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Last active July 17, 2017 17:41
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Purescript Async
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Aff
import Control.Parallel (sequential, parallel)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class (liftEff)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, log)
type A = String
type B = String
type C = String
type D = String
type E = String
type AffConsole e a = Aff (console :: CONSOLE | e) a
getA :: forall e. String -> AffConsole e A
getA a = do
liftEff $ log "getA"
a <- later' 2000 $ pure "A"
liftEff $ log "finish getA"
pure a
getB :: forall e. String -> AffConsole e B
getB b = do
liftEff $ log "getB"
b <- later' 1000 $ pure "B"
liftEff $ log "finish getB"
pure b
getCWithAB :: forall e. A -> B -> A -> AffConsole e C
getCWithAB a b c = do
liftEff $ log "getCWithAB"
c <- later' 1000 $ pure $ a <> b <> "C"
liftEff $ log "finish getCWithAB"
pure c
getDWithB :: forall e. B -> AffConsole e D
getDWithB b = do
liftEff $ log "getDWithB"
d <- later' 3000 $ pure $ b <> "D"
liftEff $ log "finish getDWithB"
pure d
getEWithCD :: forall e. C -> D -> AffConsole e E
getEWithCD c d = do
liftEff $ log "getEWithCD"
e <- later' 2000 $ pure $ c <> d <> "E"
liftEff $ log "finish getEWithCD"
pure e
-- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
--getA |--------->
--getB |---->
--getCWithAB |---->
--getDWithB |-------------->
--getEWithCD |-------->
-- Done
-- The above chart is the async requests flow that I want.
-- I want to send `getA` and `getB` together.
-- When both of them are finished, the results of them will be used to send `getCWithAB`.
-- When `getB` is finished, its result will be used to send `getDWithB`
-- When both `getCWithAB` and `getDWithB` are finished, the results of them will be used to send `getEWithCD`
-- When `getEWithCD` is finished, return the result of E.
-- I expect the log to be
-- ```
-- * Build successful.
-- getA
-- getB
-- finish getB
-- getDWithB
-- finish getA
-- getCWithAB
-- finish getCWithAB
-- finish getDWithB
-- getEWithCD
-- finish getEWithCD
-- ```
-- But actually got this
-- ```
-- * Build successful.
-- getA
-- getB
-- getA
-- finish getB
-- finish getA
-- finish getA
-- getCWithAB
-- getB
-- finish getCWithAB
-- finish getB
-- getDWithB
-- finish getDWithB
-- getEWithCD
-- finish getEWithCD
-- ```
main = launchAff do
let aA = getA "a"
let bA = getB "b"
let cAA = sequential $ getCWithAB <$> parallel aA <*> parallel bA <*> parallel aA
cA <- cAA
let dA = bA >>= getDWithB
let eAA = sequential $ getEWithCD <$> parallel cA <*> parallel dA
eA <- eAA
e <- eA
liftEff $ log e
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