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Last active July 25, 2024 07:43
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  • Save zhangyoufu/6c60829af1ac61f80484c954360882a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zhangyoufu/6c60829af1ac61f80484c954360882a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download latest Go release and install to /opt
not_available() { echo -- "$1 is not available"; exit 1; }
ensure_command_available() { which -- "$1" >/dev/null && return; not_available "$1"; }
ensure_gnu_tar() { tar --version | grep -F 'GNU tar' >/dev/null || not_available 'GNU tar'; }
ensure_command_available curl
ensure_command_available jq
FILENAME=$(curl -fsSL '' | jq -r 'map(select(.stable)) | .[0].files | map(select(.os == "linux" and .arch == "amd64")) | .[0].filename')
rm -rf /opt/go
echo "Downloading ${FILENAME}"
curl -fSL "${FILENAME}" | tar --extract --gzip --directory=/opt
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