plotting """
def __init__( self, parent, id, title ):
""" instantiate the frame object """
# Call the parent constructor.
super( PlotFrame, self ).__init__( parent, id, title )
# Create a new plot panel.
self.plot = PlotPanel( self )
### testing
#self.plot.setSize( 640, 480 )
# Run the first render of the plot.
# Attach it to the layout.
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self.plot, flag = wx.EXPAND )
hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
hbox.Add( vbox, flag = wx.EXPAND )
self.SetAutoLayout( True )
self.SetSizer( hbox )
# Tell the sizer to resize the frame to fit its minimum dimension.
hbox.Fit( self )
# Make sure the frame was drawn the layout at least once.
class PlotApp( wx.App ):
""" wx plotting application """
def OnInit( self ):
""" handle application initialization events """
# Create the top-level frame for the application.
frame = PlotFrame( None, wx.ID_ANY, "wxPlot" )
# Ask the window manager to display it.
frame.Show( True )
# Set the frame as the application's top frame.
self.SetTopWindow( frame )
# Return success.
return True
def main( argv ):
""" Script execution entry point """
# Create the application (put stdout/stderr on the shell).
app = PlotApp( False )
# Run the application loop.
# Return success.
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit( main( sys.argv ) )
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